12 years |
katerina |
Fix for ticket #335 (warn if buffer for group reading is too small).
13 years |
katerina |
Enhancements for ticket #312 (logrotate) and #313 (--enable-suid).
15 years |
katerina |
Fixes tickets #190, #191, #192, #193, and #194.
15 years |
katerina |
Add code to check for stale file records on close() and fclose(), fix …
15 years |
katerina |
Code to track down originating site for ticket #163.
16 years |
katerina |
Improved diagnostics for the 'Not accessible' bug
16 years |
katerina |
Rewrite mail subsystem for more flexibility (closes ticket #141).
16 years |
katerina |
Lock baseline database (ticket #139) and allow list as input for …
16 years |
katerina |
New option SetDropCache ([false]/true) to drop checksummed files from …
16 years |
katerina |
Fixes for cygwin, and improved error diagnostics (tickets #126, #127, …
16 years |
katerina |
Constness patch by Joe MacDonald
16 years |
katerina |
Support for logfile monitoring (ticket #122). Also improved some …
17 years |
katerina |
Fix for tickets #112, #113 (dnmalloc deadlock on fork, hostname …
17 years |
katerina |
Plenty of compiler warnings fixed, SQL query length fixed, doc update.
17 years |
katerina |
Fixes for tickes #93 to #104 (yes, big commit, bad, bad,...).
17 years |
katerina |
First parts of changes for MODI_TXT
17 years |
katerina |
Put result vector of rng in skey struct, fix HP-UX compile error.
17 years |
katerina |
Make sh_hash.c thread-safe, remove plenty of tiny allocations, improve …
17 years |
rainer |
More fixes for compile and runtime errors.
17 years |
rainer |
Use thread-safe libc functions.
18 years |
rainer |
Fix for ticket #38 (csv escaping) and #39 (building on cygwin). Also …
19 years |
rainer |
Code cleanup and minor fixes
19 years |
rainer |
Enable command-line parsing for prelude, and make prelude regression …
19 years |
rainer |
Minor optimisations for server
19 years |
rainer |
minor optimisations for speed
19 years |
katerina |
Initial import