/* SAMHAIN file system integrity testing */ /* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Rainer Wichmann */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */ /* and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as */ /* published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config_xor.h" #include #include #include #include /* Must be early on FreeBSD */ #include /* must be .le. than (1020 * 64) * (see sh_tools.c -- put_header) * * also: must be (N * 16), otherwise * binary files cannot be transferred encrypted * * 65280 = (1020*64) * #define TRANS_BYTES 8000 V0.8 */ #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT #define TRANS_BYTES 65120 #else #define TRANS_BYTES 65280 #endif /* timeout for session key */ #define TIMEOUT_KEY 7200 /* max time between connection attempts */ #define TIMEOUT_CON 2048 /* #undef SRP_DEBUG */ /* #define SRP_DEBUG */ #ifdef HAVE_MEMORY_H #include #endif #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME #include #include #else #if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #else #include #endif #endif /* #ifdef TM_IN_SYS_TIME #include #else #include #endif */ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifndef FD_SET #define NFDBITS 32 #define FD_SET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] |= (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #define FD_CLR(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] &= ~(1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #define FD_ISSET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] & (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #endif /* !FD_SET */ #ifndef FD_SETSIZE #define FD_SETSIZE 32 #endif #ifndef FD_ZERO #define FD_ZERO(p) memset((char *)(p), 0, sizeof(*(p))) #endif #if defined(HAVE_MLOCK) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_MLOCK) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifndef S_SPLINT_S #include #endif #include "sh_ipvx.h" #include "samhain.h" #include "sh_tiger.h" #include "sh_utils.h" #include "sh_unix.h" #include "sh_xfer.h" #include "sh_srp.h" #include "sh_fifo.h" #include "sh_tools.h" #include "sh_entropy.h" #include "sh_html.h" #include "sh_nmail.h" #include "sh_socket.h" #define SH_NEED_GETHOSTBYXXX #include "sh_static.h" #include "sh_guid.h" #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT #include "rijndael-api-fst.h" char * sh_tools_makePack (unsigned char * header, int flag, char * payload, unsigned long payload_size, keyInstance * keyInstE); char * sh_tools_revertPack (unsigned char * header, int flag, char * message, keyInstance * keyInstE, unsigned long message_size); #endif /* define this if you want to debug the client/server communication */ /* #define SH_DBG_PROT 1 */ #ifdef SH_DBG_PROT #define SH_SHOWPROT(c,d) sh_tools_show_header((c), (d)) #else #define SH_SHOWPROT(c,d) #endif /* the port client will be connecting to */ #ifndef SH_DEFAULT_PORT #define SH_DEFAULT_PORT 49777 #endif #ifndef SH_SELECT_REPEAT #define SH_SELECT_REPEAT 60 #endif #ifndef SH_HEADER_SIZE #define SH_HEADER_SIZE 7 #endif #ifndef SH_CHALLENGE_SIZE #define SH_CHALLENGE_SIZE 9 #endif #undef FIL__ #define FIL__ _("sh_xfer_server.c") int clt_class = (-1); extern int flag_err_debug; extern int flag_err_info; #if defined (SH_WITH_SERVER) #if defined(WITH_TRACE) || defined(WITH_TPT) extern char * hu_trans(const char * ihu); #endif extern unsigned int ServerPort; #if !defined(USE_SRP_PROTOCOL) extern void sh_passwd (char * salt, char * password, char * nounce, char *hash); #endif static int StripDomain = S_TRUE; int sh_xfer_set_strip (const char * str) { static int fromcl = 0; if (fromcl == 1) return 0; else return (sh_util_flagval(str, &StripDomain)); } static char * sh_strip_domain (char *name) { char * out = NULL; SL_ENTER(_("sh_strip_domain")); if (StripDomain == S_FALSE || strchr(name, '.') == NULL) { out = sh_util_strdup(name); SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_strip_domain")); } else { /* check whether it is in dotted number format * --> last part must be kept */ if (0 != sh_ipvx_is_numeric(name)) { out = sh_util_strdup(name); SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_strip_domain")); } else { char * p; out = sh_util_strdup(name); p = strchr(out, '.'); if (p) *p = '\0'; SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_strip_domain")); } } SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_strip_domain")); } #ifndef USE_SRP_PROTOCOL int sh_xfer_make_client (const char * str) { /* char * safer; */ char key[KEY_LEN+1]; unsigned char in[PW_LEN+1]; int i = 0, j, k, l = 0; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; if (sl_strlen(str) != (PW_LEN * 2)) { fprintf(stderr, _("Input must be a %d digit hexadecimal number"\ " (only 0-9, a-f, A-F allowed in input)\n"), (PW_LEN * 2)); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (i < (PW_LEN * 2)) { k = sh_util_hexchar(str[i]); j = sh_util_hexchar(str[i+1]); if (k != -1 && j != -1) { in[l] = (k * 16 + j); ++l; i+= 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid char %c\n"), str[i]); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } in[PW_LEN] = '\0'; sl_strlcpy ((char *)key, sh_tiger_hash ((char*)in, TIGER_DATA, PW_LEN, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); key[KEY_LEN] = '\0'; fprintf(stdout, _("Client entry: Client=HOSTNAME@00000000@%s\n"), key); fflush(stdout); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return 0; } #else int sh_xfer_make_client (const char * str) { char * foo_v; char salt[17]; char key[KEY_LEN+1]; char in[PW_LEN]; int i = 0, j, k, l = 0; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; if (sl_strlen(str) != (PW_LEN*2)) { fprintf(stderr, _("Input must be a %d digit hexadecimal number"\ " (only 0-9, a-f, A-F allowed in input)\n"), (PW_LEN*2)); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (i < (PW_LEN*2)) { k = sh_util_hexchar(str[i]); j = sh_util_hexchar(str[i+1]); if (k != -1 && j != -1) { in[l] = (k * 16 + j); ++l; i+= 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid char %c\n"), str[i]); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (0 == sh_srp_init()) { sh_util_keyinit(key, KEY_LEN); sl_strlcpy(salt, sh_tiger_hash(key, TIGER_DATA, KEY_LEN, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), 17); sh_srp_x (salt, in); foo_v = sh_srp_verifier (); fprintf(stdout, _("Client=HOSTNAME@%s@%s\n"), salt, foo_v); fflush(stdout); SH_FREE(foo_v); sh_srp_exit(); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } fprintf(stdout, "%s",_("ERROR initializing BigNum library.\n")); fflush (stdout); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); return -1; } #endif int sh_xfer_create_password (const char * dummy) { UINT32 val[2]; char output[KEY_LEN+1]; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; val[0] = taus_get (); val[1] = taus_get (); sl_strlcpy (output, sh_tiger_hash((char *)(&val[0]), TIGER_DATA, 2*sizeof(UINT32), hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN); output[16] = '\0'; fprintf(stdout, _("%s\n"), output); fflush (stdout); if (dummy) _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); else _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return (0); /* avoid compiler warning */ } /* #if defined (SH_WITH_SERVER) */ #endif /************************************************** * * * S E R V E R * * ***************************************************/ #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER #include "sh_readconf.h" #define CONN_FREE 0 #define CONN_READING 1 #define CONN_SENDING 2 #define CONN_PAUSE 3 #define CONN_BUSY 4 char * clt_stat[] = { N_("Inactive"), N_("Started"), N_("ILLEGAL"), N_("FAILED"), N_("Exited"), N_("PANIC"), N_("POLICY"), N_("File_transfer"), N_("Message"), N_("TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED"), N_("Suspended"), N_("Filecheck"), }; #include /* in sh_html.h: * typedef struct client_entry { * } client_t; */ #include "zAVLTree.h" static char * sh_tolower (char * s) { char * ret = s; if (s) { for (; *s; ++s) { *s = tolower((unsigned char) *s); } } return ret; } /* Function to return the key for indexing * the argument */ zAVLKey sh_avl_key (void const * arg) { const client_t * sa = (const client_t *) arg; return (zAVLKey) sa->hostname; } zAVLTree * all_clients = NULL; void sh_xfer_html_write() { SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_html_write")); sh_html_write(all_clients); SL_RET0(_("sh_xfer_html_write")); } int sh_xfer_use_clt_class (const char * c) { int i; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_use_clt_class")); i = sh_util_flagval(c, &(sh.flag.client_class)); SL_RETURN(i, _("sh_xfer_use_clt_class")); } int sh_xfer_use_clt_sev (const char * c) { int i; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_use_clt_sev")); i = sh_util_flagval(c, &(sh.flag.client_severity)); SL_RETURN(i, _("sh_xfer_use_clt_sev")); } /* the destructor */ void free_client(void * inptr) { client_t * here; SL_ENTER(_("free_client")); if (inptr == NULL) SL_RET0(_("free_client")); else here = (client_t *) inptr; if (here->hostname != NULL) SH_FREE(here->hostname); if (here->salt != NULL) SH_FREE(here->salt); if (here->verifier != NULL) SH_FREE(here->verifier); SH_FREE(here); SL_RET0(_("free_client")); } int sh_xfer_register_client (const char * str) { client_t * newclt; client_t * testclt; const char * ptr; int sepnum = 0; int sep[2]; register int i = 0; int siz_str = 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_register_client")); ptr = str; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == '@' && sepnum < 2 ) { sep[sepnum] = i; ++sepnum; } ++ptr; ++i; } if (all_clients == NULL) { all_clients = zAVLAllocTree (sh_avl_key, zAVL_KEY_STRING); if (all_clients == NULL) { (void) safe_logger (0, 0, NULL); aud__exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } } if ((sepnum == 2) && (sep[0] > 0) && (sep[1] > sep[0])) { newclt = SH_ALLOC (sizeof(client_t)); newclt->hostname = SH_ALLOC (sep[0]+1); newclt->salt = SH_ALLOC (sep[1]-sep[0]); newclt->verifier = SH_ALLOC (sl_strlen(str)-sep[1]+1); newclt->exit_flag = 0; newclt->dead_flag = 0; #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT newclt->encf_flag = SH_PROTO_ENC; newclt->ency_flag = SH_PROTO_ENC; #else newclt->encf_flag = 0; newclt->ency_flag = 0; #endif newclt->ivst_flag = 0; newclt->session_key[0] = '\0'; newclt->last_connect = (time_t) 0; newclt->session_key_timer = (time_t) 0; newclt->status_now = CLT_INACTIVE; for (i = 0; i < CLT_MAX; ++i) newclt->status_arr[i] = CLT_INACTIVE; (void) sh_unix_time(0, newclt->timestamp[CLT_INACTIVE], TIM_MAX); /* truncate */ sl_strlcpy(newclt->hostname, &str[0], sep[0]+1); sh_tolower(newclt->hostname); /* truncate */ sl_strlcpy(newclt->salt, &str[sep[0]+1], sep[1]-sep[0]); sl_strlcpy(newclt->verifier, &str[sep[1]+1], sl_strlen(str)-sep[1]+1); testclt = (client_t *) zAVLSearch (all_clients, newclt->hostname); if (testclt != NULL) { SH_FREE(testclt->verifier); siz_str = strlen (newclt->verifier) + 1; testclt->verifier = SH_ALLOC (siz_str); sl_strlcpy(testclt->verifier, newclt->verifier, siz_str); SH_FREE(testclt->salt); siz_str = strlen (newclt->salt) + 1; testclt->salt = SH_ALLOC (siz_str); sl_strlcpy(testclt->salt, newclt->salt, siz_str); testclt->dead_flag = 0; free_client(newclt); SL_RETURN( 0, _("sh_xfer_register_client")); } else { if (0 == zAVLInsert (all_clients, newclt)) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_CREG, newclt->hostname, newclt->salt, newclt->verifier); SL_RETURN( 0, _("sh_xfer_register_client")); } } } SL_RETURN (-1, _("sh_xfer_register_client")); } typedef struct { int state; int fd; char * buf; unsigned char head[SH_HEADER_SIZE]; char challenge[SH_CHALLENGE_SIZE]; char peer[SH_MINIBUF+1]; client_t * client_entry; char * K; char * M1; char * A; int headcount; unsigned long bytecount; unsigned long bytes_to_send; unsigned long bytes_to_get; int pass; unsigned long timer; char * FileName; unsigned long FileLength; unsigned long FileSent; char FileType[5]; struct sh_sockaddr addr_peer; } sh_conn_t; static char zap_challenge[SH_CHALLENGE_SIZE] = { 0 }; void sh_xfer_do_free (sh_conn_t * conn) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_do_free")); if (conn->K != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->K); conn->K = NULL; } if (conn->A != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->A); conn->A = NULL; } if (conn->M1 != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->M1); conn->M1 = NULL; } if (conn->buf != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->buf); conn->buf = NULL; } if (conn->fd != (-1)) { sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; } memcpy(conn->challenge, zap_challenge, SH_CHALLENGE_SIZE); conn->state = CONN_FREE; conn->headcount = 0; conn->bytecount = 0; conn->bytes_to_send = 0; conn->bytes_to_get = 0; conn->pass = 0; conn->timer = 0; conn->client_entry = NULL; if (conn->FileName != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->FileName); conn->FileName = NULL; } conn->FileLength = 0; conn->FileSent = 0; conn->FileType[0] = '\0'; conn->FileType[1] = '\0'; conn->FileType[2] = '\0'; conn->FileType[3] = '\0'; conn->FileType[4] = '\0'; --server_status.conn_open; SL_RET0(_("sh_xfer_do_free")); } /**************************************** * * -- Reconfiguration. -- * * (1) Mark all clients as 'dead'. * (2) Reload configuration - clients * in config are non-dead now. * (3) Remove all clients still * marked as 'dead'. */ /* -- Mark all clients as dead. */ void sh_xfer_mark_dead (void) { zAVLCursor avlcursor; client_t * item; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_mark_dead")); for (item = (client_t *) zAVLFirst(&avlcursor, all_clients); item; item = (client_t *) zAVLNext(&avlcursor)) { item->dead_flag = 1; } SL_RET0(_("sh_xfer_mark_dead")); } /* -- Clean tree from dead clients. */ void sh_xfer_clean_tree (void) { zAVLCursor avlcursor; client_t * item; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_clean_tree")); repeat_search: for (item = (client_t *) zAVLFirst(&avlcursor, all_clients); item; item = (client_t *) zAVLNext(&avlcursor)) { if (item->dead_flag == 1) { zAVLDelete (all_clients, item->hostname); free_client (item); goto repeat_search; } } SL_RET0(_("sh_xfer_clean_tree")); } /* * **********************************************/ /* -- SERVER SEND FUNCTION. -- */ void sh_xfer_prep_send_int (sh_conn_t * conn, char * msg, unsigned long length, char * u, char protocol, int docrypt) { /* register unsigned long i; */ unsigned long length2; #if !defined(SH_ENCRYPT) (void) docrypt; #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_prep_send_int")); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=<%s>, docrypt=<%d>\n"), msg, docrypt )); length2 = length; conn->headcount = 0; conn->bytecount = 0; conn->bytes_to_send = 0; conn->bytes_to_get = 0; if (conn->buf != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->buf); conn->buf = NULL; } put_header (conn->head, protocol, &length2, u); SH_SHOWPROT(conn->head,'>'); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n") )); if (msg == NULL) length2 = 0; #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT if ((S_TRUE == docrypt) && ((protocol & SH_PROTO_ENC) != 0)) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("encrypting (version 2)\n"))); conn->buf = sh_tools_makePack (conn->head, conn->client_entry->ivst_flag, msg, length2, &(conn->client_entry->keyInstE)); } else if (msg == NULL) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("msg is NULL"), _("sh_xfer_prep_send_int: cipherInit")); } else { if ((length2 + 1) < length2) --length2; conn->buf = SH_ALLOC(length2 + 1); memcpy(conn->buf, msg, length2); conn->buf[length2] = '\0'; TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n") )); } #else if ((length2 + 1) < length2) --length2; conn->buf = SH_ALLOC(length2 + 1); memcpy(conn->buf, msg, length2); conn->buf[length2] = '\0'; TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n") )); #endif conn->state = CONN_SENDING; SL_RET0(_("sh_xfer_prep_send_int")); } /* -- Send/Receive. -- */ void sh_xfer_prep_send (sh_conn_t * conn, char * msg, unsigned long length, char * u, char protocol) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_prep_send")); sh_xfer_prep_send_int (conn, msg, length, u, protocol, S_FALSE); SL_RET0(_("sh_xfer_prep_send")); } void sh_xfer_send_crypt (sh_conn_t * conn, char * msg, unsigned long length, char * u, char protocol) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_send_crypt")); sh_xfer_prep_send_int (conn, msg, length, u, protocol, S_TRUE); SL_RET0(_("sh_xfer_send_crypt")); } /* #include */ #if defined(WITH_EXTERNAL) #include "sh_extern.h" #endif /* -- Update the client status. -- * * Update the status array for the client, * and eventually call external program. */ static void status_update (client_t * conn, int status) { #if defined(WITH_EXTERNAL) char msg[2 * SH_MINIBUF + TIM_MAX + 3]; #endif SL_ENTER(_("status_update")); if (conn == NULL || status < 0 || status >= CLT_MAX) SL_RET0(_("status_update")); conn->status_now = status; conn->status_arr[status] = status; (void) sh_unix_time(0, conn->timestamp[status], TIM_MAX); #if defined(WITH_EXTERNAL) sl_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), _("%s %s %s"), conn->hostname, conn->timestamp[status], _(clt_stat[status])); sh_ext_execute('s', 'r', 'v', msg, 0); #endif SL_RET0(_("status_update")); } static time_t time_client_limit = 86400; int sh_xfer_set_time_limit (const char * c) { long val; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_set_time_limit")); val = strtol (c, (char **)NULL, 10); if (val <= 0) SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_set_time_limit")); time_client_limit = (time_t) val; SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_xfer_set_time_limit")); } /* -- Check for time limit exceeded. -- */ static int client_time_check(void) { zAVLCursor avlcursor; client_t * item; SL_ENTER(_("client_time_check")); if (time_client_limit == (time_t) 0) SL_RETURN( 0, _("client_time_check")); for (item = (client_t *) zAVLFirst(&avlcursor, all_clients); item; item = (client_t *) zAVLNext(&avlcursor)) { if (item->exit_flag == 0 && item->last_connect != (time_t) 0) { if ( (time(NULL) - item->last_connect) > time_client_limit) { if (item->status_now != CLT_TOOLONG) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_TIMEXC, item->hostname); status_update (item, CLT_TOOLONG); } } } } SL_RETURN( 0, _("client_time_check")); } static int lookup_err = SH_ERR_SEVERE; int sh_xfer_lookup_level (const char * c) { int ci = sh_error_convert_level (c); SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_lookup_level")); if (ci >= 0) { lookup_err = ci; SL_RETURN( 0, _("sh_xfer_lookup_level")); } else SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_lookup_level")); } #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 127 #endif int check_addr (const char * claim, struct sh_sockaddr * addr_peer) { char h_name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; char h_peer[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; char h_peer_IP[SH_IP_BUF]; char tmp_peer_IP[SH_IP_BUF]; char * canonical; char numeric[SH_IP_BUF]; SL_ENTER(_("check_addr")); if (claim == NULL) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("NULL input"), _("check_addr")); SL_RETURN ((-1), _("check_addr")); } /* Make sure we have the canonical name for the client */ canonical = sh_ipvx_canonical(claim, numeric, sizeof(numeric)); /* copy canonical name into h_name */ if (canonical != NULL) { sl_strlcpy(h_name, canonical, MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1); SH_FREE(canonical); } else { sh_error_handle(lookup_err, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_RESCLT, claim); SL_RETURN ((0), _("check_addr")); } /* get canonical name of socket peer */ canonical = sh_ipvx_addrtoname(addr_peer); if (canonical) { if (0 == sl_strcmp(canonical, _("localhost"))) sl_strlcpy(h_peer, sh.host.name, MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1); else sl_strlcpy(h_peer, canonical, MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1); SH_FREE(canonical); } else { sh_ipvx_ntoa (tmp_peer_IP, sizeof(tmp_peer_IP), addr_peer); sh_error_handle(lookup_err, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_RESPEER, claim, tmp_peer_IP); SL_RETURN ((0), _("check_addr")); } sh_ipvx_ntoa (h_peer_IP, sizeof(h_peer_IP), addr_peer); /* reverse lookup */ if (0 == sh_ipvx_reverse_check_ok (h_peer, ServerPort, addr_peer)) { sh_ipvx_ntoa (tmp_peer_IP, sizeof(tmp_peer_IP), addr_peer); sh_error_handle(lookup_err, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_LOOKERS, claim, h_peer, tmp_peer_IP); SL_RETURN ((0), _("check_addr")); } /* Check whether claim and peer are identical */ sh_tolower(h_peer); /* Canonical name of what the peer is */ sh_tolower(h_name); /* Canonical name of what the peer claims */ if ((0 == sl_strcmp(h_peer, h_name)) || (0 == sl_strcmp(h_peer_IP, h_name))) { SL_RETURN ((0), _("check_addr")); } #if !defined(USE_IPVX) else { struct hostent * he = sh_gethostbyname(h_peer); int i = 0; int flag = 0; while (he->h_aliases[i] != NULL) { if (0 == sl_strcmp(sh_tolower(he->h_aliases[i]), h_name)) { flag = 1; break; } ++i; } if (flag == 0) sh_error_handle(lookup_err, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_LOOKUP, claim, h_peer); } #endif SL_RETURN ((0), _("check_addr")); } static int UseSocketPeer = S_FALSE; int set_socket_peer (const char * c) { return sh_util_flagval(c, &UseSocketPeer); } /* -- Search register. -- */ client_t * search_register(sh_conn_t * conn, int pos) { client_t * this_client; char peer_ip[SH_IP_BUF]; char numerical[SH_IP_BUF]; char peer_name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; char * search_string; struct sh_sockaddr peer_addr; char * canonical; SL_ENTER(_("search_register")); if (UseSocketPeer == S_TRUE) { memcpy(&peer_addr, &(conn->addr_peer), sizeof(struct sh_sockaddr)); sh_ipvx_ntoa (peer_ip, sizeof(peer_ip), &peer_addr); peer_name[0] = '\0'; /* get canonical name of socket peer */ canonical = sh_ipvx_canonical(peer_ip, numerical, sizeof(numerical)); if (canonical != NULL) { if (0 == sl_strcmp(canonical, _("localhost"))) sl_strlcpy(peer_name, sh.host.name, MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1); else sl_strlcpy(peer_name, canonical, MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1); SH_FREE(canonical); } if (0 == sh_ipvx_reverse_check_ok (peer_name, ServerPort, &peer_addr)) { sl_strlcpy(peer_name, peer_ip, MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1); } search_string = peer_name; } else { search_string = &(conn->buf[pos]); if (0 != check_addr (search_string, &(conn->addr_peer))) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Reverse lookup failed"), search_string); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); SL_RETURN( NULL, _("search_register")); } } sh_tolower(search_string); /* ---- search the register ----- */ this_client = zAVLSearch(all_clients, search_string); if (this_client == NULL) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Not in client list"), search_string); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); SL_RETURN( NULL, _("search_register")); } if (this_client->exit_flag == 1) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=exit_flag == 1>\n"))); this_client->session_key_timer = (time_t) 0; this_client->session_key[0] = '\0'; this_client->exit_flag = 0; } TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), this_client->hostname)); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), this_client->session_key)); SL_RETURN( this_client, _("search_register")); } client_t * do_check_client(sh_conn_t * conn, int * retval) { client_t * this_client = NULL; char sigbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; *retval = 0; TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); if (conn->buf == NULL || sl_strlen(conn->buf) <= KEY_LEN) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_NOCLT); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return NULL; } /* ---- search the register ----- */ this_client = search_register (conn, KEY_LEN); if (this_client == NULL) return NULL; /* ---- force authentication ----- */ if (this_client->session_key[0] == '\0' || (time(NULL) - this_client->session_key_timer) > (time_t) TIMEOUT_KEY ) { size_t len; /* fake an auth request and jump there */ conn->head[0] = (conn->head[0] | SH_PROTO_SRP); conn->head[3] = 'S'; conn->head[4] = 'A'; conn->head[5] = 'L'; conn->head[6] = 'T'; if (flag_err_info == S_TRUE) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_FAUTH, &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN])); len = sl_strlen(&(conn->buf[KEY_LEN])) + 1; /* may overlap, thus only memmove is correct */ memmove(conn->buf, &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]), len); this_client->session_key[0] = '\0'; this_client->session_key_timer = (time_t) 1; *retval = -1; return NULL; } /* --- check whether hostname is properly signed --- */ if (conn->K != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->K); conn->K = NULL; } conn->K = SH_ALLOC(KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcpy (conn->K, sh_util_siggen(this_client->session_key, &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]), sl_strlen(&(conn->buf[KEY_LEN])), sigbuf, sizeof(sigbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); if (0 != sl_ts_strncmp(conn->K, conn->buf, KEY_LEN)) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->buf)); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->K)); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Signature mismatch"), &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN])); this_client->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return NULL; } SH_FREE(conn->K); conn->K = NULL; return this_client; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ * * FILE TRANSFER * * ------------------------------------------------------ */ static void do_file_send_data(sh_conn_t * conn) { char * read_buf = 0; char * send_buf; int bytes; SL_TICKET sfd = -1; #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT int blkfac; int rem; int send_bytes; #endif if (conn == NULL || conn->FileName == NULL) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, sfd, MSG_TCP_NFILE, conn->peer, (conn->FileName == NULL) ? _("(NULL)") : conn->FileName); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return; } if (conn->FileSent == conn->FileLength) { send_buf = hash_me(conn->K, conn->peer, sl_strlen(conn->peer)); #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT sh_xfer_send_crypt (conn, send_buf, sl_strlen(conn->peer)+KEY_LEN, _("EEOT"), SH_PROTO_BIG|conn->client_entry->encf_flag); #else sh_xfer_send_crypt (conn, send_buf, sl_strlen(conn->peer)+KEY_LEN, _("EEOT"), SH_PROTO_BIG); #endif SH_FREE(send_buf); } else { bytes = -1; sfd = sl_open_read(FIL__, __LINE__, conn->FileName, SL_YESPRIV); if (!SL_ISERROR(sfd)) { read_buf = SH_ALLOC(TRANS_BYTES); if (conn->FileSent > 0) sl_seek (sfd, (off_t) conn->FileSent); bytes = sl_read (sfd, read_buf, TRANS_BYTES); sl_close(sfd); } else { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, sfd, MSG_E_ACCESS, (long) geteuid(), conn->FileName); } if (bytes >= 0) { #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT /* need to send N * B_SIZ bytes */ blkfac = bytes / B_SIZ; rem = bytes - (blkfac * B_SIZ); if (rem != 0) { memset(&read_buf[bytes], '\n', (B_SIZ-rem)); ++blkfac; send_bytes = blkfac * B_SIZ; } else send_bytes = bytes; send_buf = hash_me(conn->K, read_buf, send_bytes); sh_xfer_send_crypt (conn, send_buf, send_bytes+KEY_LEN, _("FILE"), SH_PROTO_BIG|conn->client_entry->encf_flag); #else send_buf = hash_me(conn->K, read_buf, bytes); sh_xfer_send_crypt (conn, send_buf, bytes+KEY_LEN, _("FILE"), SH_PROTO_BIG); #endif conn->FileSent += bytes; if (send_buf) /* hash_me() *may* return NULL */ SH_FREE(send_buf); SH_FREE(read_buf); } else { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_NFILE, conn->peer, (conn->FileName == NULL) ? _("(NULL)") : conn->FileName); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } } return; } static void do_file_initial(sh_conn_t * conn) { char * ptok; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; /* --- get client nonce and compute hash --- * * K = H(NSRV, NCLT, session_key) */ if (conn->A != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->A); conn->A = NULL; } conn->A = SH_ALLOC(3*KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcpy (conn->A, conn->K, KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcat(conn->A, conn->buf, /* truncate */ 2*KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcat(conn->A, conn->client_entry->session_key, 3*KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcpy (conn->K, sh_tiger_hash(conn->A,TIGER_DATA,3*KEY_LEN, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); SH_FREE(conn->A); conn->A = NULL; /* Warn about encryption mismatch */ #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT if ((conn->client_entry->encf_flag != 0) && /* server */ ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) == 0)) /* client */ { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_MISENC, _("file download"), _("version2"), _("none")); } else if ((conn->client_entry->encf_flag != 0) && /* server */ ((conn->head[0] & SH_MASK_ENC) != /* client */ conn->client_entry->encf_flag)) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_MISENC, _("file download"), _("version2"), ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) == SH_PROTO_ENC) ? _("version2") : _("invalid")); conn->client_entry->encf_flag = (conn->head[0] & SH_MASK_ENC); } #else if ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) != 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_MISENC, _("file download"), _("none"), ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) == SH_PROTO_ENC) ? _("version2") : _("invalid")); } #endif if (conn->FileName != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->FileName); conn->FileName = NULL; } /* Determine what to send */ if (0 == sl_strncmp (_("CONF"), &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]), 4)) { strcpy(conn->FileType, _("CONF")); /* known to fit */ conn->FileName = get_client_conf_file(conn->peer, &(conn->FileLength)); conn->FileSent = 0; } else if (0 == sl_strncmp (_("DATA"), &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]), 4)) { strcpy(conn->FileType, _("DATA")); /* known to fit */ conn->FileName = get_client_data_file(conn->peer, &(conn->FileLength)); conn->FileSent = 0; } else if (0 == sh_uuid_check(&(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]))) { char * uuid = &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]); strcpy(conn->FileType, _("UUID")); /* known to fit */ conn->FileName = get_client_uuid_file(conn->peer, &(conn->FileLength), uuid); conn->FileSent = 0; } else { ptok = sh_util_safe_name(&(conn->buf[KEY_LEN])); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_FFILE, conn->peer, ptok); SH_FREE(ptok); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } return; } static int do_file_transfer(sh_conn_t * conn, int state) { client_t * this_client; UINT32 ticks; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; SL_ENTER(_("do_file_transfer")); if (state == SH_DO_READ) /* finished reading */ { TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); /* -- Client requests challenge. -- */ if (0 == check_request_nerr ((char *) &(conn->head[3]), _("HELO"))) { int client_state; this_client = do_check_client(conn, &client_state); if (!this_client) SL_RETURN(client_state, _("do_file_transfer")); /* --- create and send a nonce --- */ conn->client_entry = this_client; sl_strlcpy (conn->peer, &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]), SH_MINIBUF+1); ticks = (UINT32) taus_get (); if (conn->K != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->K); conn->K = NULL; } conn->K = SH_ALLOC(KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcpy (conn->K, sh_tiger_hash ((char *) &ticks, TIGER_DATA, sizeof(UINT32), hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); sh_xfer_prep_send (conn, conn->K, KEY_LEN+1, _("NSRV"), SH_PROTO_BIG); } /* --- Client has send a message. Check state and message. --- */ else if (0 == check_request_nerr((char *)&(conn->head[3]), _("NCLT")) && conn->client_entry != NULL && sl_strlen(conn->buf) > KEY_LEN && conn->K != NULL) { TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); do_file_initial(conn); do_file_send_data(conn); } else if (0 == check_request_nerr((char *)&(conn->head[3]), _("RECV")) && conn->client_entry != NULL && conn->K != NULL && conn->FileName != NULL) { TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); do_file_send_data(conn); } else if (0 == check_request_nerr((char *)&(conn->head[3]), _("EOTE")) && conn->client_entry != NULL) { TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); if (flag_err_info == S_TRUE) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_OKFILE, conn->peer); if ((conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_SUSPEND) && (conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_TOOLONG)) { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FILE); } else { conn->client_entry->session_key[0] = '\0'; } conn->client_entry->last_connect = time (NULL); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } /* client does something unexpected */ else /* ---- ??? ----- */ { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_FINV, 1, conn->pass, conn->peer, '\\', conn->head[3], '\\',conn->head[4], '\\', conn->head[5], '\\',conn->head[6]); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } } else if (state == SH_DO_WRITE) /* finished writing */ { TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); /* challenge is sent, now wait for message from client */ conn->headcount = 0; conn->bytecount = 0; conn->bytes_to_send = 0; conn->bytes_to_get = 0; if (conn->buf != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->buf); conn->buf = NULL; } conn->state = CONN_READING; } SL_RETURN(0, _("do_file_transfer")); } /* ------------------------------------------------------ * * MESSAGE TRANSFER * * ------------------------------------------------------ */ static int do_message_transfer(sh_conn_t * conn, int state) { client_t * this_client; char * cmd; char hash[SH_MAXMSGLEN + KEY_LEN + KEY_LEN + 1]; char * buffer; int clt_sev; char * ptok; UINT32 ticks; size_t len; int i; char * test; char sigbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; SL_ENTER(_("do_message_transfer")); if (state == SH_DO_READ) /* finished reading */ { TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); /* -- Client requests challenge. -- */ if (0 == check_request_nerr ((char *) &(conn->head[3]), _("HELO"))) { int client_state; this_client = do_check_client(conn, &client_state); if (!this_client) SL_RETURN(client_state, _("do_message_transfer")); /* -- create a nonce and send it -- */ conn->client_entry = this_client; sl_strlcpy (conn->peer, &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]), SH_MINIBUF+1); ticks = (UINT32) taus_get (); test = (char *) &ticks; sh_util_cpylong (conn->challenge, test, 4); conn->challenge[4] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) if (conn->challenge[i] == '\0') conn->challenge[i] = 0x01; sh_xfer_prep_send (conn, conn->challenge, 5, _("TALK"), SH_PROTO_MSG); TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), hu_trans(conn->challenge))); } /* Client has send a message. Check whether we are in proper * state, and verify message. */ else if (0 == check_request_nerr((char *)&(conn->head[3]), _("MESG")) && conn->client_entry != NULL && conn->client_entry->session_key[0] != '\0' && (len = sl_strlen(conn->buf) - KEY_LEN) > 0 && sl_strlen(conn->challenge) == 4) { TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT if (conn->client_entry->encf_flag == 0) { conn->client_entry->ency_flag = 0; } if ((conn->client_entry->ency_flag != 0) && ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) == 0)) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_MISENC, _("message transfer"), _("version2"), _("none")); } else if ((conn->client_entry->ency_flag != 0) && ((conn->head[0] & SH_MASK_ENC) != conn->client_entry->ency_flag)) { sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_NOTICE, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_MISENC, _("message transfer"), _("version2"), ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) == SH_PROTO_ENC) ? _("version2") : _("invalid")); conn->client_entry->ency_flag = (conn->head[0] & SH_MASK_ENC); } #else if ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) != 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_MISENC, _("message transfer"), _("none"), ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) == SH_PROTO_ENC) ? _("version2") : _("invalid")); } #endif TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->buf)); /* get hash from message end, truncate message */ sl_strlcpy(hash, &(conn->buf[len]), KEY_LEN+1); conn->buf[len] = '\0'; /* verify hash */ buffer = sh_util_strconcat(conn->buf, conn->challenge, NULL); i = sl_ts_strncmp(hash, sh_util_siggen(conn->client_entry->session_key, buffer, sl_strlen(buffer), sigbuf, sizeof(sigbuf)), KEY_LEN); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), sh_util_siggen(conn->client_entry->session_key, buffer, sl_strlen(buffer), sigbuf, sizeof(sigbuf)))); if (0 != i) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Msg signature mismatch"), conn->peer); conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); SL_RETURN(0, _("do_message_transfer")); } else { conn->client_entry->last_connect = time (NULL); if (NULL != sl_strstr(conn->buf, _("EXIT"))) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); conn->client_entry->exit_flag = 1; status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_EXITED); } else if (NULL != sl_strstr(conn->buf, _("PANIC"))) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_PANIC); } else if (NULL != sl_strstr(conn->buf, _("SUSPEND"))) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_SUSPEND); } else if (NULL != sl_strstr(conn->buf, _("POLICY"))) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_POLICY); } else if (NULL != sl_strstr(conn->buf, _("File check completed"))) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_CHECK); } else if (NULL != sl_strstr(conn->buf, _("START"))) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); sh_socket_add2reload (conn->client_entry->hostname); if (conn->client_entry->status_now == CLT_SUSPEND) { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_ILLEGAL); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_ILL, conn->peer); } else status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_STARTED); } else { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); if (NULL != sl_strstr(conn->buf, _("Runtime configuration reloaded"))) { sh_socket_add2reload (conn->client_entry->hostname); } status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_MSG); } TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); clt_sev = atoi(conn->buf); clt_class = (-1); ptok = strchr(conn->buf, '?'); if (ptok != NULL) { ++ptok; if (ptok != NULL && sh.flag.client_class == S_TRUE) clt_class = atoi(ptok); /* is a global */ ptok = strchr(ptok, '?'); if (ptok != NULL) ++ptok; } if (sh.flag.client_severity == S_FALSE) clt_sev = (-1); /* here we expect an xml formatted message, thus we don't escape xml special chars (flag == 0) */ ptok = sh_tools_safe_name ((ptok!=NULL) ? ptok : conn->buf, 0); /* push client name to error routine */ #if defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) && defined(HAVE_LIBPRELUDE) { char peer_ip[SH_IP_BUF]; sh_ipvx_ntoa(peer_ip, sizeof(peer_ip), &(conn->addr_peer)); sh_error_set_peer_ip( peer_ip ); } #endif { char * pstrip = sh_strip_domain (conn->peer); sh_error_set_peer(pstrip); sh_error_handle(clt_sev, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_MSG, pstrip, ptok); SH_FREE(pstrip); sh_error_set_peer(NULL); } #if defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) && defined(HAVE_LIBPRELUDE) sh_error_set_peer_ip(NULL); #endif TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=<%s>\n"), ptok)); SH_FREE(ptok); clt_class = (-1); } memset(buffer, 0, sl_strlen(buffer)); SH_FREE(buffer); /* SERVER CONF SEND */ buffer = sh_util_strconcat(conn->buf, conn->challenge, NULL); sl_strlcpy(hash, sh_util_siggen ( conn->client_entry->session_key, buffer, sl_strlen(buffer), sigbuf, sizeof(sigbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); /* --- SERVER CMD --- */ cmd = sh_socket_check (conn->peer); if (cmd != NULL) { /* max cmd size is SH_MAXMSGLEN bytes */ sl_strlcpy(&hash[KEY_LEN], cmd, SH_MAXMSGLEN); sl_strlcat(&hash[KEY_LEN], sh_util_siggen ( conn->client_entry->session_key, &hash[KEY_LEN], sl_strlen(&hash[KEY_LEN]), sigbuf, sizeof(sigbuf)), SH_MAXMSGLEN+KEY_LEN+1); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("CONF SEND <0> <%s>\n"), &hash[KEY_LEN])); } else { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("CONF SEND <0> <[NULL]>\n"))); } /* --- SERVER CMD END --- */ TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), sh_util_siggen(conn->client_entry->session_key, buffer, sl_strlen(buffer), sigbuf, sizeof(sigbuf)))); #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT sh_xfer_send_crypt (conn, hash, sl_strlen(hash) /* KEY_LEN */, _("CONF"), SH_PROTO_MSG|SH_PROTO_END|conn->client_entry->ency_flag); #else sh_xfer_send_crypt (conn, hash, sl_strlen(hash) /* KEY_LEN */, _("CONF"), SH_PROTO_MSG|SH_PROTO_END); #endif memset(buffer, 0, sl_strlen(buffer)); SH_FREE(buffer); /* sh_xfer_do_free (conn); */ } /* client does something unexpected */ else /* ---- ??? ----- */ { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_FINV, 2, conn->pass, conn->peer, '\\', conn->head[3], '\\',conn->head[4], '\\', conn->head[5], '\\',conn->head[6]); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } } else if (state == SH_DO_WRITE) /* finished writing */ { if (0 != (conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_END)) { if (flag_err_debug == S_TRUE) { char * pstrip = sh_strip_domain (conn->peer); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_OKMSG, pstrip); SH_FREE(pstrip); } sh_xfer_do_free (conn); SL_RETURN(0, _("do_message_transfer")); } TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); /* challenge is sent, now wait for message from client */ conn->headcount = 0; conn->bytecount = 0; conn->bytes_to_send = 0; conn->bytes_to_get = 0; if (conn->buf != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->buf); conn->buf = NULL; } conn->state = CONN_READING; } TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n") )); SL_RETURN(0, _("do_message_transfer")); } /* ------------------------------------------------------ * * AUTHENTICATION * * ------------------------------------------------------ */ static void check_probe(sh_conn_t * conn) { if (conn && conn->client_entry) { /* If client has sent probe, change ivst_flag and clear probe in head[0]. */ conn->head[0] = sh_tools_probe_store(conn->head[0], &(conn->client_entry->ivst_flag)); } } client_t * do_auth_start(sh_conn_t * conn) { client_t * this_client; TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); if (conn->buf == NULL || sl_strlen(conn->buf) == 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_NOCLT); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return NULL; } /* search the register */ this_client = search_register (conn, 0); if (NULL == this_client) return NULL; conn->client_entry = this_client; sl_strlcpy (conn->peer, conn->buf, SH_MINIBUF+1); if (0 != check_request_s((char *)&(conn->head[3]), _("SALT"),conn->peer)) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("No salt requested"), conn->peer); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return NULL; } check_probe(conn); return this_client; } #if !defined(USE_SRP_PROTOCOL) int do_auth(sh_conn_t * conn) { client_t * this_client; UINT32 ticks; char u[5] = "OOOO"; #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT int err_num; char expbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; #endif char hash[SH_MAXMSGLEN + KEY_LEN + KEY_LEN + 1]; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; /* first pass -- client request salt */ if (conn->pass == 1) { this_client = do_auth_start(conn); if (!this_client) return -1; /* -- create server nounce v -- */ ticks = (UINT32) taus_get (); if (conn->A != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->A); conn->A = NULL; } conn->A = SH_ALLOC(KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcpy(conn->A, sh_tiger_hash((char *) &ticks, TIGER_DATA, sizeof(UINT32), hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); u[0] = 'I'; u[1] = 'N'; u[2] = 'I'; u[3] = 'T'; u[4] = '\0'; if (conn->M1 != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->M1); conn->M1 = NULL; } conn->M1 = SH_ALLOC(2*KEY_LEN+1); /* compute hash key H(v(server), P)v(server) */ sh_passwd (conn->A, conn->client_entry->verifier, NULL, conn->M1); sl_strlcat(conn->M1, conn->A, 2*KEY_LEN+1); /* --- send H(v(server), P)v(server) ---- */ sh_xfer_prep_send (conn, conn->M1, sl_strlen(conn->M1), u, (conn->head[0]|SH_PROTO_SRP)); SH_FREE(conn->M1); conn->M1 = NULL; } /* client -- third pass * Message is H(H(u,v),P)u * * A := v, verifier := H(password), */ else if (conn->pass == 3 && conn->client_entry != NULL) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); if (0 != check_request_s((char *) &(conn->head[3]), _("PASS"), conn->peer) || sl_strlen(conn->buf) <= KEY_LEN || conn->A == NULL) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Invalid client request"), conn->peer); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return -1; } check_probe(conn); /* store random nonce u from client */ if (conn->K != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->K); conn->K = NULL; } conn->K = SH_ALLOC(KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcpy(conn->K, &(conn->buf[KEY_LEN]), KEY_LEN+1); /* verify random nonce u from client */ if (conn->M1 != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->M1); conn->M1 = NULL; } conn->M1 = sh_util_strconcat(conn->K, conn->A, NULL); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->K)); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->A)); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->M1)); sl_strlcpy(hash, sh_tiger_hash (conn->M1, TIGER_DATA, sl_strlen(conn->M1), hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); sh_passwd (hash, conn->client_entry->verifier, NULL, conn->M1); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), hash)); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->M1)); if ( 0 != sl_ts_strncmp(conn->M1, conn->buf, KEY_LEN)) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Session key mismatch"), conn->peer); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return -1; } /* ---- compute hash key H(v, P, u) ---- */ sh_passwd (conn->A, conn->client_entry->verifier, conn->K, conn->M1); sl_strlcpy(conn->client_entry->session_key, conn->M1, KEY_LEN+1); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->client_entry->session_key)); #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT err_num = rijndael_makeKey(&(conn->client_entry->keyInstE), DIR_ENCRYPT, 192, conn->client_entry->session_key); if (err_num < 0) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errorExplain(err_num, expbuf, sizeof(expbuf)), _("check_protocol: makeKey")); err_num = rijndael_makeKey(&(conn->client_entry->keyInstD), DIR_DECRYPT, 192, conn->client_entry->session_key); if (err_num < 0) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errorExplain(err_num, expbuf, sizeof(expbuf)), _("check_protocol: makeKey")); #endif if (conn->K != NULL) SH_FREE (conn->K); conn->K = NULL; if (conn->A != NULL) SH_FREE (conn->A); conn->A = NULL; if (conn->M1 != NULL) SH_FREE (conn->M1); conn->M1 = NULL; /* if (conn->client_entry->status_now == CLT_STARTED */ if (((conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_INACTIVE) && (conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_EXITED) && (conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_SUSPEND)) && conn->client_entry->session_key_timer > (time_t) 1) { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_ILLEGAL); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_ILL, conn->peer); } else if (conn->client_entry->session_key_timer == (time_t) 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_NEW, conn->peer); if (conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_SUSPEND) status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_STARTED); } conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time (NULL); conn->client_entry->last_connect = time (NULL); /* put in read state */ sh_xfer_prep_send (conn, _("AUTH"), 5, _("AUTH"), (conn->head[0]|SH_PROTO_SRP)); } else { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_FINV, 3, conn->pass, conn->peer, '\\', conn->head[3], '\\', conn->head[4], '\\', conn->head[5], '\\', conn->head[6]); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } return 0; } #else static void noise() { UINT32 n = taus_get(); retry_msleep(0, (n & 0x0000007F)); return; } /* use SRP */ int do_auth(sh_conn_t * conn) { client_t * this_client; UINT32 ticks; char u[5] = "OOOO"; #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT int err_num; char expbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; #endif size_t len; char * test; char * foo_B; char * foo_Ss; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; /* use SRP */ if (conn->pass == 1) { this_client = do_auth_start(conn); if (!this_client) return -1; u[0] = 'I'; u[1] = 'N'; u[2] = 'I'; u[3] = 'T'; u[4] = '\0'; sh_xfer_prep_send (conn, conn->client_entry->salt, sl_strlen(conn->client_entry->salt), u, (conn->head[0]|SH_PROTO_SRP)); } /* client has sent A -- third pass */ else if (conn->pass == 3 && conn->client_entry != NULL) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); if (0 != check_request_s((char *)&(conn->head[3]),_("PC01"),conn->peer)|| conn->buf == NULL ) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Invalid client request"), conn->peer); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return -1; } check_probe(conn); noise(); if (0 != sh_srp_init()) { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_SEVERE, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_EBGN); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return -1; } /* check A, only send B if correct */ if ( sl_strlen(conn->buf) < SH_BUFSIZE && 0 == sh_srp_check_zero (conn->buf) ) { len = sl_strlen(conn->buf)+1; if (conn->A != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->A); conn->A = NULL; } conn->A = SH_ALLOC(len); sl_strlcpy (conn->A, conn->buf, len); /* * compute B */ if (0 != sh_srp_make_a ()) /* b random number */ { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_SEVERE, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_EBGN); sh_srp_exit(); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return -1; } foo_B = sh_srp_B /* B = v + g^b */ (conn->client_entry->verifier); if (foo_B == NULL) { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_SEVERE, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_EBGN); sh_srp_exit(); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return -1; } TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->A)); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), foo_B)); /* * create nonce u */ ticks = (UINT32) taus_get (); test = (char *) &ticks; sh_util_cpylong (u, test, 4); /* u nounce */ u[4] = '\0'; sl_strlcpy(conn->challenge, sh_tiger_hash(u, TIGER_DATA, 4, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), SH_CHALLENGE_SIZE); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3])); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->challenge)); /* * compute the session key K and M1 = Hash(A,B,K) */ foo_Ss = sh_srp_S_s (conn->challenge, conn->A, conn->client_entry->verifier); if (foo_Ss == NULL || 0 != sh_srp_check_zero (foo_Ss)) { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_SEVERE, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_EBGN); sh_srp_exit(); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return -1; } if (conn->K != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->K); conn->K = NULL; } conn->K = SH_ALLOC(KEY_LEN+1); sl_strlcpy(conn->K, sh_tiger_hash(foo_Ss, TIGER_DATA, sl_strlen(foo_Ss), hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); if (conn->M1 != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->M1); conn->M1 = NULL; } conn->M1 = SH_ALLOC(KEY_LEN+1); sh_srp_M (conn->A, foo_B, conn->K, conn->M1, KEY_LEN+1); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), foo_Ss)); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->K)); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"),conn->M1)); /* * send B */ sh_xfer_prep_send (conn, foo_B, sl_strlen(foo_B)+1, u, (conn->head[0]|SH_PROTO_SRP)); if (foo_Ss != NULL) { SH_FREE(foo_Ss); foo_Ss = NULL; } if (foo_B != NULL) { SH_FREE(foo_B); foo_B = NULL; } } else { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_SEVERE, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_EZERO); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } sh_srp_exit(); } /* client has sent M1 -- fifth pass */ else if (conn->pass == 5 && conn->client_entry != NULL) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); /* check that the state is valid */ if (0 != check_request_s((char *)&(conn->head[3]), _("PC02"), conn->peer) || conn->A == NULL || conn->K == NULL || conn->M1 == NULL) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Invalid client request"), conn->peer); status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); return -1; } check_probe(conn); noise(); /* ------ verify M1 = H(A, B, K) ------- * ----- send M2 = H(A, M1, K) ------- */ if (conn->buf != NULL && sl_ts_strncmp(conn->buf, conn->M1, KEY_LEN) == 0) { /* * send M2 */ char M_buf[KEY_LEN+1]; sh_xfer_prep_send (conn, sh_srp_M (conn->A, conn->M1, conn->K, M_buf, sizeof(M_buf)), KEY_LEN+1, _("PARP"), (conn->head[0]|SH_PROTO_SRP)); if (conn->A != NULL) SH_FREE(conn->A); conn->A = NULL; if (conn->M1 != NULL) SH_FREE(conn->M1); conn->M1 = NULL; sl_strlcpy(conn->client_entry->session_key, conn->K, KEY_LEN+1); TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), conn->client_entry->session_key)); #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT err_num = rijndael_makeKey(&(conn->client_entry->keyInstE), DIR_ENCRYPT, 192, conn->client_entry->session_key); if (err_num < 0) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errorExplain(err_num, expbuf, sizeof(expbuf)), _("sh_xfer_prep_send_int: makeKey")); err_num = rijndael_makeKey(&(conn->client_entry->keyInstD), DIR_DECRYPT, 192, conn->client_entry->session_key); if (err_num < 0) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errorExplain(err_num, expbuf, sizeof(expbuf)), _("sh_xfer_prep_send_int: makeKey")); #endif if (conn->K != NULL) SH_FREE(conn->K); conn->K = NULL; conn->client_entry->last_connect = time (NULL); if (((conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_INACTIVE) && (conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_EXITED) && (conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_SUSPEND)) && conn->client_entry->session_key_timer > (time_t) 1) { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_ILLEGAL); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_ILL, conn->peer); } else if (conn->client_entry->session_key_timer == (time_t) 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_NEW, conn->peer); if (conn->client_entry->status_now != CLT_SUSPEND) status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_STARTED); } conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time (NULL); } else { status_update (conn->client_entry, CLT_FAILED); conn->client_entry->session_key_timer = time(NULL) - (2*TIMEOUT_KEY); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_BADCONN, _("Session key mismatch"), conn->peer); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } } else { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_FINV, 4, conn->pass, conn->peer, '\\', conn->head[3], '\\', conn->head[4], '\\', conn->head[5], '\\', conn->head[6]); sh_xfer_do_free (conn); } return 0; } #endif /************************************************************************ * * Here we check the message received, and decide on the answer to send * (if any). The connection is in CONN_PAUSED state, thus we must: * (i) define the proper reaction * (ii) reset to CONN_READING or CONN_WRITING or CONN_FREE * (iii) eventually reset the connection entry * *************************************************************************/ static void check_protocol(sh_conn_t * conn, int state) { SL_ENTER(_("check_protocol")); /* seed / re-seed the PRNG if required */ (void) taus_seed(); /* protocols: * -- (iii) file transfer * -- (ii) authenticated message transfer * -- (i) SRP key exchange */ /* --------- FILE TRANSFER ----------- */ if ( (conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_SRP) == 0 && (conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_BIG) != 0 /* is set */ ) { /* nonzero means re-authentication is required */ if (0 == do_file_transfer(conn, state)) SL_RET0(_("check_protocol")); } /* --------- END FILE TRANSFER ----------- */ /* --------- message exchange ----------- */ else if ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_SRP) == 0 && (conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_MSG) != 0 /* is set */ ) { /* nonzero means re-authentication is required */ if (0 == do_message_transfer(conn, state)) SL_RET0(_("check_protocol")); } /* --------- END MESSAGE TRANSFER ------ */ /* --------- authentication ----------- */ if ( (conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_SRP) != 0 /* is set */ ) { if (state == SH_DO_READ) /* finished reading */ { do_auth(conn); } else if (state == SH_DO_WRITE) /* finished writing */ { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); conn->headcount = 0; conn->bytecount = 0; conn->bytes_to_send = 0; conn->bytes_to_get = 0; if (conn->buf != NULL) { SH_FREE(conn->buf); conn->buf = NULL; } conn->state = CONN_READING; } } SL_RET0(_("check_protocol")); } /*********************************************************** * * SERVER RECEIVE FUNCTION * *********************************************************** */ int sh_xfer_do_read (sh_conn_t * conn) { unsigned long byteread; /* bytes read */ SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_do_read")); if (conn->state == CONN_SENDING) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_SYNC, conn->peer); SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_do_read")); } if (conn->headcount < SH_HEADER_SIZE) { conn->bytes_to_get = SH_HEADER_SIZE - conn->headcount; byteread = read (conn->fd, &(conn->head[conn->headcount]), conn->bytes_to_get); if (byteread > 0 || errno == EINTR) { if (byteread > 0) conn->headcount += byteread; if (conn->headcount == SH_HEADER_SIZE) { conn->bytes_to_get = (256 * (unsigned int)conn->head[1] + (unsigned int)conn->head[2]); SH_SHOWPROT(conn->head, '<'); conn->bytecount = 0; } } else goto conn_reset; SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_xfer_do_read")); } /* limit message size */ conn->bytes_to_get = (conn->bytes_to_get > TRANS_BYTES) ? TRANS_BYTES : conn->bytes_to_get; if (conn->headcount == SH_HEADER_SIZE && conn->bytes_to_get > 0) { if ( conn->bytecount == 0) { if (conn->buf != NULL) SH_FREE (conn->buf); conn->buf = SH_ALLOC(conn->bytes_to_get + 1); /* <= TRANS_BYTES+1 */ } byteread = read (conn->fd, &(conn->buf[conn->bytecount]), conn->bytes_to_get - conn->bytecount); if (byteread > 0 || errno == EINTR) { if (byteread > 0) conn->bytecount += byteread; if (conn->bytecount == conn->bytes_to_get) { ++conn->pass; /* always terminate with NULL - we might use sl_strcmp() */ conn->buf[conn->bytecount] = '\0'; conn->state = CONN_PAUSE; #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT if ((conn->head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) != 0) { conn->buf = sh_tools_revertPack (conn->head, conn->client_entry->ivst_flag, conn->buf, &(conn->client_entry->keyInstD), conn->bytecount); } #endif /* ------ HERE CALL check_protocol(conn) ------- */ check_protocol(conn, SH_DO_READ); } } else goto conn_reset; } else if (conn->headcount == SH_HEADER_SIZE && conn->bytes_to_get == 0) { if (conn->buf != NULL) SH_FREE (conn->buf); conn->buf = NULL; conn->bytecount = 0; ++conn->pass; conn->state = CONN_PAUSE; /* ------ HERE CALL check_protocol(conn) ------- */ check_protocol(conn, SH_DO_READ); } SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_xfer_do_read")); conn_reset: sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_RESET, conn->peer); sh_xfer_do_free ( conn ); SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_do_read")); } #if !defined(O_NONBLOCK) #if defined(O_NDELAY) #define O_NONBLOCK O_NDELAY #else #define O_NONBLOCK 0 #endif #endif /* send to the client */ int sh_xfer_do_write (sh_conn_t * conn) { int flags; long arg = 0; long bytesent; /* bytes read */ SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_do_write")); /* ---- consistency check ------ */ if (conn->state == CONN_READING) { sh_error_handle( (-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_SYNC, conn->peer); SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_do_write")); } flags = retry_fcntl (FIL__, __LINE__, conn->fd, F_GETFL, arg); retry_fcntl (FIL__, __LINE__, conn->fd, F_SETFL, flags|O_NONBLOCK); /* ---- send the header ------ */ if (conn->headcount < SH_HEADER_SIZE) { conn->bytes_to_send = SH_HEADER_SIZE - conn->headcount; bytesent = write (conn->fd, &(conn->head[conn->headcount]), conn->bytes_to_send); if (bytesent >= 0 || errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) { if (bytesent > 0) conn->headcount += bytesent; if (conn->headcount == SH_HEADER_SIZE) conn->bytes_to_send = (256 * (int)conn->head[1] + (int)conn->head[2]); } else goto conn_reset_w; if (conn->fd >= 0) retry_fcntl (FIL__, __LINE__, conn->fd, F_SETFL, flags); SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_xfer_do_write")); } /* ---- send the body ------ */ if (conn->headcount == SH_HEADER_SIZE && conn->bytes_to_send > 0 && conn->buf != NULL) { bytesent = write (conn->fd, &(conn->buf[conn->bytecount]), conn->bytes_to_send - conn->bytecount); if (bytesent >= 0 || errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) { if (bytesent > 0) conn->bytecount += bytesent; if (conn->bytecount == conn->bytes_to_send) { ++conn->pass; conn->state = CONN_PAUSE; /* ------ HERE CALL check_protocol(conn) ------- */ check_protocol(conn, SH_DO_WRITE); } } else goto conn_reset_w; } else if (conn->headcount == SH_HEADER_SIZE && conn->bytes_to_send == 0) { ++conn->pass; conn->state = CONN_PAUSE; /* ------ HERE CALL check_protocol(conn) ------- */ check_protocol(conn, SH_DO_WRITE); } if (conn->fd >= 0) retry_fcntl (FIL__, __LINE__, conn->fd, F_SETFL, flags); SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_xfer_do_write")); conn_reset_w: sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_RESET, conn->peer); sh_xfer_do_free ( conn ); SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_do_write")); } /* accept a connection from a client */ #include #ifdef SH_USE_LIBWRAP #include #ifndef ALLOW_SEVERITY #define ALLOW_SEVERITY LOG_INFO #define DENY_SEVERITY LOG_WARNING #endif int allow_severity; int deny_severity; #endif #ifdef SH_USE_LIBWRAP static int check_libwrap(int rc, sh_conn_t * newconn) { struct request_info request; char errbuf[128]; char daemon[128]; sl_strlcpy(daemon, SH_INSTALL_NAME, sizeof(daemon)); request_init(&request, RQ_DAEMON, daemon, RQ_FILE, rc, 0); fromhost(&request); if (!hosts_access(&request)) { sl_strlcpy(errbuf, _("Refused connection from "), sizeof(errbuf)); sl_strlcat(errbuf, eval_client(&request), sizeof(errbuf)); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errbuf, _("libwrap")); newconn->fd = -1; newconn->state = CONN_FREE; sl_close_fd(FIL__, __LINE__, rc); return -1; } return 0; } #endif int sh_xfer_accept (int sock, sh_conn_t * newconn) { int errflag; int rc; struct sh_sockaddr addr; /* handle AIX (size_t addrlen) in wrapper */ int addrlen = sizeof(addr); SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_accept")); rc = retry_accept(FIL__, __LINE__, sock, &addr, &addrlen); if (rc < 0) { char err_buf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; errflag = errno; sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_error_message(errflag,err_buf, sizeof(err_buf)), _("accept")); newconn->fd = -1; newconn->state = CONN_FREE; SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_accept")); } if (addrlen == 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("Connecting entity unknown"), _("accept")); newconn->fd = -1; newconn->state = CONN_FREE; sl_close_fd(FIL__, __LINE__, rc); SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_accept")); } #ifdef SH_USE_LIBWRAP if (check_libwrap(rc, newconn) < 0) SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_accept")); #endif memcpy (&(newconn->addr_peer), &addr, sizeof(struct sh_sockaddr)); /* prepare for usage of connection */ (void) retry_fcntl( FIL__, __LINE__, rc, F_SETFD, 1 ); newconn->fd = rc; newconn->state = CONN_READING; newconn->timer = (unsigned long) time (NULL); if (flag_err_info == S_TRUE) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_CNEW, newconn->fd); SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_xfer_accept")); } extern char sh_sig_msg[64]; /* defined in sh_unix.c */ /* ------------ port and interface ------- */ static unsigned int server_port = SH_DEFAULT_PORT; int sh_xfer_set_port (const char * str) { int retval = 0; unsigned long i; char * endptr; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_set_port")); i = strtoul (str, &endptr, 0); if (endptr == str) { retval = -1; } else if (i > 65535) { retval = -1; } else { server_port = i; } SL_RETURN( (retval), _("sh_xfer_set_port")); } static struct sh_sockaddr server_interface; static int use_server_interface = 0; int sh_xfer_set_interface (const char * str) { if (0 == strcmp(str, _("INADDR_ANY"))) { use_server_interface = 0; return 0; } if (0 == sh_ipvx_aton(str, &server_interface)) { use_server_interface = 0; return -1; } use_server_interface = 1; return 0; } /* ------------ print error -------------- */ struct sock_err_st { char msg[128]; int errnum; int port; int line; int euid; }; static struct sock_err_st sock_err[2]; void sh_xfer_printerr(char * str, int errnum, unsigned int port, int line) { int slot = 0; if (port != server_port) slot = 1; if (str == NULL) sock_err[slot].msg[0] = '\0'; else sl_strlcpy(sock_err[slot].msg, str, 128); sock_err[slot].errnum = errnum; sock_err[slot].port = port; sock_err[slot].line = line; sock_err[slot].euid = (int) geteuid(); } int sh_xfer_printerr_final(int slot) { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_printerr_final")); if (sock_err[slot].msg[0] != '\0') { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("Could not set up the listening socket for the server because of the\nfollowing error: %s\nPossible reasons include:\n - insufficient privilege for UID %d, or\n - the port %d is already used by another program.\n"), sh_error_message(sock_err[slot].errnum, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), sock_err[slot].euid, sock_err[slot].port); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, sock_err[slot].line, sock_err[slot].errnum, MSG_EXIT_ABORTS, sh_error_message(sock_err[slot].errnum, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), sh.prg_name, sock_err[slot].msg); SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_xfer_printerr_final")); } SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_xfer_printerr_final")); } #define TIME_OUT_DEF 900 static unsigned long time_out_val = TIME_OUT_DEF; int sh_xfer_set_timeout (const char * c) { long val; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_set_time_out")); val = strtol (c, (char **)NULL, 10); if (val == 0) { val = TIME_OUT_DEF; } else if (val < 0) { time_out_val = TIME_OUT_DEF; SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_xfer_set_time_out")); } time_out_val = (unsigned long) val; SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_xfer_set_time_out")); } static sh_conn_t * conns = NULL; static int maxconn = 0; /* maximum number of simultaneous connections */ #ifdef INET_SYSLOG #define INET_SUSPEND_TIME 180 /* equal to 3 minutes */ #define SH_MINSOCK_DEFAULT 3 int sh_xfer_syslog_sock[SH_SOCKMAX] = { -1 }; extern int sh_xfer_recv_syslog_socket (int fd); int sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n = 0; #else #define SH_MINSOCK_DEFAULT 2 #endif int SH_MINSOCK = SH_MINSOCK_DEFAULT; extern int pf_unix_fd; /* the tcp socket, and the function to establish it */ static int sh_tcp_sock[SH_SOCKMAX] = { -1 }; static int sh_tcp_sock_n = 0; static int do_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol, struct sockaddr * sa, int salen) { int sock = -1; int errnum = 0; int flag = 1; /* non-zero to enable an option */ /* create the socket, bind() it and listen() */ if ((sock = socket(domain, type, protocol)) < 0 ) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("socket"), errnum, server_port, __LINE__); return -1; } (void) retry_fcntl( FIL__, __LINE__, sock, F_SETFD, 1 ); if ( setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *) &flag, sizeof(flag)) < 0 ) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("setsockopt"), errnum, server_port, __LINE__); sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, sock); return -1; } if ( bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) sa, salen) < 0) { if (errno != EADDRINUSE) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("bind"), errnum, server_port, __LINE__); sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, sock); return -1; } else { sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, sock); return -2; } } if ( retry_fcntl( FIL__, __LINE__, sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK ) < 0 ) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("fcntl"), errnum, server_port, __LINE__); sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, sock); return -1; } if ( listen(sock, 64) < 0) { errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("listen"), errnum, server_port, __LINE__); sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, sock); return -1; } return sock; } int sh_create_tcp_socket (void) { #if defined(USE_IPVX) struct addrinfo *ai; struct addrinfo *p; struct addrinfo hints; char port[32]; #else struct sockaddr_in addr; int addrlen = sizeof(addr); #endif int sock = -1; SL_ENTER(_("sh_create_tcp_socket")); sh_xfer_printerr (NULL, 0, server_port, __LINE__); #if defined(USE_IPVX) if (use_server_interface == 0) /* INADDR_ANY, listen on all interfaces */ { memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE | AI_ADDRCONFIG; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; sl_snprintf(port, sizeof(port), "%d", server_port); if (getaddrinfo (NULL, port, &hints, &ai) != 0) { int errnum = errno; sh_xfer_printerr (_("getaddrinfo"), errnum, server_port, __LINE__); sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, sock); SL_RETURN((-1), _("sl_create_tcp_socket")); } p = ai; while (p != NULL && sh_tcp_sock_n < SH_SOCKMAX) { sock = do_socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen); if (sock >= 0) { if (sh_tcp_sock_n < SH_SOCKMAX) { sh_tcp_sock[sh_tcp_sock_n] = sock; ++sh_tcp_sock_n; } else { sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, sock); } } else if (sock == -1) { freeaddrinfo (ai); goto end; } p = p->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo (ai); } else { sh_ipvx_set_port(&server_interface, server_port); sock = do_socket(server_interface.ss_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sh_ipvx_sockaddr_cast(&server_interface), SH_SS_LEN(server_interface)); if (sock >= 0) { sh_tcp_sock[0] = sock; sh_tcp_sock_n = 1; } } #else if (use_server_interface == 0) addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; else memcpy(&addr, sh_ipvx_sockaddr_cast(&server_interface), addrlen); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(server_port); sock = do_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, addrlen); if (sock >= 0) { sh_tcp_sock[0] = sock; sh_tcp_sock_n = 1; } #endif #if defined(USE_IPVX) end: #endif if (sh_tcp_sock_n > 1) SH_MINSOCK += (sh_tcp_sock_n - 1); SL_RETURN((sh_tcp_sock_n), _("sl_create_tcp_socket")); } /***************************************** * * This is the server main loop. * * The server is set up for listening, and * and starts a select() loop. * *****************************************/ void sh_xfer_start_server() { #ifdef SH_USE_XML extern int sh_log_file (char * message, char * inet_peer); #endif /* Use volatile to circumvent a gcc4 problem on RH/CentOS 4.8 (?) */ volatile int sock = -1; sh_conn_t * cx; fd_set readset; fd_set writeset; struct timeval tv; int num_sel; int errnum; int nowconn; int status; int high_fd = -1; register int i; long dummy = 0; unsigned long time_now; unsigned long time_last = 0; unsigned long time_out = time_out_val; time_t told; time_t tcurrent; unsigned long tchkold; int setsize_fd; int sock_tcp[2]; int sock_unix; #ifdef INET_SYSLOG int sock_log[2]; #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_start_server")); if ( sh_xfer_printerr_final(0) < 0) { aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } sock = sh_tcp_sock[0]; /* **************************************************************** * * This is a non-forking server. We use select() on the listen() * socket to watch for new connections. For new connections, accept() * will return a new socket that is put in the read/write filesets. * Data about active connections are kept in the 'conns' table. * ******************************************************************/ /* The table to hold info on sockets. * We reserve 6 file descriptors for misc. use. * The POSIX lower limit on open files seems to be eight. */ maxconn = get_open_max() - 6; /* ugly fix for FreeBSD compiler warning; casting FD_SETSIZE in the * conditional expression does not suppress the warning... */ setsize_fd = (int)FD_SETSIZE; maxconn = (setsize_fd < maxconn) ? setsize_fd : maxconn; if (maxconn < 0 || !sl_ok_muls(maxconn, sizeof(sh_conn_t))) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_START_SRV, 0, sock); aud_exit (FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } conns = SH_ALLOC (sizeof(sh_conn_t) * maxconn); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_START_SRV, (maxconn-1), sock); /* timer */ tcurrent = (unsigned long) time (NULL); told = tcurrent; tchkold = tcurrent; for (i = SH_MINSOCK; i < maxconn; ++i) { conns[i].buf = NULL; conns[i].K = NULL; conns[i].A = NULL; conns[i].M1 = NULL; conns[i].FileName = NULL; conns[i].fd = -1; sh_xfer_do_free ( &conns[i]); } /* status init */ server_status.conn_open = 0; server_status.conn_total = 0; server_status.conn_max = maxconn-1; server_status.start = time (NULL); server_status.last = (time_t) 0; nowconn = 1; tv.tv_sec = 5; tv.tv_usec = 0; /* conns[0] is the listen() socket. Always in read mode. */ sock = 0; sock_tcp[0] = 0; while (sock < sh_tcp_sock_n) { conns[sock].fd = sh_tcp_sock[sock]; conns[sock].state = CONN_READING; /* high_fd = (sh_tcp_sock[sock] > high_fd) ? sh_tcp_sock[sock] : high_fd; */ ++sock; } sock_tcp[1] = sock; conns[sock].fd = pf_unix_fd; conns[sock].state = CONN_READING; /* high_fd = (pf_unix_fd > high_fd) ? pf_unix_fd : high_fd; */ sock_unix = sock; ++sock; #ifdef INET_SYSLOG conns[sock].fd = -1; if ( sh_xfer_printerr_final(1) < 0) { SH_FREE(conns); conns = NULL; aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } sock_log[0] = sock; sock_log[1] = sock; if (sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n > 0) { int s2; for (s2 = 0; s2 < sh_xfer_syslog_sock_n; ++s2) { conns[sock].fd = sh_xfer_syslog_sock[s2]; conns[sock].state = CONN_READING; /* high_fd = (high_fd > conns[sock].fd) ? high_fd : conns[sock].fd; */ ++sock; } sock_log[1] = sock; } #endif sh_html_write(all_clients); /* This is the select() loop. */ while (1 == 1) { if (sig_raised > 0) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))) if (sig_termfast == 1) /* SIGTERM */ { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); strncpy (sh_sig_msg, _("SIGTERM"), 20); --sig_raised; --sig_urgent; aud_exit (FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (sig_config_read_again == 1) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_RECONF); /* -- Delete the name server cache. -- */ delete_cache(); #if defined(WITH_EXTERNAL) /* -- Delete list of external tasks. -- */ (void) sh_ext_cleanup(); #endif #if defined(SH_WITH_MAIL) sh_nmail_free(); #endif /* - mark all clients dead * - read configuration file * - remove clients still dead */ sh_xfer_mark_dead (); reset_count_dev_console(); reset_count_dev_time(); sl_trust_purge_user(); (void) sh_readconf_read (); for (i = SH_MINSOCK; i < maxconn; ++i) if (conns[i].state != CONN_FREE && conns[i].client_entry != NULL && conns[i].client_entry->dead_flag == 1) sh_xfer_do_free ( &conns[i]); sh_xfer_clean_tree (); sig_config_read_again = 0; --sig_raised; } if (sig_fresh_trail == 1) /* SIGIOT */ { /* Logfile access */ #ifdef SH_USE_XML sh_log_file (NULL, NULL); #endif TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); sh_error_only_stderr (S_TRUE); sh_unix_rm_lock_file(sh.srvlog.name); retry_msleep(3, 0); sh.flag.log_start = S_TRUE; sh_error_only_stderr (S_FALSE); sig_fresh_trail = 0; --sig_raised; } if (sig_terminate == 1 && nowconn < 2) /* SIGQUIT */ { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); strncpy (sh_sig_msg, _("SIGQUIT"), 20); --sig_raised; --sig_urgent; aud_exit (FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (sig_debug_switch == 1) /* SIGUSR1 */ { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); sh_error_dbg_switch(); sig_debug_switch = 0; --sig_raised; } if (sig_suspend_switch > 0) /* SIGUSR2 */ { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); if (sh_global_suspend_flag == 1) { sh_global_suspend_flag = 0; } else { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_SUSPEND, sh.prg_name); sh_global_suspend_flag = 1; } --sig_suspend_switch; --sig_raised; --sig_urgent; } sig_raised = (sig_raised < 0) ? 0 : sig_raised; sig_urgent = (sig_urgent < 0) ? 0 : sig_urgent; TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); } if (sh_global_suspend_flag == 1) { (void) retry_msleep (1, 0); continue; } /* Recompute the descriptor set. select() modifies it, * thus we update it using the info from the connection table. * Also recompute the number of open connections. */ FD_ZERO( &readset ); FD_ZERO( &writeset ); high_fd = conns[0].fd; for (sock = sock_tcp[0]; sock < sock_tcp[1]; ++sock) { FD_SET(conns[sock].fd, &readset ); high_fd = (high_fd > conns[sock].fd) ? high_fd : conns[sock].fd; } if (conns[sock_unix].fd > -1) { FD_SET(conns[sock_unix].fd, &readset ); high_fd = (high_fd > conns[sock_unix].fd) ? high_fd : conns[sock_unix].fd; } #ifdef INET_SYSLOG for (sock = sock_log[0]; sock < sock_log[1]; ++sock) { if (conns[sock].fd > -1) { FD_SET(conns[sock].fd, &readset ); high_fd = (high_fd > conns[sock].fd) ? high_fd : conns[sock].fd; } } #endif time_now = (unsigned long) time (NULL); nowconn = 1; for (i = SH_MINSOCK; i < maxconn; ++i) { /* eliminate timed out connections */ if (conns[i].state != CONN_FREE) { if (time_now-conns[i].timer > time_out) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_TCP_TIMOUT, conns[i].peer); sh_xfer_do_free ( &conns[i]); } else ++nowconn; } if (conns[i].state == CONN_READING) { FD_SET(conns[i].fd, &readset); high_fd = (high_fd < conns[i].fd ? conns[i].fd : high_fd); } else if (conns[i].state == CONN_SENDING) { FD_SET(conns[i].fd, &writeset); high_fd = (high_fd < conns[i].fd ? conns[i].fd : high_fd); } } /* -- Exponentially reduce timeout limit if more than 1/2 full. -- */ /* Eliminate this, will cause problems when too much clients are * starting up. */ #if 0 if (nowconn > (maxconn/2)) time_out = ( (time_out/2) > 1) ? (time_out/2) : 1; else time_out = time_out_val; #endif /* -- Do the select(). -- */ num_sel = select(high_fd+1, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &tv); errnum = errno; /* reset timeout - modified by select() on some systems */ tv.tv_sec = 5; tv.tv_usec = 0; if ( (time_now - time_last) > 2L) { time_last = time_now; if (sh_html_write(all_clients) < 0) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_HTML); } /* Error handling. */ if ( num_sel < 0 ) /* some error */ { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; if (sig_raised == 1) { sig_raised = 2; continue; } if ( errnum == EINTR) continue; /* try again */ if ( errnum == EBADF) { /* seek and destroy the bad fd */ for (i = SH_MINSOCK; i < high_fd; ++i) { if ((conns[i].state == CONN_READING) || (conns[i].state == CONN_SENDING)) { if (-1 == retry_fcntl(FIL__, __LINE__, conns[i].fd, F_GETFL, dummy)) sh_xfer_do_free ( &conns[i]); } } continue; } sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, errnum, MSG_EXIT_ABORTS, sh_error_message(errnum, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), sh.prg_name, _("select")); aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE ); } /* log the timestamp */ if ((tcurrent - told) > sh.looptime ) { told = tcurrent; #ifdef MEM_DEBUG sh_mem_check(); sh_unix_count_mlock(); #else sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_STAMP); #endif } #if defined(SH_WITH_MAIL) /* * flush the mail queue */ if (tcurrent - sh.mailTime.alarm_last > sh.mailTime.alarm_interval) { TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))) (void) sh_nmail_flush (); sh.mailTime.alarm_last = tcurrent; } #endif #ifdef MEM_DEBUG sh_mem_dump(); #endif tcurrent = (unsigned long) time (NULL); /* check for time limit exceeded */ if ((tcurrent - tchkold) > (unsigned int) 3 ) { tchkold = tcurrent; client_time_check(/* all_clients */); /* reset cache */ sh_userid_destroy(); } /* seed / re-seed the PRNG if required */ (void) taus_seed(); /* select() timeout handling. */ if ( num_sel == 0 ) /* timeout - no connection */ { if (sh_html_write(all_clients) < 0) sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_HTML); continue; } /* New connection. */ for (sock = sock_tcp[0]; sock < sock_tcp[1]; ++sock) { if ( FD_ISSET(conns[sock].fd , &readset )) /* a new connection */ { --num_sel; status = 0; if (nowconn < maxconn && sig_terminate == 0 && sig_termfast == 0) { /* Find a free slot to accept the connection */ i = SH_MINSOCK; while (i < maxconn) { if (conns[i].state == CONN_FREE) { /* Here we run the accept() and copy the peer to * the free slot. */ status = sh_xfer_accept(conns[sock].fd, &conns[i]); if (status == 0) { high_fd = (high_fd > conns[i].fd ? high_fd : conns[i].fd); ++server_status.conn_open; ++server_status.conn_total; server_status.last = time (NULL); } break; } ++i; } } /* This re-runs select to accept data on the new * connection, rather than first dealing with old * connections. */ if (status == 0) continue; } } /* check for commands on the socket */ if (conns[sock_unix].fd > (-1) && FD_ISSET(conns[sock_unix].fd , &readset )) { sh_socket_poll(); } #ifdef INET_SYSLOG for (sock = sock_log[0]; sock < sock_log[1]; ++sock) { if (conns[sock].fd > (-1) && FD_ISSET(conns[sock].fd , &readset )) { sh_xfer_recv_syslog_socket (conns[sock].fd); } } #endif /* Check for pending read/write on the rest of the sockets. */ for ( i = SH_MINSOCK; num_sel > 0 && i < maxconn; ++i ) { if (sig_termfast == 1) break; cx = &conns[i]; if ( cx->state == CONN_READING && FD_ISSET( cx->fd, &readset ) ) { --num_sel; sh_xfer_do_read ( cx ); } else if ( cx->state == CONN_SENDING && FD_ISSET( cx->fd, &writeset ) ) { --num_sel; sh_xfer_do_write ( cx ); } } /* continue */ } /* notreached */ } void free_client_tree (void) { SL_ENTER(_("free_client_tree")); zAVLFreeTree (all_clients, free_client); SL_RET0(_("free_client_tree")); } void sh_xfer_free_all () { register int i; SL_ENTER(_("sh_xfer_free_all")); if (conns != NULL) for (i = SH_MINSOCK; i < maxconn; ++i) { sh_xfer_do_free ( &conns[i]); } free_client_tree (); if (conns != NULL) SH_FREE (conns); SL_RET0(_("sh_xfer_free_all")); } /* #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER */ #endif