8 years |
katerina |
Fix for ticket #419 (broken SetSocketPassword authentication).
10 years |
katerina |
Enhancements and fixes for tickets #374, #375, #376, #377, #378, and #379.
12 years |
katerina |
Fix for ticket #325 (samhainctl probe command).
13 years |
katerina |
Fix for ticket #281 (warnings from clang static analyzer).
13 years |
katerina |
Fix for ticket #267 (Multiple compiler warnings with gcc 4.6.1).
14 years |
katerina |
Fix for ticket #236 (blocking on NFS mounts).
14 years |
katerina |
Support for IPv6 (ticket #222).
15 years |
katerina |
Fixes tickets #190, #191, #192, #193, and #194.
15 years |
katerina |
Fix bug with tracking of client reload status (ticket #188).
15 years |
katerina |
Enhance logfile monitoring (tickets #183, #184, #185).
15 years |
katerina |
Fix for ticket #182 (too many UID/GID lookups).
15 years |
katerina |
Add code to check for stale file records on close() and fclose(), fix …
16 years |
katerina |
Implement server->client SCAN command to run file check on demand.
17 years |
katerina |
Fix for compile failure on Fedora 9 (ticket #115).
17 years |
katerina |
Plenty of compiler warnings fixed, SQL query length fixed, doc update.
17 years |
rainer |
Make utility functions thread-safe.
18 years |
rainer |
Fix for ticket #74 (local DoS attack on yule on BSD systems lacking …
19 years |
rainer |
Fix for the fix in revision 48. Released as 2.2.1c
19 years |
rainer |
Fix x86_64 build failure with gcc 4.x (as well as some gcc 4.x warnings)
19 years |
rainer |
Fix for tickets #13, #14, #15, #16, #17
19 years |
rainer |
Code cleanup and minor fixes
19 years |
rainer |
Minor code revisions.
19 years |
katerina |
Initial import