/* SAMHAIN file system integrity testing */ /* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Rainer Wichmann */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */ /* and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as */ /* published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config_xor.h" #include #include #include #include /* Must be early on FreeBSD */ #include #include #include #include #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME #include #include #else #if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #else #include #endif #endif #include #include #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER #include "samhain.h" #include "sh_tools.h" #include "sh_utils.h" #include "sh_ipvx.h" #undef FIL__ #define FIL__ _("sh_xfer_syslog.c") #ifdef INET_SYSLOG extern void sh_xfer_printerr(char * str, int errnum, unsigned int port, int line); extern int sh_xfer_syslog_sock[SH_SOCKMAX]; extern int sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n; extern int SH_MINSOCK; /* Unlike Linux / FreeBSD, most systems don't define the stuff below * in syslog.h */ #ifndef LOG_FAC #define LOG_FAC(p) (((p) & LOG_FACMASK) >> 3) #endif #ifndef LOG_PRI #define LOG_PRI(p) ((p) & LOG_PRIMASK) #endif typedef struct sh_code { char *c_name; int c_val; } SH_CODE; SH_CODE sh_facilitynames[] = { #ifdef LOG_AUTH { N_("auth"), LOG_AUTH }, #endif #ifdef LOG_AUTHPRIV { N_("authpriv"), LOG_AUTHPRIV }, #endif #ifdef LOG_CRON { N_("cron"), LOG_CRON }, #endif #ifdef LOG_DAEMON { N_("daemon"), LOG_DAEMON }, #endif #ifdef LOG_FTP { N_("ftp"), LOG_FTP }, #endif #ifdef LOG_KERN { N_("kern"), LOG_KERN }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LPR { N_("lpr"), LOG_LPR }, #endif #ifdef LOG_MAIL { N_("mail"), LOG_MAIL }, #endif #ifdef INTERNAL_MARK { N_("mark"), INTERNAL_MARK }, /* INTERNAL */ #endif #ifdef LOG_NEWS { N_("news"), LOG_NEWS }, #endif #ifdef LOG_AUTH { N_("security"), LOG_AUTH }, /* DEPRECATED */ #endif #ifdef LOG_SYSLOG { N_("syslog"), LOG_SYSLOG }, #endif #ifdef LOG_USER { N_("user"), LOG_USER }, #endif #ifdef LOG_UUCP { N_("uucp"), LOG_UUCP }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LOCAL0 { N_("local0"), LOG_LOCAL0 }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LOCAL1 { N_("local1"), LOG_LOCAL1 }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LOCAL2 { N_("local2"), LOG_LOCAL2 }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LOCAL3 { N_("local3"), LOG_LOCAL3 }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LOCAL4 { N_("local4"), LOG_LOCAL4 }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LOCAL5 { N_("local5"), LOG_LOCAL5 }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LOCAL6 { N_("local6"), LOG_LOCAL6 }, #endif #ifdef LOG_LOCAL7 { N_("local7"), LOG_LOCAL7 }, #endif { NULL, -1 } }; SH_CODE sh_prioritynames[] = { #ifdef LOG_ALERT { N_("alert"), LOG_ALERT }, #endif #ifdef LOG_CRIT { N_("crit"), LOG_CRIT }, #endif #ifdef LOG_DEBUG { N_("debug"), LOG_DEBUG }, #endif #ifdef LOG_EMERG { N_("emerg"), LOG_EMERG }, #endif #ifdef LOG_ERR { N_("err"), LOG_ERR }, #endif #ifdef LOG_ERR { N_("error"), LOG_ERR }, /* DEPRECATED */ #endif #ifdef LOG_INFO { N_("info"), LOG_INFO }, #endif #ifdef INTERNAL_NOPRI { N_("none"), INTERNAL_NOPRI }, /* INTERNAL */ #endif #ifdef LOG_NOTICE { N_("notice"), LOG_NOTICE }, #endif #ifdef LOG_EMERG { N_("panic"), LOG_EMERG }, /* DEPRECATED */ #endif #ifdef LOG_WARNING { N_("warn"), LOG_WARNING }, /* DEPRECATED */ #endif #ifdef LOG_WARNING { N_("warning"), LOG_WARNING }, #endif { NULL, -1 } }; static int enable_syslog_socket = S_FALSE; int sh_xfer_recv_syslog_socket (int fd) { static time_t return_next = 0; int priority = 0; int fac, pri; int i; char * cfac = NULL; char * cpri = NULL; int res; char * tmp; char * bptr; char * ptr = NULL; char buf[1048]; struct sockaddr_in from; char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; struct sh_sockaddr ss; struct sockaddr * sa = (struct sockaddr *) &from; char namebuf[SH_BUFSIZE]; /* The 6th argument in recvfrom is *socklen_t in Linux and *BSD, * but *int everywhere else. Because socklen_t is unsigned int, there * should be no problem as long as sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) < INT_MAX ... */ unsigned int fromlen = sizeof(from); if (enable_syslog_socket == S_FALSE) return 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_recv_syslog_socket")); if (return_next > 0) { if ( (time(NULL) - return_next) < 2) SL_RETURN( 0, _("sh_xfer_recv_syslog_socket")); else return_next = 0; } res = recvfrom(fd, buf, 1047, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen); sh_ipvx_save(&ss, sa->sa_family, (struct sockaddr *) &from); sh_ipvx_ntoa(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), &ss); if (res > 0) { res = (res < 1047) ? res : 1047; buf[res] = '\0'; if (res > 1 && buf[res-1] == '\n') buf[res-1] = '\0'; /* here we expect an xml formatted message, thus we don't escape xml special chars (flag == 0) */ /* commented out to not escape twice */ /* bptr = sh_tools_safe_name(buf, 0); */ bptr = buf; if (!bptr || !(*bptr)) { res = errno; TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), res)); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, res, MSG_ERR_SYSLOG, sh_error_message(res, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), namebuf); SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_recv_syslog_socket")); } TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), namebuf )); ptr = bptr; i = 0; if (*ptr == '<') { ++ptr; ++i; while (i < res && (unsigned char) *ptr > 47 && (unsigned char) *ptr < 58) { priority = 10 * priority + (*ptr - '0'); ++ptr; ++i; } if (*ptr == '>') ++ptr; } fac = LOG_FAC(priority); i = 0; while (sh_facilitynames[i].c_name != NULL) { if (sh_facilitynames[i].c_val == (fac<<3)) { cfac = sh_util_strdup(_(sh_facilitynames[i].c_name)); break; } ++i; } pri = LOG_PRI(priority); i = 0; while (sh_prioritynames[i].c_name != NULL) { if (sh_prioritynames[i].c_val == pri) { cpri = sh_util_strdup(_(sh_prioritynames[i].c_name)); break; } ++i; } /* here we do not expect an xml formatted message, thus we escape xml special chars (flag == 1) */ tmp = sh_tools_safe_name (ptr, 1); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_INET_SYSLOG, namebuf, (cfac == NULL) ? _("none") : cfac, (cpri == NULL) ? _("none") : cpri, (tmp == NULL) ? _("none") : tmp); if (cfac != NULL) SH_FREE(cfac); if (cpri != NULL) SH_FREE(cpri); SH_FREE(tmp); /* SH_FREE(bptr); */ } else if (res < 0 && errno != EINTR) { res = errno; TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), res)); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, res, MSG_ERR_SYSLOG, sh_error_message(res, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), namebuf); /* don't accept anything the next 2 seconds */ return_next = time(NULL); SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_recv_syslog_socket")); } SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_xfer_recv_syslog_socket")); } int set_syslog_active(const char * c) { return sh_util_flagval(c, &enable_syslog_socket); } static int do_syslog_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol, struct sockaddr * sa, int salen) { int flag = 1; /* non-zero to enable an option */ int sock; int errnum; int res; /* create the socket, bind() it and listen() */ sock = socket(domain, type, protocol); if (sock < 0) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("syslog socket"), errnum, 514, __LINE__); return -1; } (void) retry_fcntl( FIL__, __LINE__, sock, F_SETFD, 1 ); if ( setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *) &flag, sizeof(flag)) < 0 ) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("syslog setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR"), errnum, 514, __LINE__); return -1; } #if defined(SO_BSDCOMPAT) if ( setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BSDCOMPAT, (void *) &flag, sizeof(flag)) < 0 ) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("syslog setsockopt SO_BSDCOMPAT"), errnum, 514, __LINE__); return -1; } #endif res = bind(sock, sa, salen); if ( res < 0) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("syslog bind"), errnum, 514, __LINE__); sl_close_fd(FIL__, __LINE__, sock); return -1; } return sock; } /* callerFlag == S_TRUE means override the enable_syslog_socket flag */ int sh_xfer_create_syslog_socket (int callerFlag) { int sock; #if defined(USE_IPVX) struct addrinfo *ai; struct addrinfo *p; struct addrinfo hints; #else struct sockaddr_in addr; int addrlen = sizeof(addr); #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_create_syslog_socket")); if (callerFlag == S_FALSE) { if (enable_syslog_socket == S_FALSE && sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n > 0) { /* user does not wish to use this facility */ TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); for (sock = 0; sock < sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n; ++sock) { sl_close_fd(FIL__, __LINE__, sh_xfer_syslog_sock[sock]); sh_xfer_syslog_sock[0] = -1; } } SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_xfer_create_syslog_socket")); } sh_xfer_printerr (NULL, 0, 514, __LINE__); #if !defined(USE_IPVX) memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(514); sock = do_syslog_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, addrlen); if (sock >= 0) { sh_xfer_syslog_sock[0] = sock; sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n = 1; } #else memset (&hints, '\0', sizeof (hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE | AI_ADDRCONFIG; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; if (getaddrinfo (NULL, "syslog", &hints, &ai) != 0) { int errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("getaddrinfo"), errnum, 514, __LINE__); SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_xfer_create_syslog_socket")); } p = ai; while (p != NULL && sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n < SH_SOCKMAX) { sock = do_syslog_socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen); if (sock >= 0) { if (sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n < SH_SOCKMAX) { sh_xfer_syslog_sock[sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n] = sock; ++sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n; } else { sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, sock); } } else if (sock == -1) { freeaddrinfo (ai); goto end; } p = p->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo (ai); end: #endif if (sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n > 1) SH_MINSOCK += (sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n - 1); SL_RETURN((sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n), _("sh_xfer_create_syslog_socket")); } /* #ifdef INET_SYSLOG */ #endif /* #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER */ #endif