/* SAMHAIN file system integrity testing */ /* Copyright (C) 1999 Rainer Wichmann */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */ /* and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as */ /* published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config_xor.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_FS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MEMORY_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* need to undef these, since the #define's may be picked up from * linux/wait.h, and will clash with a typedef in sys/wait.h */ #undef P_ALL #undef P_PID #undef P_PGID #include /********************* #ifdef HAVE_SYS_VFS_H #include #endif **********************/ #endif #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME #include #include #else #if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #else #include #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #ifndef FD_SET #define NFDBITS 32 #define FD_SET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] |= (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #define FD_CLR(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] &= ~(1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #define FD_ISSET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] & (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #endif /* !FD_SET */ #ifndef FD_SETSIZE #define FD_SETSIZE 32 #endif #ifndef FD_ZERO #define FD_ZERO(p) memset((char *)(p), '\0', sizeof(*(p))) #endif #if defined(HAVE_MLOCK) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_MLOCK) #include #endif #include "samhain.h" #include "sh_error.h" #include "sh_unix.h" #include "sh_utils.h" #include "sh_mem.h" #include "sh_hash.h" #include "sh_tools.h" #include "sh_restrict.h" #include "sh_ipvx.h" #include "sh_tiger.h" #include "sh_prelink.h" #include "sh_pthread.h" /* moved here from far below */ #include #define SH_NEED_PWD_GRP #define SH_NEED_GETHOSTBYXXX #include "sh_static.h" #ifndef HAVE_LSTAT #define lstat stat #endif #if defined(S_IFLNK) && !defined(S_ISLNK) #define S_ISLNK(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) #else #if !defined(S_ISLNK) #define S_ISLNK(mode) (0) #endif #endif #if defined(S_IFSOCK) && !defined(S_ISSOCK) #define S_ISSOCK(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK) #else #if !defined(S_ISSOCK) #define S_ISSOCK(mode) (0) #endif #endif #if defined(S_IFDOOR) && !defined(S_ISDOOR) #define S_ISDOOR(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDOOR) #else #if !defined(S_ISDOOR) #define S_ISDOOR(mode) (0) #endif #endif #if defined(S_IFPORT) && !defined(S_ISPORT) #define S_ISPORT(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFPORT) #else #if !defined(S_ISPORT) #define S_ISPORT(mode) (0) #endif #endif #define SH_KEY_NULL _("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") #undef FIL__ #define FIL__ _("sh_unix.c") unsigned long mask_PRELINK = MASK_PRELINK_; unsigned long mask_USER0 = MASK_USER_; unsigned long mask_USER1 = MASK_USER_; unsigned long mask_USER2 = MASK_USER_; unsigned long mask_USER3 = MASK_USER_; unsigned long mask_USER4 = MASK_USER_; unsigned long mask_ALLIGNORE = MASK_ALLIGNORE_; unsigned long mask_ATTRIBUTES = MASK_ATTRIBUTES_; unsigned long mask_LOGFILES = MASK_LOGFILES_; unsigned long mask_LOGGROW = MASK_LOGGROW_; unsigned long mask_READONLY = MASK_READONLY_; unsigned long mask_NOIGNORE = MASK_NOIGNORE_; extern char **environ; int sh_unix_maskreset() { mask_PRELINK = MASK_PRELINK_; mask_USER0 = MASK_USER_; mask_USER1 = MASK_USER_; mask_USER2 = MASK_USER_; mask_USER3 = MASK_USER_; mask_USER4 = MASK_USER_; mask_ALLIGNORE = MASK_ALLIGNORE_; mask_ATTRIBUTES = MASK_ATTRIBUTES_; mask_LOGFILES = MASK_LOGFILES_; mask_LOGGROW = MASK_LOGGROW_; mask_READONLY = MASK_READONLY_; mask_NOIGNORE = MASK_NOIGNORE_; return 0; } #ifdef SYS_SIGLIST_DECLARED /* extern const char * const sys_siglist[]; */ #else char * sh_unix_siglist (int signum) { switch (signum) { #ifdef SIGHUP case SIGHUP: return _("Hangup"); #endif #ifdef SIGINT case SIGINT: return _("Interrupt"); #endif #ifdef SIGQUIT case SIGQUIT: return _("Quit"); #endif #ifdef SIGILL case SIGILL: return _("Illegal instruction"); #endif #ifdef SIGTRAP case SIGTRAP: return _("Trace/breakpoint trap"); #endif #ifdef SIGABRT case SIGABRT: return _("IOT trap/Abort"); #endif #ifdef SIGBUS case SIGBUS: return _("Bus error"); #endif #ifdef SIGFPE case SIGFPE: return _("Floating point exception"); #endif #ifdef SIGUSR1 case SIGUSR1: return _("User defined signal 1"); #endif #ifdef SIGSEGV case SIGSEGV: return _("Segmentation fault"); #endif #ifdef SIGUSR2 case SIGUSR2: return _("User defined signal 2"); #endif #ifdef SIGPIPE case SIGPIPE: return _("Broken pipe"); #endif #ifdef SIGALRM case SIGALRM: return _("Alarm clock"); #endif #ifdef SIGTERM case SIGTERM: return _("Terminated"); #endif #ifdef SIGSTKFLT case SIGSTKFLT: return _("Stack fault"); #endif #ifdef SIGCHLD case SIGCHLD: return _("Child exited"); #endif #ifdef SIGCONT case SIGCONT: return _("Continued"); #endif #ifdef SIGSTOP case SIGSTOP: return _("Stopped"); #endif #ifdef SIGTSTP case SIGTSTP: return _("Stop typed at tty"); #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN case SIGTTIN: return _("Stopped (tty input)"); #endif #ifdef SIGTTOU case SIGTTOU: return _("Stopped (tty output)"); #endif #ifdef SIGURG case SIGURG: return _("Urgent condition"); #endif #ifdef SIGXCPU case SIGXCPU: return _("CPU time limit exceeded"); #endif #ifdef SIGXFSZ case SIGXFSZ: return _("File size limit exceeded"); #endif #ifdef SIGVTALRM case SIGVTALRM: return _("Virtual time alarm"); #endif #ifdef SIGPROF case SIGPROF: return _("Profile signal"); #endif #ifdef SIGWINCH case SIGWINCH: return _("Window size changed"); #endif #ifdef SIGIO case SIGIO: return _("Possible I/O"); #endif #ifdef SIGPWR case SIGPWR: return _("Power failure"); #endif #ifdef SIGUNUSED case SIGUNUSED: return _("Unused signal"); #endif } return _("Unknown"); } #endif /* Log from within a signal handler without using any * functions that are not async signal safe. * * This is the safe_itoa helper function. */ char * safe_itoa(int i, char * str, int size) { unsigned int u; int iisneg = 0; char *p = &str[size-1]; *p = '\0'; if (i < 0) { iisneg = 1; u = ((unsigned int)(-(1+i))) + 1; } else { u = i; } do { --p; *p = '0' + (u % 10); u /= 10; } while (u && (p != str)); if ((iisneg == 1) && (p != str)) { --p; *p = '-'; } return p; } /* Log from within a signal handler without using any * functions that are not async signal safe. * * This is the safe_logger function. * Arguments: signal (signal number), method (0=logger, 1=stderr), thepid (pid) */ extern int OnlyStderr; int safe_logger (int thesignal, int method, char * details) { unsigned int i = 0; int status = -1; struct stat buf; pid_t newpid; char str[128]; char * p; char l0[64], l1[64], l2[64], l3[64]; char a0[32], a1[32], a2[32]; char e0[128]; char msg[128]; char * locations[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; char * envp[] = { NULL, NULL }; char * argp[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; pid_t thepid = getpid(); if ((sh.flag.isdaemon == S_FALSE) || (OnlyStderr == S_TRUE)) method = 1; /* seems that solaris cc needs this way of initializing ... */ locations[0] = l0; locations[1] = l1; locations[2] = l2; locations[3] = l3; envp[0] = e0; argp[0] = a0; argp[1] = a1; argp[2] = a2; sl_strlcpy(msg, _("samhain["), 128); p = safe_itoa((int) thepid, str, 128); if (p && *p) sl_strlcat(msg, p, 128); if (thesignal == 0) { if (details == NULL) { sl_strlcat(msg, _("]: out of memory"), 128); } else { sl_strlcat(msg, _("]: "), 128); sl_strlcat(msg, details, 128); } } else { sl_strlcat(msg, _("]: exit on signal "), 128); p = safe_itoa(thesignal, str, 128); if (p && *p) sl_strlcat(msg, p, 128); } if (method == 1) { #ifndef STDERR_FILENO #define STDERR_FILENO 2 #endif int retval = 0; do { retval = write(STDERR_FILENO, msg, strlen(msg)); } while (retval < 0 && errno == EINTR); do { retval = write(STDERR_FILENO, "\n", 1); } while (retval < 0 && errno == EINTR); return 0; } sl_strlcpy (l0, _("/usr/bin/logger"), 64); sl_strlcpy (l1, _("/usr/sbin/logger"), 64); sl_strlcpy (l2, _("/usr/ucb/logger"), 64); sl_strlcpy (l3, _("/bin/logger"), 64); sl_strlcpy (a0, _("logger"), 32); sl_strlcpy (a1, _("-p"), 32); sl_strlcpy (a2, _("daemon.alert"), 32); sl_strlcpy (e0, _("PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/usr/local/bin"), 128); while (locations[i] != NULL) { status = stat(locations[i], &buf); if (status == 0) break; ++i; } if (locations[i] != NULL) { argp[3] = msg; newpid = fork(); if (newpid == 0) { execve(locations[i], argp, envp); _exit(1); } else if (newpid > 0) { waitpid(newpid, &status, WUNTRACED); } } return 0; } void safe_fatal (const char * details, const char * file, int line) { char msg[128]; char str[128]; char * p; int thesignal = 0; int method = 0; p = safe_itoa((int) line, str, 128); sl_strlcpy(msg, _("FATAL: "), 128); sl_strlcat(msg, file, 128); sl_strlcat(msg, ": ", 128); if (p && (*p)) { sl_strlcat(msg, p , 128); sl_strlcat(msg, ": ", 128); } sl_strlcat(msg, details, 128); (void) safe_logger (thesignal, method, msg); raise(SIGKILL); } extern char sh_sig_msg[64]; volatile int immediate_exit_normal = 0; #if defined(SA_SIGACTION_WORKS) static void sh_unix_sigexit (int mysignal, siginfo_t * signal_info, void * signal_add) #else static void sh_unix_sigexit (int mysignal) #endif { #if defined(SA_SIGACTION_WORKS) if (signal_info != NULL && signal_info->si_code == SI_USER && mysignal != SIGTERM && mysignal != SIGINT) { return; } /* avoid compiler warning (unused var) */ (void) signal_add; #endif /* * Block re-entry */ if (immediate_exit_normal > 0) { ++immediate_exit_normal; if ((skey != NULL) && (immediate_exit_normal == 2)) memset (skey, '\0', sizeof(sh_key_t)); if (immediate_exit_normal == 2) { int val_return; do { val_return = chdir ("/"); } while (val_return < 0 && errno == EINTR); safe_logger (mysignal, 0, NULL); } raise(SIGKILL); } else { immediate_exit_normal = 1; } #ifdef SYS_SIGLIST_DECLARED strncpy (sh_sig_msg, sys_siglist[mysignal], 40); #else strncpy (sh_sig_msg, sh_unix_siglist(mysignal), 40); #endif sh_sig_msg[63] = '\0'; ++sig_raised; ++sig_urgent; sig_termfast = 1; return; } volatile int immediate_exit_fast = 0; #if defined(SA_SIGACTION_WORKS) static void sh_unix_sigexit_fast (int mysignal, siginfo_t * signal_info, void * signal_add) #else static void sh_unix_sigexit_fast (int mysignal) #endif { #if defined(SL_DEBUG) && (defined(USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC) || !defined(USE_MALLOC_LOCK)) int retval; #endif #if defined(SA_SIGACTION_WORKS) if (signal_info != NULL && signal_info->si_code == SI_USER) { return; } #endif /* avoid compiler warning (unused var) */ #if defined(SA_SIGACTION_WORKS) (void) signal_add; #endif /* Check whether the heap is ok; otherwise _exit */ #if !defined(SL_DEBUG) || (!defined(USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC) && defined(USE_MALLOC_LOCK)) ++immediate_exit_fast; if (skey != NULL && immediate_exit_fast < 2) memset (skey, '\0', sizeof(sh_key_t)); if (immediate_exit_fast < 2) safe_logger (mysignal, 0, NULL); raise(SIGKILL); #else /* debug code */ if (immediate_exit_fast == 1) { ++immediate_exit_fast; if (skey != NULL) memset (skey, '\0', sizeof(sh_key_t)); #ifdef WITH_MESSAGE_QUEUE close_ipc (); #endif safe_logger (mysignal, 0, NULL); do { retval = chdir ("/"); } while (retval < 0 && errno == EINTR); raise(SIGFPE); } else if (immediate_exit_fast == 2) { do { retval = chdir ("/"); } while (retval < 0 && errno == EINTR); raise(SIGFPE); } else if (immediate_exit_fast != 0) { raise(SIGKILL); } ++immediate_exit_fast; /* The FPE|BUS|SEGV|ILL signals leave the system in an undefined * state, thus it is best to exit immediately. */ #ifdef SYS_SIGLIST_DECLARED strncpy (sh_sig_msg, sys_siglist[mysignal], 40); #else strncpy (sh_sig_msg, sh_unix_siglist(mysignal), 40); #endif sh_sig_msg[63] = '\0'; sl_stack_print(); /* Try to push out an error message. */ sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, mysignal, MSG_EXIT_NORMAL, sh.prg_name, sh_sig_msg); if (skey != NULL) memset (skey, '\0', sizeof(sh_key_t)); #ifdef WITH_MESSAGE_QUEUE close_ipc (); #endif do { retval = chdir ("/"); } while (retval < 0 && errno == EINTR); raise(SIGFPE); #endif } static void sh_unix_sigaction (int mysignal) { ++sig_raised; #ifdef SIGUSR1 if (mysignal == SIGUSR1) sig_debug_switch = 1; #endif #ifdef SIGUSR2 if (mysignal == SIGUSR2) { ++sig_suspend_switch; ++sig_urgent; } #endif #ifdef SIGHUP if (mysignal == SIGHUP) sig_config_read_again = 1; #endif #ifdef SIGTTOU if (mysignal == SIGTTOU) sig_force_check = 1; #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN if (mysignal == SIGTTIN) sig_fresh_trail = 1; #endif #ifdef SIGABRT if (mysignal == SIGABRT) sig_fresh_trail = 1; #endif #ifdef SIGQUIT if (mysignal == SIGQUIT) { sig_terminate = 1; ++sig_urgent; } #endif #ifdef SIGTERM if (mysignal == SIGTERM) { strncpy (sh_sig_msg, _("Terminated"), 40); sig_termfast = 1; ++sig_urgent; } #endif return; } void sh_unix_ign_sigpipe() { struct sigaction ignact; ignact.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; /* signal action */ sigemptyset( &ignact.sa_mask ); /* set an empty mask */ ignact.sa_flags = 0; /* init sa_flags */ #ifdef SIGPIPE retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGPIPE, &ignact, NULL); #endif return; } static void sh_unix_siginstall (int goDaemon) { struct sigaction act, act_fast, act2, oldact, ignact; #if defined (SH_WITH_SERVER) (void) goDaemon; #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_siginstall")); ignact.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; /* signal action */ sigemptyset( &ignact.sa_mask ); /* set an empty mask */ ignact.sa_flags = 0; /* init sa_flags */ #if defined(SA_SIGACTION_WORKS) act.sa_sigaction = &sh_unix_sigexit; /* signal action */ #else act.sa_handler = &sh_unix_sigexit; /* signal action */ #endif sigfillset ( &act.sa_mask ); /* set a full mask */ /* Block all but deadly signals. */ #ifdef SIGILL sigdelset ( &act.sa_mask, SIGILL ); #endif #ifndef SL_DEBUG #ifdef SIGFPE sigdelset ( &act.sa_mask, SIGFPE ); #endif #endif #ifdef SIGSEGV sigdelset ( &act.sa_mask, SIGSEGV ); #endif #ifdef SIGBUS sigdelset ( &act.sa_mask, SIGBUS ); #endif #if defined(SA_SIGACTION_WORKS) act_fast.sa_sigaction = &sh_unix_sigexit_fast; /* signal action */ #else act_fast.sa_handler = &sh_unix_sigexit_fast; /* signal action */ #endif sigfillset ( &act_fast.sa_mask ); /* set a full mask */ #ifdef SIGILL sigdelset ( &act_fast.sa_mask, SIGILL ); #endif #ifndef SL_DEBUG #ifdef SIGFPE sigdelset ( &act_fast.sa_mask, SIGFPE ); #endif #endif #ifdef SIGSEGV sigdelset ( &act_fast.sa_mask, SIGSEGV ); #endif #ifdef SIGBUS sigdelset ( &act_fast.sa_mask, SIGBUS ); #endif /* Use siginfo to verify origin of signal, if possible. */ #if defined(SA_SIGACTION_WORKS) act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; act_fast.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; #else act.sa_flags = 0; act_fast.sa_flags = 0; #endif /* Do not block the signal from being received in its handler ... * (is this a good or a bad idea ??). */ #if defined(SA_NOMASK) act_fast.sa_flags |= SA_NOMASK; #elif defined(SA_NODEFER) act_fast.sa_flags |= SA_NODEFER; #endif act2.sa_handler = &sh_unix_sigaction; /* signal action */ sigemptyset( &act2.sa_mask ); /* set an empty mask */ act2.sa_flags = 0; /* init sa_flags */ /* signals to control the daemon */ #ifdef SIGHUP retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGHUP, &act2, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGABRT retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGABRT, &act2, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGUSR1 retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGUSR1, &act2, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGUSR2 retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGUSR2, &act2, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGQUIT retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGQUIT, &act2, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGTERM retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTERM, &act, &oldact); #endif /* fatal signals that may cause termination */ #ifdef SIGILL retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGILL, &act_fast, &oldact); #endif #ifndef SL_DEBUG #ifdef SIGFPE retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGFPE, &act_fast, &oldact); #endif #endif #ifdef SIGSEGV retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGSEGV, &act_fast, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGBUS retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGBUS, &act_fast, &oldact); #endif /* other signals */ #ifdef SIGINT retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGINT, &act, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGPIPE retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGPIPE, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGALRM retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGALRM, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGTSTP retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTSTP, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_STANDALONE) #ifdef SIGTTOU if (goDaemon == 1) retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTTOU, &act2, &oldact); else retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTTOU, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN if (goDaemon == 1) retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTTIN, &act2, &oldact); else retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTTIN, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #else #ifdef SIGTTOU retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTTOU, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTTIN, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #endif #ifdef SIGTRAP #if !defined(SCREW_IT_UP) retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGTRAP, &act, &oldact); #endif #endif #ifdef SIGPOLL retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGPOLL, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #if defined(SIGPROF) && !defined(SH_PROFILE) retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGPROF, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGSYS retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGSYS, &act, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGURG retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGURG, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #if defined(SIGVTALRM) && !defined(SH_PROFILE) retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGVTALRM, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGXCPU retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGXCPU, &act, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGXFSZ retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGXFSZ, &act, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGEMT retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGEMT, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGSTKFLT retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGSTKFLT, &act, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGIO retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGIO, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGPWR retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGPWR, &act, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGLOST retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGLOST, &ignact, &oldact); #endif #ifdef SIGUNUSED retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, SIGUNUSED, &ignact, &oldact); #endif SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_siginstall")); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* checksum the own binary */ int sh_unix_self_hash (const char * c) { char message[512]; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_self_hash")); if (c == NULL) { sh.exec.path[0] = '\0'; SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_unix_self_hash")); } sl_strlcpy(sh.exec.path, c, SH_PATHBUF); sl_strlcpy(sh.exec.hash, sh_tiger_hash (c, TIGER_FILE, TIGER_NOLIM, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); sl_snprintf(message, 512, _("%s has checksum: %s"), sh.exec.path, sh.exec.hash); message[511] = '\0'; sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_INFO, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, message, _("sh_unix_self_hash")); if (0 == sl_strcmp(sh.exec.hash, SH_KEY_NULL )) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("Could not checksum my own executable because of the\nfollowing error: %s: %s\n\nPossible reasons include:\n Wrong path in configure file option SamhainPath=/path/to/executable\n No read permission for the effective UID: %d\n"), sh.exec.path, sl_get_errmsg(), (int) sl_ret_euid()); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EACCES, MSG_NOACCESS, (long) sh.real.uid, c); aud_exit (FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_unix_self_hash")); } int sh_unix_self_check () { char newhash[KEY_LEN+1]; char message[512]; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_self_check")); if (sh.exec.path == NULL || sh.exec.path[0] == '\0') SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_unix_self_check")); sl_strlcpy(newhash, sh_tiger_hash (sh.exec.path, TIGER_FILE, TIGER_NOLIM, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); if (0 == sl_strncmp(sh.exec.hash, newhash, KEY_LEN)) SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_unix_self_check")); dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("The checksum of the executable: %s has changed since startup (%s -> %s).\n"), sh.exec.path, sh.exec.hash, newhash); sl_snprintf(message, 512, _("The checksum of %s has changed since startup (%s -> %s)"), sh.exec.path, sh.exec.hash, newhash); message[511] = '\0'; sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_INFO, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, message, _("sh_unix_self_check")); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EACCES, MSG_E_AUTH, sh.exec.path); SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_self_check")); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* added Tue Feb 22 10:36:44 NFT 2000 Rainer Wichmann */ static int tf_add_trusted_user_int(const char * c) { struct passwd * w; int count; uid_t pwid = (uid_t)-1; #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWNAM_R) struct passwd pwd; char * buffer; #endif SL_ENTER(_("tf_add_trusted_user_int")); /* First check for a user name. */ #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWNAM_R) buffer = SH_ALLOC(SH_PWBUF_SIZE); sh_getpwnam_r(c, &pwd, buffer, SH_PWBUF_SIZE, &w); #else w = sh_getpwnam(c); #endif if ((w != NULL) && ((pwid = w->pw_uid) > 0)) goto succe; /* Failed, so check for a numerical value. */ pwid = strtol(c, (char **)NULL, 10); if (pwid > 0 && pwid < 65535) goto succe; sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_EINVALS, _("add trusted user"), c); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWNAM_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN((-1), _("tf_add_trusted_user_int")); succe: count = sl_trust_add_user(pwid); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWNAM_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN((count), _("tf_add_trusted_user_int")); } int tf_add_trusted_user(const char * c) { int i; char * q; char * p = sh_util_strdup (c); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_STRTOK_R) char * saveptr; #endif SL_ENTER(_("tf_add_trusted_user")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_STRTOK_R) q = strtok_r(p, ", \t", &saveptr); #else q = strtok(p, ", \t"); #endif if (!q) { SH_FREE(p); SL_RETURN((-1), _("tf_add_trusted_user")); } while (q) { i = tf_add_trusted_user_int(q); if (SL_ISERROR(i)) { SH_FREE(p); SL_RETURN((i), _("tf_add_trusted_user")); } #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_STRTOK_R) q = strtok_r(NULL, ", \t", &saveptr); #else q = strtok(NULL, ", \t"); #endif } SH_FREE(p); SL_RETURN((0), _("tf_add_trusted_user")); } extern uid_t sl_trust_baduid(void); extern gid_t sl_trust_badgid(void); #if defined(HOST_IS_CYGWIN) || defined(__cygwin__) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) int tf_trust_check (const char * file, int mode) { (void) file; (void) mode; return 0; } #else int tf_trust_check (const char * file, int mode) { char * tmp; char * tmp2; char * p; int status; int level; uid_t ff_euid; SL_ENTER(_("tf_trust_check")); if (mode == SL_YESPRIV) sl_get_euid(&ff_euid); else sl_get_ruid(&ff_euid); #if defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) if (0 == sl_ret_euid()) /* privileges not dropped yet */ { #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWNAM_R) struct passwd pwd; char * buffer = SH_ALLOC(SH_PWBUF_SIZE); struct passwd * tempres; sh_getpwnam_r(DEFAULT_IDENT, &pwd, buffer, SH_PWBUF_SIZE, &tempres); #else struct passwd * tempres = sh_getpwnam(DEFAULT_IDENT); #endif if (!tempres) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("User %s does not exist. Please add the user to your system.\n"), DEFAULT_IDENT); aud_exit (FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } ff_euid = tempres->pw_uid; #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWNAM_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif } #endif status = sl_trustfile_euid(file, ff_euid); if ( SL_ENONE != status) { if (status == SL_ESTAT) level = SH_ERR_ALL; else level = SH_ERR_ERR; tmp = sh_util_safe_name (file); p = sl_trust_errfile(); if (p && *p != '\0') { tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (sl_trust_errfile()); sh_error_handle(level, FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_TRUST2, sl_error_string(status), tmp, tmp2); SH_FREE(tmp2); } else { sh_error_handle(level, FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_TRUST1, sl_error_string(status), tmp); } SH_FREE(tmp); if (status == SL_EBADUID || status == SL_EBADGID || status == SL_EBADOTH || status == SL_ETRUNC || status == SL_EINTERNAL ) { switch (status) { case SL_EINTERNAL: dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("An internal error occured in the trustfile function.\n")); break; case SL_ETRUNC: tmp = sh_util_safe_name (file); dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("A filename truncation occured in the trustfile function.\nProbably the normalized filename for %s\nis too long. This may be due e.g. to deep or circular softlinks.\n"), tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); break; case SL_EBADOTH: tmp = sh_util_safe_name (file); p = sl_trust_errfile(); dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("The path element: %s\nin the filename: %s is world writeable.\n"), p, tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); break; case SL_EBADUID: tmp = sh_util_safe_name (file); p = sl_trust_errfile(); dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("The owner (UID = %ld) of the path element: %s\nin the filename: %s\nis not in the list of trusted users.\nTo fix the problem, you can:\n - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID\n where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or\n - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.\n"), (UID_CAST)sl_trust_baduid(), p, tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); break; case SL_EBADGID: tmp = sh_util_safe_name (file); p = sl_trust_errfile(); dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("The path element: %s\nin the filename: %s\nis group writeable (GID = %ld), and at least one of the group\nmembers (UID = %ld) is not in the list of trusted users.\nTo fix the problem, you can:\n - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID\n where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or\n - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.\n"), p, tmp, (UID_CAST)sl_trust_badgid(), (UID_CAST)sl_trust_baduid()); SH_FREE(tmp); break; default: break; } SL_RETURN((-1), _("tf_trust_check")); } } SL_RETURN((0), _("tf_trust_check")); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS #ifdef HOST_IS_OSF int sh_unix_initgroups ( char * in_user, gid_t in_gid) #else int sh_unix_initgroups (const char * in_user, gid_t in_gid) #endif { int status = -1; status = sh_initgroups (in_user, in_gid); if (status < 0) { if (errno == EPERM) return 0; if (errno == EINVAL) return 0; return -1; } return 0; } #else int sh_unix_initgroups (const char * in_user, gid_t in_gid) { (void) in_user; (void) in_gid; return 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_INITGROUPS char * sh_unix_getUIDname (int level, uid_t uid, char * out, size_t len); int sh_unix_initgroups2 (uid_t in_pid, gid_t in_gid) { int status = -1; char user[SH_MINIBUF]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_initgroups2")); if (NULL == sh_unix_getUIDname (SH_ERR_ERR, in_pid, user, sizeof(user))) SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_initgroups2")); status = sh_initgroups (user, in_gid); if (status < 0) { if (errno == EPERM) status = 0; if (errno == EINVAL) status = 0; } SL_RETURN((status), _("sh_unix_initgroups2")); } #else int sh_unix_initgroups2 (uid_t in_pid, gid_t in_gid) { (void) in_pid; (void) in_gid; return 0; } #endif void sh_unix_closeall (int fd, int except, int inchild) { int fdx = fd; #ifdef _SC_OPEN_MAX int fdlimit = sysconf (_SC_OPEN_MAX); #else #ifdef OPEN_MAX int fdlimit = OPEN_MAX; #else int fdlimit = _POSIX_OPEN_MAX; #endif #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_closeall")); /* can't happen - so fix it :-( */ if (fdlimit < 0) fdlimit = 20; /* POSIX lower limit */ if (fdlimit > 65536) fdlimit = 65536; if (!inchild) sl_dropall (fdx, except); else sl_dropall_dirty (fdx, except); /* Close everything from fd (inclusive) up to fdlimit (exclusive). */ while (fd < fdlimit) { if (fd == except) fd++; else if (slib_do_trace != 0 && fd == slib_trace_fd) fd++; else sl_close_fd(FIL__, __LINE__, fd++); } SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_closeall")); } static void sh_unix_setlimits(void) { struct rlimit limits; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_setlimits")); limits.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; limits.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; #ifdef RLIMIT_CPU setrlimit (RLIMIT_CPU, &limits); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_FSIZE setrlimit (RLIMIT_FSIZE, &limits); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_DATA setrlimit (RLIMIT_DATA, &limits); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_STACK setrlimit (RLIMIT_STACK, &limits); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_RSS setrlimit (RLIMIT_RSS, &limits); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_NPROC setrlimit (RLIMIT_NPROC, &limits); #endif #ifdef RLIMIT_MEMLOCK setrlimit (RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, &limits); #endif #if !defined(SL_DEBUG) /* no core dumps */ limits.rlim_cur = 0; limits.rlim_max = 0; #ifdef RLIMIT_CORE setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &limits); #endif #else #ifdef RLIMIT_CORE setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &limits); #endif #endif limits.rlim_cur = 1024; limits.rlim_max = 1024; #if defined(RLIMIT_NOFILE) setrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limits); #elif defined(RLIMIT_OFILE) setrlimit (RLIMIT_OFILE, &limits); #endif SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_setlimits")); } static void sh_unix_copyenv(void) { char ** env0 = environ; char ** env1; int envlen = 0; size_t len; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_copyenv")); while (env0 != NULL && env0[envlen] != NULL) { /* printf("%2d: %s\n", envlen, env0[envlen]); */ ++envlen; } ++envlen; /* printf("-> %2d: slots allocated\n", envlen); */ env1 = malloc (sizeof(char *) * envlen); /* only once */ if (env1 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s: %d: Out of memory\n"), FIL__, __LINE__); SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_copyenv")); } env0 = environ; envlen = 0; while (env0 != NULL && env0[envlen] != NULL) { len = strlen(env0[envlen]) + 1; env1[envlen] = malloc (len); /* only once */ if (env1[envlen] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s: %d: Out of memory\n"), FIL__, __LINE__); SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_copyenv")); } sl_strlcpy(env1[envlen], env0[envlen], len); ++envlen; } env1[envlen] = NULL; environ = env1; SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_copyenv")); } /* delete all environment variables */ static void sh_unix_zeroenv(void) { char * c; char ** env; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_zeroenv")); sh_unix_copyenv(); env = environ; while (env != NULL && *env != NULL) { c = strchr ((*env), '='); #ifdef WITH_MYSQL /* * Skip the MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable; MySQL may need it. */ if (0 == sl_strncmp((*env), _("MYSQL_UNIX_PORT="), 16)) { ++(env); continue; } if (0 == sl_strncmp((*env), _("MYSQL_TCP_PORT="), 15)) { ++(env); continue; } if (0 == sl_strncmp((*env), _("MYSQL_HOME="), 11)) { ++(env); continue; } #endif #ifdef WITH_ORACLE /* * Skip the ORACLE_HOME environment variable; Oracle may need it. */ if (0 == sl_strncmp((*env), _("ORACLE_HOME="), 12)) { ++(env); continue; } #endif /* * Skip the TZ environment variable. */ if (0 == sl_strncmp((*env), _("TZ="), 3)) { ++(env); continue; } ++(env); if (c != NULL) { ++c; while ((*c) != '\0') { (*c) = '\0'; ++c; } } } #ifdef HAVE_TZSET tzset(); #endif SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_zeroenv")); } static void sh_unix_resettimer(void) { struct itimerval this_timer; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_resettimer")); this_timer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; this_timer.it_value.tv_usec = 0; this_timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; this_timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &this_timer, NULL); #if !defined(SH_PROFILE) setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &this_timer, NULL); setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &this_timer, NULL); #endif SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_resettimer")); } static void sh_unix_resetsignals(void) { int sig_num; #ifdef NSIG int max_sig = NSIG; #else int max_sig = 255; #endif int test; int status; struct sigaction act; #if !defined(SH_PROFILE) struct sigaction oldact; #endif sigset_t set_proc; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_resetsignals")); /* * Reset the current signal mask (inherited from parent process). */ sigfillset(&set_proc); do { errno = 0; test = SH_SETSIGMASK(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set_proc, NULL); } while (test < 0 && errno == EINTR); /* * Reset signal handling. */ act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; /* signal action */ sigemptyset( &act.sa_mask ); /* set an empty mask */ act.sa_flags = 0; /* init sa_flags */ for (sig_num = 1; sig_num <= max_sig; ++sig_num) { #if !defined(SH_PROFILE) test = retry_sigaction(FIL__, __LINE__, sig_num, &act, &oldact); #else test = 0; #endif if ((test == -1) && (errno != EINVAL)) { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; status = errno; sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_W_SIG, sh_error_message (status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), sig_num); } } SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_resetsignals")); } /* Get the local hostname (FQDN) */ static char * sh_tolower (char * s) { char * ret = s; if (s) { for (; *s; ++s) { *s = tolower((unsigned char) *s); } } return ret; } #include /* Required for BSD */ #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #include const char * sh_unix_h_name (struct hostent * host_entry) { char ** p; if (strchr(host_entry->h_name, '.')) { return host_entry->h_name; } else { for (p = host_entry->h_aliases; *p; ++p) { if (strchr(*p, '.')) return *p; } } return host_entry->h_name; } /* uname() on FreeBSD is broken, because the 'nodename' buf is too small * to hold a valid (leftmost) domain label. */ #if defined(HAVE_UNAME) && !defined(HOST_IS_FREEBSD) #include void sh_unix_localhost() { struct utsname buf; int i; int ddot; int len; char * p; char hostname[256]; char numeric[SH_IP_BUF]; char * canonical; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_localhost")); (void) uname (&buf); /* flawfinder: ignore */ /* ff bug, ff sees system() */ sl_strlcpy (sh.host.system, buf.sysname, SH_MINIBUF); sl_strlcpy (sh.host.release, buf.release, SH_MINIBUF); sl_strlcpy (sh.host.machine, buf.machine, SH_MINIBUF); /* Workaround for cases where nodename could be * a truncated FQDN. */ if (strlen(buf.nodename) == (sizeof(buf.nodename)-1)) { p = strchr(buf.nodename, '.'); if (NULL != p) { *p = '\0'; sl_strlcpy(hostname, buf.nodename, 256); } else { #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTNAME if (0 != gethostname(hostname, 256)) { sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_WARN, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("nodename returned by uname may be truncated"), _("sh_unix_localhost")); sl_strlcpy (hostname, buf.nodename, 256); } else { hostname[255] = '\0'; } #else sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_WARN, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("nodename returned by uname may be truncated"), _("sh_unix_localhost")); sl_strlcpy(hostname, buf.nodename, 256); #endif } } else { sl_strlcpy(hostname, buf.nodename, 256); } canonical = sh_ipvx_canonical(hostname, numeric, sizeof(numeric)); if (canonical == NULL) { sl_strlcpy (sh.host.name, hostname, SH_PATHBUF); sh_tolower (sh.host.name); } else { sl_strlcpy (sh.host.name, canonical, SH_PATHBUF); SH_FREE(canonical); } /* check whether it looks like a FQDN */ len = sl_strlen(sh.host.name); ddot = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (sh.host.name[i] == '.') ++ddot; if (ddot == 0) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("According to uname, your nodename is %s, but your resolver\nlibrary cannot resolve this nodename to a FQDN.\nRather, it resolves this to %s.\nFor more information, see the entry about self-resolving under\n'Most frequently' in the FAQ that you will find in the docs/ subdirectory.\n"), hostname, sh.host.name); sl_strlcpy (sh.host.name, numeric, SH_PATHBUF); SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_localhost")); } if (sh_ipvx_is_numeric(sh.host.name)) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("According to uname, your nodename is %s, but your resolver\nlibrary cannot resolve this nodename to a FQDN.\nRather, it resolves this to %s.\nFor more information, see the entry about self-resolving under\n'Most frequently' in the FAQ that you will find in the docs/ subdirectory.\n"), hostname, sh.host.name); } SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_localhost")); } #else /* * --FreeBSD code */ #if defined(HAVE_UNAME) #include #endif void sh_unix_localhost() { #if defined(HAVE_UNAME) struct utsname buf; #endif int i; int ddot; int len; char hostname[1024]; char numeric[SH_IP_BUF]; char * canonical; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_localhost")); #if defined(HAVE_UNAME) (void) uname (&buf); /* flawfinder: ignore */ /* ff bug, ff sees system() */ sl_strlcpy (sh.host.system, buf.sysname, SH_MINIBUF); sl_strlcpy (sh.host.release, buf.release, SH_MINIBUF); sl_strlcpy (sh.host.machine, buf.machine, SH_MINIBUF); #endif (void) gethostname (hostname, 1024); hostname[1023] = '\0'; canonical = sh_ipvx_canonical(hostname, numeric, sizeof(numeric)); if (canonical == NULL) { sl_strlcpy (sh.host.name, hostname, SH_PATHBUF); sh_tolower (sh.host.name); } else { sl_strlcpy (sh.host.name, canonical, SH_PATHBUF); SH_FREE(canonical); } /* check whether it looks like a FQDN */ len = sl_strlen(sh.host.name); ddot = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (sh.host.name[i] == '.') ++ddot; if (ddot == 0) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("According to uname, your nodename is %s, but your resolver\nlibrary cannot resolve this nodename to a FQDN.\nRather, it resolves this to %s.\nFor more information, see the entry about self-resolving under\n'Most frequently' in the FAQ that you will find in the docs/ subdirectory.\n"), hostname, sh.host.name); sl_strlcpy (sh.host.name, numeric, SH_PATHBUF); SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_localhost")); } if (sh_ipvx_is_numeric(sh.host.name)) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("According to uname, your nodename is %s, but your resolver\nlibrary cannot resolve this nodename to a FQDN.\nRather, it resolves this to %s.\nFor more information, see the entry about self-resolving under\n'Most frequently' in the FAQ that you will find in the docs/ subdirectory.\n"), hostname, sh.host.name); } SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_localhost")); } #endif void sh_unix_memlock() { SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_memlock")); /* do this before dropping privileges */ #if defined(HAVE_MLOCK) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_MLOCK) if (skey->mlock_failed == SL_FALSE) { if ( (-1) == sh_unix_mlock( FIL__, __LINE__, (char *) skey, sizeof (sh_key_t)) ) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_skey); skey->mlock_failed = SL_TRUE; SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_skey); } } #else if (skey->mlock_failed == SL_FALSE) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_skey); skey->mlock_failed = SL_TRUE; SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_skey); } #endif SL_RET0(_("sh_unix_memlock")); } #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER char * chroot_dir = NULL; int sh_unix_set_chroot(const char * str) { size_t len; static int block = 0; if (block == 1) return 0; if (str && *str == '/') { len = strlen(str) + 1; chroot_dir = malloc(strlen(str) + 1); /* only once */ if (!chroot_dir) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s: %d: Out of memory\n"), FIL__, __LINE__); return 1; } sl_strlcpy(chroot_dir, str, len); block = 1; return 0; } return 1; } int sh_unix_chroot(void) { int status; if (chroot_dir != NULL) { status = retry_aud_chdir(FIL__, __LINE__, chroot_dir); if ( (-1) == status ) { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; status = errno; sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_W_CHDIR, sh_error_message (status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), chroot_dir); aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } /* flawfinder: ignore */ return (chroot(chroot_dir)); } return 0; } /* #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER */ #else int sh_unix_chroot(void) { return 0; } #endif /* daemon mode */ static int block_setdeamon = 0; int sh_unix_setdeamon(const char * dummy) { int res = 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_setdeamon")); if (block_setdeamon != 0) SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_setdeamon")); if (dummy == NULL) sh.flag.isdaemon = ON; else res = sh_util_flagval (dummy, &sh.flag.isdaemon); if (sh.flag.opts == S_TRUE) block_setdeamon = 1; SL_RETURN(res, _("sh_unix_setdeamon")); } #if defined(HAVE_LIBPRELUDE) #include "sh_prelude.h" #endif int sh_unix_setnodeamon(const char * dummy) { int res = 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_setnodeamon")); if (block_setdeamon != 0) SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_setmodeamon")); if (dummy == NULL) sh.flag.isdaemon = OFF; else res = sh_util_flagval (dummy, &sh.flag.isdaemon); if (sh.flag.opts == S_TRUE) block_setdeamon = 1; SL_RETURN(res, _("sh_unix_setnodeamon")); } int sh_unix_init(int goDaemon) { int status; uid_t uid; pid_t oldpid = getpid(); #if defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) extern int sh_socket_open_int (void); #endif char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; extern void sh_kill_sub(); SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_init")); /* fork twice, exit the parent process */ if (goDaemon == 1) { switch (aud_fork(FIL__, __LINE__)) { case 0: break; /* child process continues */ case -1: SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_init")); /* error */ default: /* parent process exits */ sh_kill_sub(); aud__exit(FIL__, __LINE__, 0); } /* Child processes do not inherit page locks across a fork. * Error in next fork would return in this (?) thread of execution. */ sh_unix_memlock(); setsid(); /* should not fail */ sh.pid = (UINT64) getpid(); switch (aud_fork(FIL__, __LINE__)) { case 0: break; /* child process continues */ case -1: SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_init")); /* error */ default: /* parent process exits */ sh_kill_sub(); aud__exit(FIL__, __LINE__, 0); } /* Child processes do not inherit page locks across a fork. */ sh_unix_memlock(); sh.pid = (UINT64) getpid(); } else { setsid(); /* should not fail */ } /* set working directory */ #ifdef SH_PROFILE status = 0; #else status = retry_aud_chdir(FIL__, __LINE__, "/"); #endif if ( (-1) == status ) { status = errno; sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_W_CHDIR, sh_error_message (status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), "/"); aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } /* reset timers */ sh_unix_resettimer(); /* signal handlers */ sh_unix_resetsignals(); #if defined(SCREW_IT_UP) sh_sigtrap_prepare(); #endif sh_unix_siginstall (goDaemon); /* set file creation mask */ (void) umask (0); /* should not fail */ /* set resource limits to maximum, and * core dump size to zero */ sh_unix_setlimits(); /* zero out the environment (like PATH='\0') */ sh_unix_zeroenv(); if (goDaemon == 1) { /* Close first tree file descriptors */ sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, 0); /* if running as daemon */ sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, 1); /* if running as daemon */ sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, 2); /* if running as daemon */ /* Enable full error logging */ sh_error_only_stderr (S_FALSE); /* open first three streams to /dev/null */ status = aud_open(FIL__, __LINE__, SL_NOPRIV, _("/dev/null"), O_RDWR, 0); if (status < 0) { status = errno; sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("open")); aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } status = retry_aud_dup(FIL__, __LINE__, 0); if (status >= 0) retry_aud_dup(FIL__, __LINE__, 0); if (status < 0) { status = errno; sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("dup")); aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } sh_error_enable_unsafe (S_TRUE); #if defined(HAVE_LIBPRELUDE) sh_prelude_reset (); #endif /* --- wait until parent has exited --- */ while (1 == 1) { errno = 0; if (0 > aud_kill (FIL__, __LINE__, oldpid, 0) && errno == ESRCH) { break; } retry_msleep(0, 1); } /* write PID file */ status = sh_unix_write_pid_file(); if (status < 0) { sl_get_euid(&uid); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_PIDFILE, (long) uid, sh.srvlog.alt); aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } #if defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) sh_socket_open_int (); #endif } else { sh_error_enable_unsafe (S_TRUE); #if defined(HAVE_LIBPRELUDE) sh_prelude_reset (); #endif #if defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) sh_socket_open_int (); #endif } /* chroot (this is a no-op if no chroot dir is specified */ status = sh_unix_chroot(); if (status < 0) { status = errno; sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("chroot")); aud_exit(FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } /* drop capabilities */ sl_drop_cap(); SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_init")); } /* --- run a command, securely --- */ int sh_unix_run_command (const char * str) { pid_t pid; char * arg[4]; char * env[5]; char * path = sh_util_strdup(_("/bin/sh")); int status = -1; arg[0] = sh_util_strdup(_("/bin/sh")); arg[1] = sh_util_strdup(_("-c")); arg[2] = sh_util_strdup(str); arg[3] = NULL; env[0] = sh_util_strdup(_("PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb")); env[1] = sh_util_strdup(_("SHELL=/bin/sh")); env[2] = sh_util_strdup(_("IFS= \t\n")); if (getenv("TZ")) { /* flawfinder: ignore */ char * tz = sh_util_strdup(getenv("TZ")); /* flawfinder: ignore */ size_t tzlen = strlen(tz); if (SL_TRUE == sl_ok_adds (4, tzlen)) { env[3] = SH_ALLOC(4+tzlen); sl_strlcpy(env[3], "TZ=", 4); sl_strlcat(env[3], tz , 4+tzlen); } else { env[3] = NULL; } } else { env[3] = NULL; } env[4] = NULL; pid = fork(); if (pid == (pid_t)(-1)) { return -1; } else if (pid == 0) /* child */ { memset(skey, 0, sizeof(sh_key_t)); (void) umask(S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH|S_IXOTH); sh_unix_closeall (3, -1, SL_TRUE); /* in child process */ execve(path, arg, env); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else /* parent */ { int r; while((r = waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED)) != pid && r != -1) ; #if !defined(USE_UNO) if (r == -1 || !WIFEXITED(status)) { status = -1; } else { status = WEXITSTATUS(status); } #endif } return status; } /******************************************************** * * TIME * ********************************************************/ /* Figure out the time offset of the current timezone * in a portable way. */ char * t_zone(const time_t * xx) { struct tm aa; struct tm bb; int sign = 0; int diff = 0; int hh, mm; static char tz[64]; SL_ENTER(_("t_zone")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GMTIME_R) gmtime_r (xx, &aa); #else memcpy (&aa, gmtime(xx), sizeof(struct tm)); #endif #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R) localtime_r (xx, &bb); #else memcpy (&bb, localtime(xx), sizeof(struct tm)); #endif /* Check for datum wrap-around. */ if (aa.tm_year < bb.tm_year) sign = (-1); else if (aa.tm_mon < bb.tm_mon) sign = (-1); else if (aa.tm_mday < bb.tm_mday) sign = (-1); else if (bb.tm_year < aa.tm_year) sign = ( 1); else if (bb.tm_mon < aa.tm_mon) sign = ( 1); else if (bb.tm_mday < aa.tm_mday) sign = ( 1); diff = aa.tm_hour * 60 + aa.tm_min; diff = (bb.tm_hour * 60 + bb.tm_min) - diff; diff = diff - (sign * 24 * 60); /* datum wrap-around correction */ hh = diff / 60; mm = diff - (hh * 60); sprintf (tz, _("%+03d%02d"), hh, mm); /* known to fit */ SL_RETURN(tz, _("t_zone")); } unsigned long sh_unix_longtime () { return ((unsigned long)time(NULL)); } #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY unsigned long sh_unix_notime () { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); return ((unsigned long)(tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec * 10835 + getpid() + getppid())); } #endif static int count_dev_time = 0; void reset_count_dev_time(void) { count_dev_time = 0; return; } int sh_unix_settimeserver (const char * address) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_settimeserver")); if (address != NULL && count_dev_time < 2 && sl_strlen(address) < SH_PATHBUF) { if (count_dev_time == 0) sl_strlcpy (sh.srvtime.name, address, SH_PATHBUF); else sl_strlcpy (sh.srvtime.alt, address, SH_PATHBUF); ++count_dev_time; SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_unix_settimeserver")); } SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_settimeserver")); } #ifdef HAVE_NTIME #define UNIXEPOCH 2208988800UL /* difference between Unix time and net time * The UNIX EPOCH starts in 1970. */ #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* Timeserver service. */ /* define is missing on HP-UX 10.20 */ #ifndef IPPORT_TIMESERVER #define IPPORT_TIMESERVER 37 #endif char * sh_unix_time (time_t thetime, char * buffer, size_t len) { int status; char AsciiTime[81]; /* local time */ time_t time_now; struct tm * time_ptr; #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R) struct tm time_tm; #endif #ifdef SH_USE_XML static char deftime[] = N_("0000-00-00T00:00:00"); /* default time */ #else static char deftime[] = N_("[0000-00-00T00:00:00]"); /* default time */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_NTIME int fd; /* network file descriptor */ u_char net_time[4]; /* remote time in network format */ static int failerr = 0; /* no net time */ int fail = 0; /* no net time */ int errflag; char errmsg[256]; char error_call[SH_MINIBUF]; int error_num; #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_time")); #ifdef HAVE_NTIME if (thetime == 0) { if (sh.srvtime.name[0] == '\0') { fail = 1; (void) time (&time_now); } else /* have a timeserver address */ { /* don't call timeserver more than once per second */ static time_t time_old = 0; time_t time_new; static time_t time_saved = 0; (void) time (&time_new); if ((time_new == time_old) && (time_saved != 0)) { time_now = time_saved; goto end; } time_old = time_new; fd = connect_port_2 (sh.srvtime.name, sh.srvtime.alt, IPPORT_TIMESERVER, error_call, &error_num, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg)); if (fd >= 0) { if (4 != read_port (fd, (char *) net_time, 4, &errflag, 2)) { fail = 1; sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, errflag, MSG_E_NLOST, _("time"), sh.srvtime.name); } sl_close_fd(FIL__, __LINE__, fd); } else { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, error_num, MSG_E_NET, errmsg, error_call, _("time"), sh.srvtime.name); fail = 1; } if (fail == 0) { unsigned long ltmp; UINT32 ttmp; memcpy(&ttmp, net_time, sizeof(UINT32)); ltmp = ttmp; time_now = ntohl(ltmp) - UNIXEPOCH; time_saved = time_now; if (failerr == 1) { failerr = 0; sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_NEST, _("time"), sh.srvtime.name); } } else { (void) time (&time_now); time_saved = 0; if (failerr == 0) { failerr = 1; sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, errflag, MSG_SRV_FAIL, _("time"), sh.srvtime.name); } } end: ; /* 'label at end of compound statement' */ } } else { time_now = thetime; } /* #ifdef HAVE_NTIME */ #else if (thetime == 0) { (void) time (&time_now); } else { time_now = thetime; } /* #ifdef HAVE_NTIME */ #endif if (time_now == (-1) ) { sl_strlcpy(buffer, _(deftime), len); SL_RETURN(buffer, _("sh_unix_time")); } else { #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R) time_ptr = localtime_r (&time_now, &time_tm); #else time_ptr = localtime (&time_now); #endif } if (time_ptr != NULL) { status = strftime (AsciiTime, sizeof(AsciiTime), #ifdef SH_USE_XML _("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%%s"), #else _("[%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%%s]"), #endif time_ptr); sl_snprintf(buffer, len, AsciiTime, t_zone(&time_now)); if ( (status == 0) || (status == sizeof(AsciiTime)) ) { sl_strlcpy(buffer, _(deftime), len); SL_RETURN( buffer, _("sh_unix_time")); } else { SL_RETURN(buffer, _("sh_unix_time")); } } /* last resort */ sl_strlcpy(buffer, _(deftime), len); SL_RETURN( buffer, _("sh_unix_time")); } static int sh_unix_use_localtime = S_FALSE; /* whether to use localtime for file timesatams in logs */ int sh_unix_uselocaltime (const char * c) { int i; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_uselocaltime")); i = sh_util_flagval(c, &(sh_unix_use_localtime)); SL_RETURN(i, _("sh_unix_uselocaltime")); } char * sh_unix_gmttime (time_t thetime, char * buffer, size_t len) { int status; struct tm * time_ptr; #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) struct tm time_tm; #endif char AsciiTime[81]; /* GMT time */ #ifdef SH_USE_XML static char deftime[] = N_("0000-00-00T00:00:00"); /* default time */ #else static char deftime[] = N_("[0000-00-00T00:00:00]"); /* default time */ #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_gmttime")); if (sh_unix_use_localtime == S_FALSE) { #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GMTIME_R) time_ptr = gmtime_r (&thetime, &time_tm); #else time_ptr = gmtime (&thetime); #endif } else { #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R) time_ptr = localtime_r (&thetime, &time_tm); #else time_ptr = localtime (&thetime); #endif } if (time_ptr != NULL) { status = strftime (AsciiTime, 80, #ifdef SH_USE_XML _("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), #else _("[%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S]"), #endif time_ptr); if ( (status == 0) || (status == 80) ) sl_strlcpy(buffer, _(deftime), len); else sl_strlcpy(buffer, AsciiTime, len); SL_RETURN( buffer, _("sh_unix_gmttime")); } /* last resort */ sl_strlcpy(buffer, _(deftime), len); SL_RETURN( buffer, _("sh_unix_gmttime")); } char * sh_unix_getUIDdir (int level, uid_t uid, char * out, size_t len) { struct passwd * tempres; int status = 0; #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWUID_R) struct passwd pwd; char * buffer; #endif char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getUIDdir")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWUID_R) buffer = SH_ALLOC(SH_PWBUF_SIZE); sh_getpwuid_r(uid, &pwd, buffer, SH_PWBUF_SIZE, &tempres); #else errno = 0; tempres = sh_getpwuid(uid); status = errno; #endif if (tempres == NULL) { sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_PWNULL, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("getpwuid"), (long) uid, _("completely missing")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN( NULL, _("sh_unix_getUIDdir")); } if (tempres->pw_dir != NULL) { sl_strlcpy(out, tempres->pw_dir, len); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_unix_getUIDdir")); } else { sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_PWNULL, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("getpwuid"), (long) uid, _("pw_dir")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN( NULL, _("sh_unix_getUIDdir")); } } /* ------------------- Caching ----------------*/ #include "zAVLTree.h" #define CACHE_GID 0 #define CACHE_UID 1 struct user_id { char * name; uid_t id; struct user_id * next; }; static struct user_id * uid_list = NULL; static struct user_id * gid_list = NULL; SH_MUTEX_STATIC(mutex_cache, PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER); static void sh_userid_free(struct user_id * item) { while (item) { struct user_id * user = item; item = item->next; SH_FREE(user->name); SH_FREE(user); } return; } void sh_userid_destroy () { struct user_id * tmp_uid; struct user_id * tmp_gid; SH_MUTEX_LOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_cache); tmp_gid = gid_list; gid_list = NULL; tmp_uid = uid_list; uid_list = NULL; SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_cache); sh_userid_free(tmp_uid); sh_userid_free(tmp_gid); return; } static void sh_userid_additem(struct user_id * list, struct user_id * item) { while (list && list->next) list = list->next; list->next = item; return; } static void sh_userid_add(uid_t id, char * username, int which) { size_t len; struct user_id * user = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(struct user_id)); if (username) len = strlen(username) + 1; else len = 1; user->name = SH_ALLOC(len); user->id = id; if (username) sl_strlcpy(user->name, username, len); else user->name[0] = '\0'; user->next = NULL; SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_cache); if (which == CACHE_UID) { if (!uid_list) uid_list = user; else sh_userid_additem(uid_list, user); } else { if (!gid_list) gid_list = user; else sh_userid_additem(gid_list, user); } SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_cache); return; } static char * sh_userid_search(struct user_id * list, uid_t id) { while (list) { if (list->id == id) return list->name; list = list->next; } return NULL; } static char * sh_userid_get (uid_t id, int which, char * out, size_t len) { char * user = NULL; SH_MUTEX_LOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_cache); if (which == CACHE_UID) user = sh_userid_search(uid_list, id); else user = sh_userid_search(gid_list, id); if (user) { sl_strlcpy(out, user, len); user = out; } SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_cache); return user; } /* --------- end caching code --------- */ char * sh_unix_getUIDname (int level, uid_t uid, char * out, size_t len) { struct passwd * tempres; #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWUID_R) struct passwd pwd; char * buffer; #endif int status = 0; char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; char * tmp; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getUIDname")); tmp = sh_userid_get(uid, CACHE_UID, out, len); if (tmp) { if (tmp[0] != '\0') { SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_unix_getUIDname")); } else { SL_RETURN( NULL, _("sh_unix_getUIDname")); } } #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETPWUID_R) buffer = SH_ALLOC(SH_PWBUF_SIZE); sh_getpwuid_r(uid, &pwd, buffer, SH_PWBUF_SIZE, &tempres); #else errno = 0; tempres = sh_getpwuid(uid); status = errno; #endif if (tempres == NULL) { sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_PWNULL, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("getpwuid"), (long) uid, _("completely missing")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif sh_userid_add(uid, NULL, CACHE_UID); SL_RETURN( NULL, _("sh_unix_getUIDname")); } if (tempres->pw_name != NULL) { sl_strlcpy(out, tempres->pw_name, len); sh_userid_add(uid, out, CACHE_UID); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_unix_getUIDname")); } else { sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_PWNULL, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("getpwuid"), (long) uid, _("pw_user")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN( NULL, _("sh_unix_getUIDname")); } /* notreached */ } char * sh_unix_getGIDname (int level, gid_t gid, char * out, size_t len) { struct group * tempres; int status = 0; #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) struct group grp; char * buffer; #endif char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; char * tmp; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getGIDname")); tmp = sh_userid_get((uid_t)gid, CACHE_GID, out, len); if (tmp) { if (tmp[0] != '\0') { SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_unix_getGIDname")); } else { SL_RETURN( NULL, _("sh_unix_getGIDname")); } } #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) buffer = SH_ALLOC(SH_GRBUF_SIZE); status = sh_getgrgid_r(gid, &grp, buffer, SH_GRBUF_SIZE, &tempres); #else errno = 0; tempres = sh_getgrgid(gid); status = errno; #endif if (tempres == NULL) { sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_GRNULL, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("getgrgid"), (long) gid, _("completely missing")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif sh_userid_add(gid, NULL, CACHE_GID); SL_RETURN( NULL, _("sh_unix_getGIDname")); } if (tempres->gr_name != NULL) { sl_strlcpy(out, tempres->gr_name, len); sh_userid_add((uid_t)gid, out, CACHE_GID); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN( out, _("sh_unix_getGIDname")); } else { sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_GRNULL, sh_error_message(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), _("getgrgid"), (long) gid, _("gr_name")); #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) && defined (_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) && defined(HAVE_GETGRGID_R) SH_FREE(buffer); #endif SL_RETURN( NULL, _("sh_unix_getGIDname")); } /* notreached */ } int sh_unix_getUser () { char * p; uid_t seuid, sruid; char user[USER_MAX]; char dir[SH_PATHBUF]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getUser")); seuid = geteuid(); sh.effective.uid = seuid; p = sh_unix_getUIDdir (SH_ERR_ERR, seuid, dir, sizeof(dir)); if (p == NULL) SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_getUser")); else { if (sl_strlen(p) >= SH_PATHBUF) { sh_error_handle (SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_PWLONG, _("getpwuid"), (long) seuid, _("pw_home")); SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_getUser")); } else { sl_strlcpy ( sh.effective.home, p, SH_PATHBUF); } } sruid = getuid(); sh.real.uid = sruid; p = sh_unix_getUIDname (SH_ERR_ERR, sruid, user, sizeof(user)); if (p == NULL) SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_getUser")); else { if (sl_strlen(p) >= USER_MAX) { sh_error_handle (SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_PWLONG, _("getpwuid"), (long) sruid, _("pw_user")); SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_getUser")); } else { sl_strlcpy ( sh.real.user, p, USER_MAX); } } p = sh_unix_getUIDdir (SH_ERR_ERR, sruid, dir, sizeof(dir)); if (p == NULL) SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_getUser")); else { if (sl_strlen(p) >= SH_PATHBUF) { sh_error_handle (SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_PWLONG, _("getpwuid"), (long) sruid, _("pw_home")); SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_unix_getUser")); } else { sl_strlcpy ( sh.real.home, p, SH_PATHBUF); } } SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_unix_getUser")); /* notreached */ } int sh_unix_getline (SL_TICKET fd, char * line, int sizeofline) { register int count; register int n = 0; char c; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getline")); if (sizeofline < 2) { line[0] = '\0'; SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_unix_getline")); } --sizeofline; while (n < sizeofline) { count = sl_read (fd, &c, 1); /* end of file */ if (count < 1) { line[n] = '\0'; n = -1; break; } if (/* c != '\0' && */ c != '\n') { line[n] = c; ++n; } else if (c == '\n') { if (n > 0) { line[n] = '\0'; break; } else { line[n] = '\n'; /* get newline only if only char on line */ ++n; line[n] = '\0'; break; } } else { line[n] = '\0'; break; } } line[sizeofline] = '\0'; /* make sure line is terminated */ SL_RETURN((n), _("sh_unix_getline")); } #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_STANDALONE) /************************************************************** * * --- FILE INFO --- * **************************************************************/ #if (defined(__linux__) && (defined(HAVE_LINUX_EXT2_FS_H) || defined(HAVE_EXT2FS_EXT2_FS_H))) || defined(HAVE_STAT_FLAGS) #if defined(__linux__) /* --- Determine ext2fs file attributes. --- */ #include #if defined(HAVE_EXT2FS_EXT2_FS_H) #include #else #include #endif /* __linux__ includes */ #endif static int sh_unix_getinfo_attr (char * name, unsigned long * flags, char * c_attr, int fd, struct stat * buf) { /* TAKEN FROM: * * lsattr.c - List file attributes on an ext2 file system * * Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Remy Card * Laboratoire MASI, Institut Blaise Pascal * Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) * * This file can be redistributed under the terms of the GNU General * Public License */ #ifdef HAVE_STAT_FLAGS SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo_attr")); *flags = 0; /* cast to void to avoid compiler warning about unused parameters */ (void) fd; (void) name; #ifdef UF_NODUMP if (buf->st_flags & UF_NODUMP) { *flags |= UF_NODUMP; c_attr[0] = 'd'; } #endif #ifdef UF_IMMUTABLE if (buf->st_flags & UF_IMMUTABLE) { *flags |= UF_IMMUTABLE; c_attr[1] = 'i'; } #endif #ifdef UF_APPEND if (buf->st_flags & UF_APPEND) { *flags |= UF_APPEND; c_attr[2] = 'a'; } #endif #ifdef UF_NOUNLINK if (buf->st_flags & UF_NOUNLINK) { *flags |= UF_NOUNLINK; c_attr[3] = 'u'; } #endif #ifdef UF_OPAQUE if (buf->st_flags & UF_OPAQUE) { *flags |= UF_OPAQUE; c_attr[4] = 'o'; } #endif #ifdef SF_ARCHIVED if (buf->st_flags & SF_ARCHIVED) { *flags |= SF_ARCHIVED; c_attr[5] = 'R'; } #endif #ifdef SF_IMMUTABLE if (buf->st_flags & SF_IMMUTABLE) { *flags |= SF_IMMUTABLE; c_attr[6] = 'I'; } #endif #ifdef SF_APPEND if (buf->st_flags & SF_APPEND) { *flags |= SF_APPEND; c_attr[7] = 'A'; } #endif #ifdef SF_NOUNLINK if (buf->st_flags & SF_NOUNLINK) { *flags |= SF_NOUNLINK; c_attr[8] = 'U'; } #endif /* ! HAVE_STAT_FLAGS */ #else #ifdef HAVE_EXT2_IOCTLS int /* fd, */ r, f; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo_attr")); *flags = 0; (void) buf; /* open() -> aud_open() R.Wichmann fd = aud_open (FIL__, __LINE__, SL_YESPRIV, name, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK, 0); */ if (fd == -1 || name == NULL) SL_RETURN(-1, _("sh_unix_getinfo_attr")); r = ioctl (fd, EXT2_IOC_GETFLAGS, &f); /* sl_close_fd (FIL__, __LINE__, fd); */ if (r == -1) SL_RETURN(-1, _("sh_unix_getinfo_attr")); if (f == 0) SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_unix_getinfo_attr")); *flags = f; /* ! HAVE_EXT2_IOCTLS */ #else SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo_attr")); *flags = 0; /* modified by R.Wichmann */ /* ! HAVE_EXT2_IOCTLS */ #endif /* * END * * lsattr.c - List file attributes on an ext2 file system */ if (*flags == 0) goto theend; #ifdef EXT2_SECRM_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_SECRM_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[0] = 's'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_UNRM_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_UNRM_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[1] = 'u'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_SYNC_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_SYNC_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[2] = 'S'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_IMMUTABLE_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_IMMUTABLE_FL) != 0) c_attr[3] = 'i'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_APPEND_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_APPEND_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[4] = 'a'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_NODUMP_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_NODUMP_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[5] = 'd'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_NOATIME_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_NOATIME_FL) != 0) c_attr[6] = 'A'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_COMPR_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_COMPR_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[7] = 'c'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_TOPDIR_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_TOPDIR_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[8] = 'T'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_DIRSYNC_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_DIRSYNC_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[9] = 'D'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_NOTAIL_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_NOTAIL_FL) != 0 ) c_attr[10] = 't'; #endif #ifdef EXT2_JOURNAL_DATA_FL if ( (*flags & EXT2_JOURNAL_DATA_FL) != 0) c_attr[11] = 'j'; #endif theend: /* ext2 */ #endif c_attr[12] = '\0'; SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_unix_getinfo_attr")); } /* defined(__linux__) || defined(HAVE_STAT_FLAGS) */ #endif /* determine file type */ static int sh_unix_getinfo_type (struct stat * buf, ShFileType * type, char * c_mode) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo_type")); if ( S_ISREG(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_REGULAR; c_mode[0] = '-'; } else if ( S_ISLNK(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_SYMLINK; c_mode[0] = 'l'; } else if ( S_ISDIR(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_DIRECTORY; c_mode[0] = 'd'; } else if ( S_ISCHR(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_CDEV; c_mode[0] = 'c'; } else if ( S_ISBLK(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_BDEV; c_mode[0] = 'b'; } else if ( S_ISFIFO(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_FIFO; c_mode[0] = '|'; } else if ( S_ISSOCK(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_SOCKET; c_mode[0] = 's'; } else if ( S_ISDOOR(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_DOOR; c_mode[0] = 'D'; } else if ( S_ISPORT(buf->st_mode) ) { (*type) = SH_FILE_PORT; c_mode[0] = 'P'; } else { (*type) = SH_FILE_UNKNOWN; c_mode[0] = '?'; } SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_unix_getinfo_type")); } int sh_unix_get_ftype(char * fullpath) { char c_mode[CMODE_SIZE]; struct stat buf; ShFileType type; int res; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_get_ftype")); res = retry_lstat(FIL__, __LINE__, fullpath, &buf); if (res < 0) SL_RETURN(SH_FILE_UNKNOWN, _("sh_unix_getinfo_type")); sh_unix_getinfo_type (&buf, &type, c_mode); SL_RETURN(type, _("sh_unix_get_ftype")); } static int sh_unix_getinfo_mode (struct stat *buf, unsigned int * mode, char * c_mode) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo_mode")); (*mode) = buf->st_mode; /* make 'ls'-like string */ if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IRUSR) != 0 ) c_mode[1] = 'r'; if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IWUSR) != 0 ) c_mode[2] = 'w'; if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IXUSR) != 0 ) { if ((buf->st_mode & S_ISUID) != 0 ) c_mode[3] = 's'; else c_mode[3] = 'x'; } else { if ((buf->st_mode & S_ISUID) != 0 ) c_mode[3] = 'S'; } if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IRGRP) != 0 ) c_mode[4] = 'r'; if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IWGRP) != 0 ) c_mode[5] = 'w'; if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IXGRP) != 0 ) { if ((buf->st_mode & S_ISGID) != 0 ) c_mode[6] = 's'; else c_mode[6] = 'x'; } else { if ((buf->st_mode & S_ISGID) != 0 ) c_mode[6] = 'S'; } if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IROTH) != 0 ) c_mode[7] = 'r'; if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IWOTH) != 0 ) c_mode[8] = 'w'; #ifdef S_ISVTX /* not POSIX */ if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IXOTH) != 0 ) { if ((buf->st_mode & S_ISVTX) != 0 ) c_mode[9] = 't'; else c_mode[9] = 'x'; } else { if ((buf->st_mode & S_ISVTX) != 0 ) c_mode[9] = 'T'; } #else if ( (buf->st_mode & S_IXOTH) != 0 ) c_mode[9] = 'x'; #endif SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_unix_getinfo_mode")); } long IO_Limit = 0; void sh_unix_io_pause () { long runtime; float someval; unsigned long sometime; if (IO_Limit == 0) { return; } else { runtime = (long) (time(NULL) - sh.statistics.time_start); if (runtime > 0 && (long)(sh.statistics.bytes_hashed/runtime) > IO_Limit) { someval = sh.statistics.bytes_hashed - (IO_Limit * runtime); someval /= (float) IO_Limit; if (someval < 1.0) { someval *= 1000; /* milliseconds in a second */ sometime = (unsigned long) someval; retry_msleep(0, sometime); } else { sometime = (unsigned long) someval; retry_msleep (sometime, 0); } } } return; } int sh_unix_set_io_limit (const char * c) { long val; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_set_io_limit")); val = strtol (c, (char **)NULL, 10); if (val < 0) sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_EINVALS, _("set I/O limit"), c); val = (val < 0 ? 0 : val); IO_Limit = val * 1024; SL_RETURN( 0, _("sh_unix_set_io_limit")); } /* obtain file info */ extern int flag_err_debug; #include "sh_ignore.h" int sh_unix_checksum_size (char * filename, struct stat * fbuf, char * fileHash, int alert_timeout, SL_TICKET fd) { file_type * tmpFile; int status; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_checksum_size")); tmpFile = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(file_type)); tmpFile->link_path = NULL; if (sh.flag.checkSum != SH_CHECK_INIT) { /* lookup file in database */ status = sh_hash_get_it (filename, tmpFile, NULL); if (status != 0) { goto out; } } else { tmpFile->size = fbuf->st_size; } /* if last < current get checksum */ if (tmpFile->size < fbuf->st_size) { char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; UINT64 local_length = (UINT64) (tmpFile->size < 0 ? 0 : tmpFile->size); sl_strlcpy(fileHash, sh_tiger_generic_hash (filename, fd, &(local_length), alert_timeout, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); /* return */ if (tmpFile->link_path) SH_FREE(tmpFile->link_path); SH_FREE(tmpFile); SL_RETURN( 0, _("sh_unix_checksum_size")); } out: if (tmpFile->link_path) SH_FREE(tmpFile->link_path); SH_FREE(tmpFile); sl_strlcpy(fileHash, SH_KEY_NULL, KEY_LEN+1); SL_RETURN( -1, _("sh_unix_checksum_size")); } int sh_unix_check_selinux = S_FALSE; int sh_unix_check_acl = S_FALSE; #ifdef USE_ACL #include static char * sh_unix_getinfo_acl (char * path, int fd, struct stat * buf) { /* system.posix_acl_access, system.posix_acl_default */ char * out = NULL; char * collect = NULL; char * tmp; char * out_compact; ssize_t len; acl_t result; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo_acl")); result = (fd == -1) ? acl_get_file (path, ACL_TYPE_ACCESS) : acl_get_fd (fd); if (result) { out = acl_to_text (result, &len); if (out && (len > 0)) { out_compact = sh_util_acl_compact (out, len); acl_free(out); if (out_compact) { collect = sh_util_strconcat (_("acl_access:"), out_compact, NULL); SH_FREE(out_compact); } } acl_free(result); } if ( S_ISDIR(buf->st_mode) ) { result = acl_get_file (path, ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT); if (result) { out = acl_to_text (result, &len); if (out && (len > 0)) { out_compact = sh_util_acl_compact (out, len); acl_free(out); if (out_compact) { if (collect) { tmp = sh_util_strconcat (_("acl_default:"), out_compact, ":", collect, NULL); SH_FREE(collect); } else { tmp = sh_util_strconcat (_("acl_default:"), out_compact, NULL); } SH_FREE(out_compact); collect = tmp; } } acl_free(result); } } SL_RETURN((collect),_("sh_unix_getinfo_acl")); } #endif #ifdef USE_XATTR #include static char * sh_unix_getinfo_xattr_int (char * path, int fd, char * name) { char * out = NULL; char * tmp = NULL; size_t size = 256; ssize_t result; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo_xattr_int")); out = SH_ALLOC(size); result = (fd == -1) ? lgetxattr (path, name, out, size-1) : fgetxattr (fd, name, out, size-1); if (result == -1 && errno == ERANGE) { SH_FREE(out); result = (fd == -1) ? lgetxattr (path, name, NULL, 0) : fgetxattr (fd, name, NULL, 0); size = result + 1; out = SH_ALLOC(size); result = (fd == -1) ? lgetxattr (path, name, out, size-1) : fgetxattr (fd, name, out, size-1); } if ((result > 0) && ((size_t)result < size)) { out[size-1] = '\0'; tmp = out; } else { SH_FREE(out); } SL_RETURN((tmp),_("sh_unix_getinfo_xattr_int")); } static char * sh_unix_getinfo_xattr (char * path, int fd, struct stat * buf) { /* system.posix_acl_access, system.posix_acl_default, security.selinux */ char * tmp; char * out = NULL; char * collect = NULL; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo_xattr")); #ifdef USE_ACL /* * we need the acl_get_fd/acl_get_file functions, getxattr will only * yield the raw bytes */ if (sh_unix_check_acl == S_TRUE) { out = sh_unix_getinfo_acl(path, fd, buf); if (out) { collect = out; } } #else (void) buf; #endif if (sh_unix_check_selinux == S_TRUE) { out = sh_unix_getinfo_xattr_int(path, fd, _("security.selinux")); if (out) { if (collect) { tmp = sh_util_strconcat(_("selinux:"), out, ":", collect, NULL); SH_FREE(collect); } else { tmp = sh_util_strconcat(_("selinux:"), out, NULL); } SH_FREE(out); collect = tmp; } } SL_RETURN((collect),_("sh_unix_getinfo_xattr")); } #endif #ifdef USE_XATTR int sh_unix_setcheckselinux (const char * c) { int i; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_setcheckselinux")); i = sh_util_flagval(c, &(sh_unix_check_selinux)); SL_RETURN(i, _("sh_unix_setcheckselinux")); } #endif #ifdef USE_ACL int sh_unix_setcheckacl (const char * c) { int i; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_setcheckacl")); i = sh_util_flagval(c, &(sh_unix_check_acl)); SL_RETURN(i, _("sh_unix_setcheckacl")); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ #include #endif static void * sh_dummy_filename; static void * sh_dummy_tmp; static void * sh_dummy_tmp2; int sh_unix_getinfo (int level, const char * filename, file_type * theFile, char * fileHash, int policy) { char timestr[81]; long runtim; struct stat buf; struct stat lbuf; struct stat fbuf; volatile int stat_return; volatile int stat_errno = 0; ShFileType type; unsigned int mode; char * tmp; char * tmp2; char * linknamebuf; volatile int linksize; extern int get_the_fd (SL_TICKET ticket); volatile SL_TICKET rval_open; volatile int err_open = 0; volatile int fd; volatile int fstat_return; volatile int fstat_errno = 0; volatile int try = 0; sh_string * content = NULL; time_t tend; time_t tstart; char * path = NULL; volatile int alert_timeout = 120; path = theFile->fullpath; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getinfo")); if (!MODI_INITIALIZED(theFile->check_mask)) { tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGPATH, _("Uninitialized check mask"), _("sh_unix_getinfo"), tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp2); } /* Take the address to keep gcc from putting it into a register. * Avoids the 'clobbered by longjmp' warning. */ sh_dummy_filename = (void *) &filename; sh_dummy_tmp = (void *) &tmp; sh_dummy_tmp2 = (void *) &tmp2; /* --- Stat the file, and get checksum. --- */ tstart = time(NULL); stat_return = retry_lstat (FIL__, __LINE__, path /* theFile->fullpath */, &buf); if (stat_return) stat_errno = errno; theFile->link_path = NULL; try_again: fd = -1; fstat_return = -1; rval_open = -1; if (stat_return == 0 && S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) { rval_open = sl_open_fastread (FIL__, __LINE__, path /* theFile->fullpath */, SL_YESPRIV); if (SL_ISERROR(rval_open)) { char * stale = sl_check_stale(); if (stale) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, err_open, MSG_E_SUBGEN, stale, _("sh_unix_getinfo_open")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } if (errno == EBADF && try == 0) /* obsolete, but we keep this, just in case */ { ++try; goto try_again; } err_open = errno; } alert_timeout = 120; /* this is per 8K block now ! */ if (path[1] == 'p' && path[5] == '/' && path[2] == 'r' && path[3] == 'o' && path[4] == 'c' && path[0] == '/') { /* seven is magic */ alert_timeout = 7; } fd = get_the_fd(rval_open); } tend = time(NULL); /* An unprivileged user may slow lstat/open to a crawl * with clever path/symlink setup */ if ((tend - tstart) > (time_t) /* 60 */ 6) { tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_FI_TOOLATE, (long)(tend - tstart), tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp2); } if (fd >= 0) { fstat_return = retry_fstat (FIL__, __LINE__, fd, &fbuf); if (fstat_return) { char * stale; fstat_errno = errno; stale = sl_check_stale(); if (stale) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, fstat_errno, MSG_E_SUBGEN, stale, _("sh_unix_getinfo_fstat")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } if (try == 0) /* obsolete, but we keep this, just in case */ { ++try; sl_close(rval_open); goto try_again; } } } else { fd = -1; } /* --- case 1: lstat failed --- */ if (stat_return != 0) { stat_return = errno; if (!SL_ISERROR(rval_open)) sl_close(rval_open); if (sh.flag.checkSum == SH_CHECK_INIT || (sh_hash_have_it (theFile->fullpath) >= 0 && (!SH_FFLAG_REPORTED_SET(theFile->file_reported)))) { if (S_FALSE == sh_ignore_chk_del(theFile->fullpath)) { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; uid_t euid; (void) sl_get_euid(&euid); tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, stat_return, MSG_FI_STAT, _("lstat"), sh_error_message (stat_errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), (long) euid, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp2); } } SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_getinfo")); } /* --- case 2: not a regular file --- */ else if (! S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) { if (fileHash != NULL) sl_strlcpy(fileHash, SH_KEY_NULL, KEY_LEN+1); } /* --- case 3a: a regular file, fstat ok --- */ else if (fstat_return == 0 && buf.st_mode == fbuf.st_mode && buf.st_ino == fbuf.st_ino && buf.st_uid == fbuf.st_uid && buf.st_gid == fbuf.st_gid && buf.st_dev == fbuf.st_dev ) { if (fileHash != NULL) { if ((theFile->check_mask & MODI_CHK) == 0 || sh_restrict_this(theFile->fullpath, (UINT64) fbuf.st_size, (UINT64) fbuf.st_mode, rval_open)) { sl_strlcpy(fileHash, SH_KEY_NULL, KEY_LEN+1); } else if ((theFile->check_mask & MODI_PREL) != 0 && S_TRUE == sh_prelink_iself(rval_open, fbuf.st_size, alert_timeout, theFile->fullpath)) { if (0 != sh_prelink_run (theFile->fullpath, fileHash, alert_timeout)) sl_strlcpy(fileHash, SH_KEY_NULL, KEY_LEN+1); } else { char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; UINT64 length_nolim = TIGER_NOLIM; if (MODI_TXT_ENABLED(theFile->check_mask) && fbuf.st_size < (10 * SH_TXT_MAX)) { sl_init_content (rval_open, fbuf.st_size); } sl_strlcpy(fileHash, sh_tiger_generic_hash (theFile->fullpath, rval_open, &length_nolim, alert_timeout, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN+1); content = sl_get_content(rval_open); content = sh_string_copy(content); if ((theFile->check_mask & MODI_SGROW) != 0) { fbuf.st_size = (off_t) length_nolim; buf.st_size = fbuf.st_size; sl_rewind(rval_open); sh_unix_checksum_size (theFile->fullpath, &fbuf, &fileHash[KEY_LEN + 1], alert_timeout, rval_open); } } } } /* --- case 3b: a regular file, fstat ok, but different --- */ else if (fstat_return == 0 && S_ISREG(fbuf.st_mode)) { memcpy (&buf, &fbuf, sizeof( struct stat )); if (fileHash != NULL) { if ((theFile->check_mask & MODI_CHK) == 0 || sh_restrict_this(theFile->fullpath, (UINT64) fbuf.st_size, (UINT64) fbuf.st_mode, rval_open)) { sl_strlcpy(fileHash, SH_KEY_NULL, KEY_LEN+1); } else if (policy == SH_LEVEL_PRELINK && S_TRUE == sh_prelink_iself(rval_open, fbuf.st_size, alert_timeout, theFile->fullpath)) { if (0 != sh_prelink_run (theFile->fullpath, fileHash, alert_timeout)) sl_strlcpy(fileHash, SH_KEY_NULL, KEY_LEN+1); } else { char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; UINT64 length_nolim = TIGER_NOLIM; if (MODI_TXT_ENABLED(theFile->check_mask) && fbuf.st_size < (10 * SH_TXT_MAX)) { sl_init_content (rval_open, fbuf.st_size); } sl_strlcpy(fileHash, sh_tiger_generic_hash (theFile->fullpath, rval_open, &length_nolim, alert_timeout, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)), KEY_LEN + 1); content = sl_get_content(rval_open); content = sh_string_copy(content); if ((theFile->check_mask & MODI_SGROW) != 0) { fbuf.st_size = (off_t) length_nolim; buf.st_size = fbuf.st_size; sl_rewind(rval_open); sh_unix_checksum_size (theFile->fullpath, &fbuf, &fileHash[KEY_LEN + 1], alert_timeout, rval_open); } } } } /* --- case 4: a regular file, fstat failed --- */ else /* fstat_return != 0 or !S_ISREG(fbuf.st_mode) or open() failed */ { uid_t euid; if (fileHash != NULL) sl_strlcpy(fileHash, SH_KEY_NULL, KEY_LEN+1); if ((theFile->check_mask & MODI_CHK) != 0) { tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); if (fd >= 0 && fstat_return != 0) { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; (void) sl_get_euid(&euid); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, stat_return, MSG_FI_STAT, _("fstat"), sh_error_message (fstat_errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), (long) euid, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } else if (fd >= 0 && !S_ISREG(fbuf.st_mode)) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, fstat_errno, MSG_E_NOTREG, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } else { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; char errbuf2[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; sl_strlcpy(errbuf, sl_error_string(rval_open), sizeof(errbuf)); sh_error_message(err_open, errbuf2, sizeof(errbuf2)); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, err_open, MSG_E_READ, errbuf, errbuf2, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } SH_FREE(tmp2); } } /* --- Determine file type. --- */ memset (theFile->c_mode, '-', CMODE_SIZE-1); theFile->c_mode[CMODE_SIZE-1] = '\0'; memset (theFile->link_c_mode, '-', CMODE_SIZE-1); theFile->link_c_mode[CMODE_SIZE-1] = '\0'; sh_unix_getinfo_type (&buf, &type, theFile->c_mode); theFile->type = type; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(HAVE_STAT_FLAGS) /* --- Determine file attributes. --- */ memset (theFile->c_attributes, '-', ATTRBUF_SIZE); theFile->c_attributes[ATTRBUF_USED] = '\0'; theFile->attributes = 0; #if (defined(__linux__) && (defined(HAVE_LINUX_EXT2_FS_H) || defined(HAVE_EXT2FS_EXT2_FS_H))) || defined(HAVE_STAT_FLAGS) if (theFile->c_mode[0] != 'c' && theFile->c_mode[0] != 'b' && theFile->c_mode[0] != 'l' ) sh_unix_getinfo_attr(theFile->fullpath, &theFile->attributes, theFile->c_attributes, fd, &buf); #endif #endif #if defined(USE_XATTR) && defined(USE_ACL) if (sh_unix_check_selinux == S_TRUE || sh_unix_check_acl == S_TRUE) theFile->attr_string = sh_unix_getinfo_xattr (theFile->fullpath, fd, &buf); #elif defined(USE_XATTR) if (sh_unix_check_selinux == S_TRUE) theFile->attr_string = sh_unix_getinfo_xattr (theFile->fullpath, fd, &buf); #elif defined(USE_ACL) if (sh_unix_check_acl == S_TRUE) theFile->attr_string = sh_unix_getinfo_acl (theFile->fullpath, fd, &buf); #else theFile->attr_string = NULL; #endif if (!SL_ISERROR(rval_open)) sl_close(rval_open); /* --- I/O limit. --- */ if (IO_Limit > 0) { runtim = (long) (time(NULL) - sh.statistics.time_start); if (runtim > 0 && (long)(sh.statistics.bytes_hashed/runtim) > IO_Limit) retry_msleep(1, 0); } /* --- Determine permissions. --- */ sh_unix_getinfo_mode (&buf, &mode, theFile->c_mode); /* --- Trivia. --- */ theFile->dev = buf.st_dev; theFile->ino = buf.st_ino; theFile->mode = buf.st_mode; theFile->hardlinks = buf.st_nlink; theFile->owner = buf.st_uid; theFile->group = buf.st_gid; theFile->rdev = buf.st_rdev; theFile->size = buf.st_size; theFile->blksize = (unsigned long) buf.st_blksize; theFile->blocks = (unsigned long) buf.st_blocks; theFile->atime = buf.st_atime; theFile->mtime = buf.st_mtime; theFile->ctime = buf.st_ctime; /* --- Owner and group. --- */ if (NULL == sh_unix_getGIDname(SH_ERR_ALL, buf.st_gid, theFile->c_group, GROUP_MAX+1)) { tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); if (policy == SH_LEVEL_ALLIGNORE) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (SH_ERR_ALL, FIL__, __LINE__, ENOENT, MSG_FI_NOGRP, (long) buf.st_gid, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } else { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (ShDFLevel[SH_ERR_T_NAME], FIL__, __LINE__, ENOENT, MSG_FI_NOGRP, (long) buf.st_gid, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } SH_FREE(tmp2); sl_snprintf(theFile->c_group, GROUP_MAX+1, "%d", (long) buf.st_gid); } if (NULL == sh_unix_getUIDname(SH_ERR_ALL, buf.st_uid, theFile->c_owner, USER_MAX+1)) { tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); if (policy == SH_LEVEL_ALLIGNORE) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (SH_ERR_ALL, FIL__, __LINE__, ENOENT, MSG_FI_NOUSR, (long) buf.st_uid, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } else { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (ShDFLevel[SH_ERR_T_NAME], FIL__, __LINE__, ENOENT, MSG_FI_NOUSR, (long) buf.st_uid, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } SH_FREE(tmp2); sl_snprintf(theFile->c_owner, USER_MAX+1, "%d", (long) buf.st_uid); } /* --- Output the file. --- */ if (flag_err_debug == SL_TRUE) { tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name ((filename == NULL) ? theFile->fullpath : filename); (void) sh_unix_time(theFile->mtime, timestr, sizeof(timestr)); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_FI_LIST, theFile->c_mode, theFile->hardlinks, theFile->c_owner, theFile->c_group, (unsigned long) theFile->size, timestr, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp2); } /* --- Check for links. --- */ if (theFile->c_mode[0] == 'l') { linknamebuf = SH_ALLOC(PATH_MAX); /* flawfinder: ignore */ linksize = readlink (theFile->fullpath, linknamebuf, PATH_MAX-1); if (linksize < (PATH_MAX-1) && linksize >= 0) linknamebuf[linksize] = '\0'; else linknamebuf[PATH_MAX-1] = '\0'; if (linksize < 0) { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; linksize = errno; tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, linksize, MSG_FI_RDLNK, sh_error_message (linksize, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp2); SH_FREE(linknamebuf); theFile->link_path = sh_util_strdup("-"); SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_getinfo")); } if (linknamebuf[0] == '/') { theFile->link_path = sh_util_strdup (linknamebuf); } else { tmp = sh_util_dirname(theFile->fullpath); if (tmp) { theFile->link_path = SH_ALLOC(PATH_MAX); sl_strlcpy (theFile->link_path, tmp, PATH_MAX); SH_FREE(tmp); } else { theFile->link_path = SH_ALLOC(PATH_MAX); theFile->link_path[0] = '\0'; } /* * Only attach '/' if not root directory. Handle "//", which * according to POSIX is implementation-defined, and may be * different from "/" (however, three or more '/' will collapse * to one). */ tmp = theFile->link_path; while (*tmp == '/') ++tmp; if (*tmp != '\0') { sl_strlcat (theFile->link_path, "/", PATH_MAX); } sl_strlcat (theFile->link_path, linknamebuf, PATH_MAX); } /* stat the link */ stat_return = retry_lstat (FIL__, __LINE__, theFile->link_path, &lbuf); /* check for error */ if (stat_return != 0) { stat_return = errno; tmp = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->link_path); if (stat_return != ENOENT) { uid_t euid; char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; (void) sl_get_euid(&euid); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (level, FIL__, __LINE__, stat_return, MSG_FI_STAT, _("lstat"), sh_error_message (stat_return,errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), (long) euid, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } else { /* a dangling link -- everybody seems to have plenty of them */ SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_FI_DLNK, tmp, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } theFile->linkisok = BAD; SH_FREE(tmp); SH_FREE(tmp2); SH_FREE(linknamebuf); /* * changed Tue Feb 10 16:16:13 CET 2004: * add dangling symlinks into database * SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_getinfo")); */ theFile->linkmode = 0; SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_getinfo")); } theFile->linkisok = GOOD; /* --- Determine file type. --- */ sh_unix_getinfo_type (&lbuf, &type, theFile->link_c_mode); theFile->type = type; /* --- Determine permissions. --- */ sh_unix_getinfo_mode (&lbuf, &mode, theFile->link_c_mode); theFile->linkmode = lbuf.st_mode; /* --- Output the link. --- */ if (theFile->linkisok == GOOD) { tmp2 = sh_util_safe_name (linknamebuf); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_FI_LLNK, theFile->link_c_mode, tmp2); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp2); } SH_FREE(linknamebuf); } else /* not a link */ { if (content) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ unsigned long clen; unsigned char * compressed; #ifdef HAVE_COMPRESSBOUND clen = compressBound(sh_string_len(content)); #else if (sh_string_len(content) > 10*SH_TXT_MAX) clen = SH_TXT_MAX; else clen = 13 + (int)(1.0001*sh_string_len(content)); #endif compressed = SH_ALLOC(clen); if (Z_OK == compress(compressed, &clen, (unsigned char *) sh_string_str(content), sh_string_len(content))) { if (clen < SH_TXT_MAX) { sh_util_base64_enc_alloc (&(theFile->link_path), (char *) compressed, clen); } else { char tmsg[128]; char * tpath = sh_util_safe_name (theFile->fullpath); sl_snprintf(tmsg, sizeof(tmsg), _("compressed file too large (%lu bytes)"), clen); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle (SH_ERR_WARN, FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGPATH, tmsg, _("sh_unix_getinfo"), tpath); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tpath); } } SH_FREE(compressed); #endif sh_string_destroy(&content); } } SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_getinfo")); } /* #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_STANDALONE) */ #endif int sh_unix_unlock(char * lockfile, char * flag) { int error = 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_unlock")); if (sh.flag.isdaemon == S_FALSE && flag == NULL) SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_unlock")); /* --- Logfile is not locked to us. --- */ if (sh.flag.islocked == BAD && flag != NULL) SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_unlock")); /* --- Check whether the directory is secure. --- */ if (0 != tf_trust_check (lockfile, SL_YESPRIV)) SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_unlock")); /* --- Delete the lock file. --- */ error = retry_aud_unlink (FIL__, __LINE__, lockfile); if (error == 0) { if (flag != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = BAD; /* not locked anymore */ } else if (flag != NULL) { char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; error = errno; sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, error, MSG_E_UNLNK, sh_error_message(error, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)), lockfile); SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_unlock")); } SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_unlock")); } int sh_unix_check_piddir (char * pidpath) { static struct stat buf; int status = 0; char * pid_dir; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_check_piddir")); pid_dir = sh_util_dirname (pidpath); status = retry_lstat (FIL__, __LINE__, pid_dir, &buf); if (status < 0 && errno == ENOENT) { status = mkdir (pid_dir, 0777); if (status < 0) { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("Cannot create PID directory"), _("sh_unix_check_piddir")); SH_FREE(pid_dir); SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_check_piddir")); } } else if (!S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("Path of PID directory refers to a non-directory object"), _("sh_unix_check_piddir")); SH_FREE(pid_dir); SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_check_piddir")); } SH_FREE(pid_dir); SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_check_piddir")); } int sh_unix_lock (char * lockfile, char * flag) { int filed; int errnum; char myPid[64]; SL_TICKET fd; extern int get_the_fd (SL_TICKET ticket); SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_lock")); sprintf (myPid, "%ld\n", (long) sh.pid); /* known to fit */ if (flag == NULL) /* PID file, check for directory */ { if (0 != sh_unix_check_piddir (lockfile)) { SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_lock")); } } fd = sl_open_safe_rdwr (FIL__, __LINE__, lockfile, SL_YESPRIV); /* fails if file exists */ if (!SL_ISERROR(fd)) { errnum = sl_write (fd, myPid, sl_strlen(myPid)); filed = get_the_fd(fd); fchmod (filed, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH); sl_close (fd); if (!SL_ISERROR(errnum)) { if (flag != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = GOOD; SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_lock")); } } TPT((0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); if (flag != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = BAD; SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_lock")); /* notreached */ } /* check whether file is locked */ int sh_unix_test_and_lock (char * filename, char * lockfile) { static struct stat buf; int status = 0; SL_TICKET fd; char line_in[128]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); status = retry_lstat (FIL__, __LINE__, lockfile, &buf); /* --- No lock file found, try to lock. --- */ if (status < 0 && errno == ENOENT) { if (0 == sh_unix_lock (lockfile, filename)) { if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = GOOD; SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } else { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, (filename == NULL) ? _("Cannot create PID file (1)") : _("Cannot create lock file (1)"), _("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } } else if (status == 0 && buf.st_size == 0) { if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = GOOD; sh_unix_unlock (lockfile, filename); if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = BAD; if (0 == sh_unix_lock (lockfile, filename)) { if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = GOOD; SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } else { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, (filename == NULL) ? _("Cannot create PID file (2)") : _("Cannot create lock file (2)"), _("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } } /* --- Check on lock. --- */ if (status >= 0) { fd = sl_open_read (FIL__, __LINE__, lockfile, SL_YESPRIV); if (SL_ISERROR(fd)) sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, fd, MSG_E_SUBGEN, (filename == NULL) ? _("Cannot open PID file for read") : _("Cannot open lock file for read"), _("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } else fd = -1; if (!SL_ISERROR(fd)) { /* read the PID in the lock file */ status = sl_read (fd, line_in, sizeof(line_in)); line_in[sizeof(line_in)-1] = '\0'; /* convert to numeric */ if (status > 0) { errno = 0; status = strtol(line_in, (char **)NULL, 10); if (errno == ERANGE || status <= 0) { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, (filename == NULL) ? _("Bad PID in PID file") : _("Bad PID in lock file"), _("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); status = -1; } } else { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, (filename == NULL) ? _("Cannot read PID file") : _("Cannot read lock file"), _("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } sl_close(fd); if (status > 0 && (unsigned int) status == sh.pid) { if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = GOOD; SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } /* --- Check whether the process exists. --- */ if (status > 0) { errno = 0; status = aud_kill (FIL__, __LINE__, status, 0); /* Does not exist, so remove the stale lock * and create a new one. */ if (status < 0 && errno == ESRCH) { if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = GOOD; if (0 != sh_unix_unlock(lockfile, filename) && (filename !=NULL)) sh.flag.islocked = BAD; else { if (0 == sh_unix_lock (lockfile, filename)) { if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = GOOD; SL_RETURN((0),_("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } else { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, (filename == NULL) ? _("Cannot create PID file (3)") : _("Cannot create lock file (3)"), _("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); } if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = BAD; } } else { sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, (filename == NULL) ? _("Cannot remove stale PID file, PID may be a running process") : _("Cannot remove stale lock file, PID may be a running process"), _("sh_unix_test_and_lock")); if (filename != NULL) sh.flag.islocked = BAD; } } } SL_RETURN((-1),_("sh_unix_testlock")); } /* write the PID file */ int sh_unix_write_pid_file() { return sh_unix_test_and_lock(NULL, sh.srvlog.alt); } /* write lock for filename */ int sh_unix_write_lock_file(char * filename) { size_t len; int res; char * lockfile; if (filename == NULL) return (-1); len = sl_strlen(filename); if (sl_ok_adds(len, 6)) len += 6; lockfile = SH_ALLOC(len); sl_strlcpy(lockfile, filename, len); sl_strlcat(lockfile, _(".lock"), len); res = sh_unix_test_and_lock(filename, lockfile); SH_FREE(lockfile); return res; } /* rm lock for filename */ int sh_unix_rm_lock_file(char * filename) { size_t len; int res; char * lockfile; if (filename == NULL) return (-1); len = sl_strlen(filename); if (sl_ok_adds(len, 6)) len += 6; lockfile = SH_ALLOC(len); sl_strlcpy(lockfile, filename, len); sl_strlcat(lockfile, _(".lock"), len); res = sh_unix_unlock(lockfile, filename); SH_FREE(lockfile); return res; } /* rm lock for filename */ int sh_unix_rm_pid_file() { return sh_unix_unlock(sh.srvlog.alt, NULL); } /* Test whether file exists */ int sh_unix_file_exists(char * path) { struct stat buf; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_file_exists")); if (0 == retry_lstat(FIL__, __LINE__, path, &buf)) SL_RETURN( S_TRUE, _("sh_unix_file_exists")); else SL_RETURN( S_FALSE, _("sh_unix_file_exists")); } /* Test whether file exists, is a character device, and allows read * access. */ int sh_unix_device_readable(int fd) { struct stat buf; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_device_readable")); if (retry_fstat(FIL__, __LINE__, fd, &buf) == -1) SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_unix_device_readable")); else if ( S_ISCHR(buf.st_mode) && 0 != (S_IROTH & buf.st_mode) ) SL_RETURN( (0), _("sh_unix_device_readable")); else SL_RETURN( (-1), _("sh_unix_device_readable")); } static char preq[16]; /* return true if database is remote */ int file_is_remote () { static int init = 0; struct stat buf; SL_ENTER(_("file_is_remote")); if (init == 0) { sl_strlcpy(preq, _("REQ_FROM_SERVER"), 16); ++init; } if (0 == sl_strncmp (sh.data.path, preq, 15)) { if (sh.data.path[15] != '\0') /* should be start of path */ { if (0 == stat(&(sh.data.path[15]), &buf)) { SL_RETURN( S_FALSE, _("file_is_remote")); } } SL_RETURN( S_TRUE, _("file_is_remote")); } SL_RETURN( S_FALSE, _("file_is_remote")); } /* Return the path to the configuration/database file. */ char * file_path(char what, char flag) { static int init = 0; SL_ENTER(_("file_path")); if (init == 0) { sl_strlcpy(preq, _("REQ_FROM_SERVER"), 16); ++init; } switch (what) { case 'C': if (0 == sl_strncmp (sh.conf.path, preq, 15)) { #if defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) if (sh.flag.isserver == S_TRUE && sl_strlen(sh.conf.path) == 15) SL_RETURN( NULL, _("file_path")); if (sh.flag.isserver == S_TRUE) SL_RETURN( &(sh.conf.path[15]), _("file_path")); #endif if (flag == 'R') SL_RETURN( preq, _("file_path")); if (flag == 'I') { if (sl_strlen(sh.conf.path) == 15) SL_RETURN( NULL, _("file_path")); else SL_RETURN( &(sh.conf.path[15]), _("file_path")); } SL_RETURN ( preq, _("file_path")); } else SL_RETURN( sh.conf.path, _("file_path")); /* break; *//* unreachable */ case 'D': if (0 == sl_strncmp (sh.data.path, preq, 15)) { if (flag == 'R') SL_RETURN( preq, _("file_path")); if (flag == 'W' && sl_strlen(sh.data.path) == 15) SL_RETURN (NULL, _("file_path")); if (flag == 'W') SL_RETURN( &(sh.data.path[15]), _("file_path")); } else SL_RETURN( sh.data.path, _("file_path")); break; default: SL_RETURN( NULL, _("file_path")); } return NULL; /* notreached */ } /************************************************/ /**** Mlock Utilities ****/ /************************************************/ #include int sh_unix_pagesize() { int pagesize = 4096; #if defined(_SC_PAGESIZE) pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); #elif defined(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); #elif defined(HAVE_GETPAGESIZE) pagesize = getpagesize(); #elif defined(PAGESIZE) pagesize = PAGESIZE; #endif return ((pagesize > 0) ? pagesize : 4096); } typedef struct sh_page_lt { unsigned long page_start; int page_refcount; char file[64]; int line; struct sh_page_lt * next; } sh_page_l; sh_page_l * sh_page_locked = NULL; volatile int page_locking = 0; unsigned long sh_unix_lookup_page (void * in_addr, size_t len, int * num_pages) { int pagesize = sh_unix_pagesize(); unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) in_addr; unsigned long pagebase; unsigned long pagediff; unsigned long pagenum = addr / pagesize; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_lookup_page")); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "mlock: --> base %ld, pagenum: %ld\n", addr, pagenum); #endif /* address of first page */ pagebase = pagenum * pagesize; /* number of pages */ pagediff = (addr + len) - pagebase; pagenum = pagediff / pagesize; if (pagenum * pagesize < pagediff) ++pagenum; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "mlock: --> pagebase %ld, pagediff %ld, (addr + len) %ld\n", pagebase, pagediff, (addr + len)); #endif *num_pages = pagenum; SL_RETURN((pagebase), _("sh_unix_lookup_page")); } #if defined(HAVE_MLOCK) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_MLOCK) SH_MUTEX_STATIC(mutex_mlock,PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER); int sh_unix_mlock (const char * file, int line, void * in_addr, size_t len) { int num_pages; int status = 0; int pagesize; sh_page_l * page_list; unsigned long addr; #ifdef TEST_MLOCK int i = 0; #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_mlock")); /* There's no cancellation point here, except if tracing is on */ SH_MUTEX_LOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_mlock); page_list = sh_page_locked; if (0 != page_locking) { status = -1; goto exit_mlock; } page_locking = 1; pagesize = sh_unix_pagesize(); addr = sh_unix_lookup_page (in_addr, len, &num_pages); #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "mlock: addr %ld, base %ld, pages: %d, length %d\n", (unsigned long) in_addr, addr, num_pages, len); #endif /* increase refcount of locked pages * addr is first page; num_pages is #(consecutive pages) to lock */ while ((page_list != NULL) && (num_pages > 0)) { #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "mlock: check page %d: %ld [%d]\n", i, page_list->page_start, page_list->page_refcount); #endif if (page_list->page_start == addr) { page_list->page_refcount += 1; num_pages -= 1; addr += pagesize; #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "mlock: found page %d: %ld [%d], next page %ld\n", i, page_list->page_start, page_list->page_refcount, addr); #endif } #ifdef TEST_MLOCK ++i; #endif page_list = page_list->next; } /* mlock some more pages, if needed */ while (num_pages > 0) { #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "mlock: lock page %d: mlock %ld [num_pages %d]\n", i, addr, num_pages); ++i; #endif page_list = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(sh_page_l)); page_list->page_start = addr; page_list->page_refcount = 1; sl_strlcpy(page_list->file, file, 64); page_list->line = line; status = mlock( (void *) addr, pagesize); if (status != 0) { #ifdef TEST_MLOCK char errbuf[SH_ERRBUF_SIZE]; fprintf(stderr, "mlock: error: %s\n", sh_error_message(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf))); #endif SH_FREE(page_list); page_locking = 0; goto exit_mlock; } page_list->next = sh_page_locked; sh_page_locked = page_list; num_pages -= 1; addr += pagesize; } page_locking = 0; exit_mlock: SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_mlock); SL_RETURN((status), _("sh_unix_mlock")); } #else int sh_unix_mlock (const char * file, int line, void * in_addr, size_t len) { (void) file; (void) line; (void) in_addr; (void) len; return -1; } #endif #if defined(HAVE_MLOCK) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_MLOCK) int sh_unix_munlock (void * in_addr, size_t len) { int num_pages; int unlocked; int status; int pagesize; sh_page_l * page_list; sh_page_l * page_last; unsigned long addr; int test_count; int test_status; int test_pages; #ifdef TEST_MLOCK int i = 0; #endif SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_munlock")); /* There's no cancellation point here, except if tracing is on */ SH_MUTEX_LOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_mlock); unlocked = 0; status = 0; page_list = sh_page_locked; if (0 != page_locking) { status = -1; goto exit_munlock; } page_locking = 1; pagesize = sh_unix_pagesize(); addr = sh_unix_lookup_page (in_addr, len, &num_pages); #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "munlock: in_addr %ld, addr %ld, pages: %d, length %d\n", (unsigned long) in_addr, addr, num_pages, len); #endif test_pages = num_pages; /* reduce refcount of locked pages * addr is first page; num_pages is #(consecutive pages) to lock */ while ((page_list != NULL) && (num_pages > 0)) { #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "munlock: page %d: %ld [%d]\n", i, page_list->page_start, page_list->page_refcount); #endif test_status = 0; for (test_count = 0; test_count < test_pages; ++test_count) { if (page_list->page_start == (addr + (test_count * pagesize))) { test_status = 1; break; } } if (test_status == 1) { page_list->page_refcount -= 1; if (page_list->page_refcount == 0) { status = munlock ( (void *) addr, pagesize); ++unlocked; } num_pages -= 1; #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "munlock: page %d: %ld [refcount %d], refcount reduced\n", i, page_list->page_start, page_list->page_refcount); #endif } #ifdef TEST_MLOCK ++i; #endif page_list = page_list->next; } #ifdef TEST_MLOCK i = 0; #endif if (unlocked > 0) { page_list = sh_page_locked; page_last = sh_page_locked; while ((page_list != NULL) && (unlocked > 0)) { if (page_list->page_refcount == 0) { #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "munlock: remove page %d: %ld [refcount %d]\n", i, page_list->page_start, page_list->page_refcount); #endif if (page_last != page_list) { page_last->next = page_list->next; SH_FREE(page_list); page_list = page_last->next; } else { page_last = page_list->next; if (page_list == sh_page_locked) sh_page_locked = page_list->next; SH_FREE(page_list); page_list = page_last; } --unlocked; } else { #ifdef TEST_MLOCK fprintf(stderr, "munlock: skip page %d: %ld [refcount %d]\n", i, page_list->page_start, page_list->page_refcount); #endif page_last = page_list; page_list = page_list->next; } #ifdef TEST_MLOCK ++i; #endif } } page_locking = 0; exit_munlock: SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_mlock); SL_RETURN((status), _("sh_unix_munlock")); } #else int sh_unix_munlock (void * in_addr, size_t len) { (void) in_addr; (void) len; return -1; } #endif int sh_unix_count_mlock() { int i = 0; char str[32][64]; sh_page_l * page_list; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_count_mlock")); #if defined(HAVE_MLOCK) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_MLOCK) /* There's no cancellation point here, except if tracing is on */ SH_MUTEX_LOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_mlock); #endif page_list = sh_page_locked; while (page_list != NULL) { #ifdef WITH_TPT if (i < 32) sl_snprintf(str[i], 64, _("file: %s line: %d page: %d"), page_list->file, page_list->line, i+1); #endif page_list = page_list->next; ++i; } #if defined(HAVE_MLOCK) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_MLOCK) SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK_UNSAFE(mutex_mlock); #endif #ifdef WITH_TPT { int j = 0; while (j < i && j < 32) { sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_INFO, FIL__, __LINE__, j, MSG_E_SUBGEN, str[j], _("sh_unix_count_mlock")); ++j; } } #endif sl_snprintf(str[0], 64, _("%d pages locked"), i); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_INFO, FIL__, __LINE__, i, MSG_E_SUBGEN, str[0], _("sh_unix_count_mlock")); SL_RETURN((i), _("sh_unix_count_mlock")); } /************************************************/ /************************************************/ /**** Stealth Utilities ****/ /************************************************/ /************************************************/ #ifdef SH_STEALTH void sh_unix_xor_code (char * str, int len) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) str[i] ^= (char) XOR_CODE; return; } #if !defined(SH_STEALTH_MICRO) int hideout_hex_block(SL_TICKET fd, unsigned char * str, int len, unsigned long * bytes_read); unsigned long first_hex_block(SL_TICKET fd, unsigned long * max); /* * --- Get hidden data from a block of hex data. --- */ int sh_unix_getline_stealth (SL_TICKET fd, char * str, int len) { int add_off = 0, llen; static unsigned long off_data = 0; static unsigned long max_data = 0; static unsigned long bytes_read = 0; static int stealth_init = BAD; SL_ENTER(_("sh_unix_getline_stealth")); if (str == NULL) { off_data = 0; max_data = 0; bytes_read = 0; stealth_init = BAD; SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_unix_getline_stealth")); } /* --- Initialize. --- */ if (stealth_init == BAD) { off_data = first_hex_block(fd, &max_data); if (off_data == 0) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("The stealth config file does not contain any steganographically\nhidden data. This file must be an image file in _uncompressed_\npostscript format.\nTo hide data in it, use:\n samhain_stealth -s postscript_file orig_config_file\n mv postscript_file /path/to/config/file\n")); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EIO, MSG_P_NODATA, _("Stealth config file.")); aud_exit (FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } stealth_init = GOOD; max_data += off_data; } /* --- Seek to proper position. --- */ if (bytes_read >= max_data || add_off < 0) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("The capacity of the container image file for the stealth config file seems to be too small. Your config file is likely truncated.\n")); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EIO, MSG_P_NODATA, _("Stealth config file.")); aud_exit (FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } sl_seek(fd, off_data); /* --- Read one line. --- */ add_off = hideout_hex_block(fd, (unsigned char *) str, len, &bytes_read); off_data += add_off; llen = sl_strlen(str); SL_RETURN(llen, _("sh_unix_getline_stealth")); } int hideout_hex_block(SL_TICKET fd, unsigned char * str, int len, unsigned long * bytes_read) { register int i, j, k; unsigned char c, e; register int num; unsigned char mask[9] = { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 }; unsigned long here = 0; unsigned long retval = 0; unsigned long bread = 0; SL_ENTER(_("hideout_hex_block")); ASSERT_RET((len > 1), _("len > 1"), (0)); --len; i = 0; while (i < len) { for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { /* --- Get a low byte, modify, read back. --- */ for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { /* -- Skip whitespace. --- */ c = ' '; do { do { num = sl_read (fd, &c, 1); } while (num == 0 && errno == EINTR); if (num > 0) ++here; else if (num == 0) SL_RETURN((0), _("hideout_hex_block")); else SL_RETURN((-1), _("hideout_hex_block")); } while (c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == ' '); } /* --- e is the value of the low byte. --- */ e = (unsigned char) sh_util_hexchar( c ); if ((e & mask[7]) != 0) /* bit is set */ str[i] |= mask[j]; else /* bit is not set */ str[i] &= ~mask[j]; bread += 1; } if (str[i] == '\n') break; ++i; } if (i != 0) str[i] = '\0'; else str[i+1] = '\0'; /* keep newline and terminate */ retval += here; *bytes_read += (bread/8); SL_RETURN(retval, _("hideout_hex_block")); } /* --- Get offset of first data block. --- */ unsigned long first_hex_block(SL_TICKET fd, unsigned long * max) { unsigned int i; long num = 1; unsigned long lnum; char c; int nothex = 0; unsigned long retval = 0; unsigned int this_line = 0; char theline[SH_BUFSIZE]; SL_ENTER(_("first_hex_block")); *max = 0; while (1) { theline[0] = '\0'; this_line = 0; c = '\0'; while (c != '\n' && num > 0 && this_line < (sizeof(theline)-1)) { do { num = sl_read (fd, &c, 1); } while (num == 0 && errno == EINTR); if (num > 0) theline[this_line] = c; else SL_RETURN((0), _("first_hex_block")); ++this_line; } theline[this_line] = '\0'; /* not only 'newline' */ if (this_line > 60) { nothex = 0; i = 0; while (nothex == 0 && i < (this_line-1)) { if (! isxdigit((int)theline[i])) nothex = 1; ++i; } if (nothex == 1) retval += this_line; } else { nothex = 1; retval += this_line; } if (nothex == 0) { *max = 0; do { do { num = sl_read (fd, theline, SH_BUFSIZE); } while (num == 0 && errno == EINTR); if (num > 0) { lnum = (unsigned long) num; for (i = 0; i < lnum; ++i) { c = theline[i]; if (c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == ' ') ; else if (!isxdigit((int)c)) break; else *max += 1; } } } while (num > 0); *max /= 16; SL_RETURN((retval), _("first_hex_block")); } } /* SL_RETURN((0), _("first_hex_block")); *//* unreachable */ } /* if !defined(SH_STEALTH_MICRO) */ #endif /* ifdef SH_STEALTH */ #endif /* * anti-debugger code */ #if defined(SCREW_IT_UP) volatile int sh_not_traced = 0; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY struct timeval save_tv; #endif void sh_sigtrap_handler (int signum) { #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY struct timeval tv; long difftv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); difftv = (tv.tv_sec - save_tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv.tv_usec - save_tv.tv_usec); if (difftv > 500000) raise(SIGKILL); #endif sh_not_traced += signum; return; } #endif