
Welcome to SamhainTrac

Samhain is a multiplatform, open source solution for centralized file integrity checking / host-based intrusion detection on POSIX systems (Unix, Linux, Cygwin/Windows). It has been designed to monitor multiple hosts with potentially different operating systems from a central location, although it can also be used as standalone application on a single host.

This is the bug/issue tracking system and developer area for Samhain.

Other Points of Interest

For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.

SVN access

    svn checkout svn://

In order to compile source from the svn repository, you need autoconf (all Linux distros provide an autoconf package):

    cd trunk
    ./configure && make
Last modified 5 months ago Last modified on Nov 13, 2024, 2:46:38 PM
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