# # ChangeLog for trunk/src/cutest_zAVLTree.c # # Generated by Trac 1.5.3 # Feb 21, 2025, 1:33:00 PM Sun, 30 Oct 2011 08:03:25 GMT katerina [366] * trunk/src/cutest_zAVLTree.c (modified) Fix for ticket #270 (Unit tests for numeric key for AVL tree). Thu, 20 Oct 2011 23:08:28 GMT katerina [363] * trunk/include/sh_inotify.h (modified) * trunk/include/zAVLTree.h (modified) * trunk/src/cutest_zAVLTree.c (modified) * trunk/src/sh_files.c (modified) * trunk/src/sh_forward.c (modified) * trunk/src/sh_log_evalrule.c (modified) * trunk/src/sh_log_mark.c (modified) * trunk/src/sh_nmail.c (modified) * trunk/src/sh_utmp.c (modified) * trunk/src/zAVLTree.c (modified) Change zAVL implementation to allow integer keys. Sat, 28 Jan 2006 11:15:30 GMT katerina [17] * trunk/include/CuTest.h (added) * trunk/src/CuTest.c (added) * trunk/src/cutest_sh_tiger0.c (added) * trunk/src/cutest_sh_tools.c (added) * trunk/src/cutest_zAVLTree.c (added) * trunk/src/make-tests.sh (added) * trunk/src/sh_tiger1.s (added) Optimized version of tiger algorithm, and basic ingredients for unit ...