/* SAMHAIN file system integrity testing */ /* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Rainer Wichmann */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */ /* and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as */ /* published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config_xor.h" #include #include #include #include /* Must be early on FreeBSD */ #include #ifdef HAVE_MEMORY_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #ifdef HOST_IS_HPUX #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED #endif #include #include #include #ifndef FD_SET #define NFDBITS 32 #define FD_SET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] |= (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #define FD_CLR(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] &= ~(1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #define FD_ISSET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/NFDBITS] & (1 << ((n) % NFDBITS))) #endif /* !FD_SET */ #ifndef FD_SETSIZE #define FD_SETSIZE 32 #endif #ifndef FD_ZERO #define FD_ZERO(p) memset((char *)(p), '\0', sizeof(*(p))) #endif #if defined(HAVE_MLOCK) && !defined(HAVE_BROKEN_MLOCK) #include #endif #define SH_REAL_SET #include "samhain.h" #include "sh_mem.h" #include "sh_error.h" #include "sh_tools.h" #include "sh_utils.h" #include "sh_tiger.h" #define SH_NEED_GETHOSTBYXXX #include "sh_static.h" #undef FIL__ #define FIL__ _("sh_tools.c") #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT #include "rijndael-api-fst.h" char * errorExplain (int err_num) { if (err_num == BAD_KEY_DIR) return (_("Key direction is invalid")); else if (err_num == BAD_KEY_MAT) return (_("Key material not of correct length")); else if (err_num == BAD_KEY_INSTANCE) return (_("Key passed is not valid")); else if (err_num == BAD_CIPHER_MODE) return (_("Params struct passed to cipherInit invalid")); else if (err_num == BAD_CIPHER_STATE) return (_("Cipher in wrong state")); else if (err_num == BAD_BLOCK_LENGTH) return (_("Bad block length")); else if (err_num == BAD_CIPHER_INSTANCE) return (_("Bad cipher instance")); else if (err_num == BAD_DATA) return (_("Data contents are invalid")); else return (_("Unknown error")); } #endif /* --- recode all \blah escapes to '=XX' format, and also code all * remaining unprintable chars --- */ #define SH_PUT_4(p, a, b, c) (p)[0] = (a); (p)[1] = (b); (p)[2] = (c); char * sh_tools_safe_name (const char * instr, int flag) { unsigned char c, d; const char * p; char *q; char tmp[4]; char * outstr; int len = 1; int i = 0; unsigned char val_octal = '\0'; static char ctable[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; SL_ENTER(_("sh_tools_safe_name")); if (instr) len = (3 * strlen(instr)) + 4; outstr = SH_ALLOC(len); outstr[0] = '\0'; tmp[3] = '\0'; p = instr; q = outstr; #if !defined(SH_USE_XML) (void) flag; /* fix compiler warning */ #endif if (!p) goto end; while (*p) { c = *p; if (*p == '\n') { outstr[i] = ' '; ++i; ++p; continue; } #ifdef SH_USE_XML if (flag == 1) { if ((*p) == '"') { SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '2', '2'); i+=3; ++p; continue; } else if ((*p) == '&') { SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '2', '6'); i+=3; ++p; continue; } else if ((*p) == '<') { /* left angle */ SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '3', 'c'); i+=3; ++p; continue; } else if ((*p) == '>') { /* right angle */ SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '3', 'e'); i+=3; ++p; continue; } } #endif if ( (*p) != '\\' && (*p) != '&' && (*p) != '=' && (*p) != '\'') { outstr[i] = *p; ++i; ++p; if (c < 31 || c > 126) { --i; d = c % 16; c = c / 16; outstr[i] = '='; ++i; outstr[i] = ctable[c]; ++i; outstr[i] = ctable[d]; ++i; } continue; } else if ((*p) == '\'') { SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '2', '7'); i+=3; ++p; } else if (*p == '=') { if (p[1] != '"' && p[1] != '<') { SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '3', 'd'); i+=3; ++p; } else { outstr[i] = *p; ++i; ++p; } } else if (*p == '\\') { ++p; if (!p) break; if (!(*p)) break; c = *p; switch (*p) { case '\\': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '5', 'c'); i+=3; ++p; break; case 'n': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '0', 'a'); i+=3; ++p; break; case 'b': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '0', '8'); i+=3; ++p; break; case 'r': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '0', 'd'); i+=3; ++p; break; case 't': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '0', '9'); i+=3; ++p; break; case 'v': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '0', 'b'); i+=3; ++p; break; case 'f': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '0', 'c'); i+=3; ++p; break; case '\'': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '2', '7'); i+=3; ++p; break; case '"': /* also encode quoted '"' */ SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '2', '2'); i+=3; ++p; break; case ' ': SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '2', '0'); i+=3; ++p; break; default: if (strlen(p) < 3) /* certainly not an octal number, skip */ { p += strlen(p); } else { tmp[0] = p[0]; tmp[1] = p[1]; tmp[2] = p[2]; val_octal = (unsigned char) strtoul(tmp, (char **)NULL, 8); if (val_octal != '\0') { c = val_octal; d = c % 16; c = c / 16; outstr[i] = '='; ++i; outstr[i] = ctable[c]; ++i; outstr[i] = ctable[d]; ++i; } p += 3; } } } else if (*p == '&') { ++p; if (!p || !(*p)) { outstr[i] = '&'; ++i; break; } if (p[0] == 'a' && p[1] == 'm' && p[2] == 'p' && p[3] == ';') { SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '2', '6'); i+=3; p += 4; } else if (p[0] == 'q' && p[1] == 'u' && p[2] == 'o' && p[3] == 't' && p[4] == ';') { SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '2', '2'); i+=3; p += 5; } else if (p[0] == 'l' && p[1] == 't' && p[2] == ';') { SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '3', 'c'); i+=3; p += 3; } else if (p[0] == 'g' && p[1] == 't' && p[2] == ';') { SH_PUT_4(&outstr[i], '=', '3', 'e'); i+=3; p += 3; } else /* conserve the '&' */ { outstr[i] = '&'; ++i; } } else { outstr[i] = *p; ++i; ++p; } } /* while (p && *p) */ end: outstr[i] = '\0'; SL_RETURN( outstr, _("sh_tools_safe_name")); } /* extern int h_errno; */ char * sh_tools_errmessage (int tellme) { #ifdef HOST_NOT_FOUND if (tellme == HOST_NOT_FOUND) return _("The specified host is unknown: "); #endif #ifdef NO_ADDRESS if (tellme == NO_ADDRESS) return _("The requested name is valid but does not have an IP address: "); #endif #ifdef NO_RECOVERY if (tellme == NO_RECOVERY) return _("A non-recoverable name server error occurred: "); #endif #ifdef TRY_AGAIN if (tellme == TRY_AGAIN) return _("A temporary error occurred on an authoritative name server. The specified host is unknown: "); #endif return _("Unknown error"); } int is_numeric (const char * address) { int j; int len = sl_strlen(address); for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) if ( (address[j] < '0' || address[j] > '9') && address[j] != '.') return (1 == 0); return (1 == 1); } #if defined (SH_WITH_SERVER) int get_open_max () { int value; #ifdef _SC_OPEN_MAX value = sysconf (_SC_OPEN_MAX); #else #ifdef OPEN_MAX value = OPEN_MAX; #else value = _POSIX_OPEN_MAX; #endif #endif if (value < 0) value = 8; /* POSIX lower limit */ if (value > 4096) value = 4096; return value; } #endif typedef struct _sin_cache { char * address; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct _sin_cache * next; } sin_cache; static sin_cache * conn_cache = NULL; static int cached_addr = 0; void delete_cache() { sin_cache * check_cache = conn_cache; sin_cache * old_entry = conn_cache; SL_ENTER(_("delete_cache")); while (check_cache != NULL) { old_entry = check_cache; check_cache = check_cache->next; SH_FREE(old_entry->address); SH_FREE(old_entry); } cached_addr = 0; conn_cache = NULL; SL_RET0(_("delete_cache")); } int DoReverseLookup = S_TRUE; int set_reverse_lookup (const char * c) { return sh_util_flagval(c, &DoReverseLookup); } int connect_port (char * address, int port, char * ecall, int * errnum, char * errmsg, int errsiz) { struct in_addr haddr; /* host address from numeric */ /* host details returned by the DNS */ struct hostent *host_entry = NULL; struct sockaddr_in sinr; /* socket to the remote host */ char * host_name; int fd = (-1); int status; int fail = 0; int cached = 0; int retval; size_t len; sin_cache * check_cache = conn_cache; SL_ENTER(_("connect_port")); /* paranoia -- should not happen */ if (cached_addr > 128) delete_cache(); if (check_cache != NULL) { while (check_cache && check_cache->address) { if ( 0 == sl_strncmp(check_cache->address, address, sl_strlen(address))) { memcpy (&sinr, &(check_cache->sin), sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); sinr.sin_family = AF_INET; sinr.sin_port = htons (port); cached = 1; break; } if (check_cache->next) check_cache = check_cache->next; else check_cache = NULL; } } /* only use gethostbyname() if neccessary */ if (cached == 0) { #ifdef HAVE_INET_ATON if (0 == inet_aton(address, &haddr)) #else if ((unsigned long)-1 == (haddr.s_addr = inet_addr(address))) #endif { host_entry = sh_gethostbyname(address); if (host_entry == NULL || host_entry->h_addr == NULL) { sl_strlcpy(ecall, _("gethostbyname"), SH_MINIBUF); #ifndef NO_H_ERRNO *errnum = h_errno; #else *errnum = 666; #endif sl_strlcpy(errmsg, sh_tools_errmessage (*errnum), errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, address, errsiz); fail = (-1); } else { sinr.sin_family = AF_INET; sinr.sin_port = htons (port); sinr.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) host_entry->h_addr; /* reverse DNS lookup */ if (DoReverseLookup == S_TRUE) { if (host_entry->h_name == NULL) { host_name = SH_ALLOC(1); host_name[0] = '\0'; } else { len = sl_strlen(host_entry->h_name) + 1; host_name = SH_ALLOC(len); if (len > 1) sl_strlcpy(host_name, host_entry->h_name, len); else host_name[0] = '\0'; } host_entry = sh_gethostbyaddr ((char *) &sinr.sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); if (host_entry == NULL || host_entry->h_name == NULL) { sl_strlcpy(ecall, _("gethostbyaddr"), SH_MINIBUF); #ifndef NO_H_ERRNO *errnum = h_errno; #else *errnum = 666; #endif sl_strlcpy(errmsg, sh_tools_errmessage (*errnum), errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *) &(sinr.sin_addr)), errsiz); fail = (-1); } else { *errnum = 0; if (sl_strlen(host_entry->h_name) == 0 || (*errnum = sl_strcmp(host_name,host_entry->h_name)) != 0) { if (*errnum) sl_strlcpy(ecall, _("strcmp"), SH_MINIBUF); else sl_strlcpy(ecall, _("strlen"), SH_MINIBUF); sl_strlcpy(errmsg, _("Reverse lookup failed."), errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, address, errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, _(" vs "), errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *) &(sinr.sin_addr)), errsiz); fail = -1; } } SH_FREE(host_name); } } } else /* address was numeric */ { sinr.sin_family = AF_INET; sinr.sin_port = htons (port); sinr.sin_addr = haddr; } if (fail != -1) { /* put it into the cache */ check_cache = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(sin_cache)); check_cache->address = SH_ALLOC(sl_strlen(address) + 1); sl_strlcpy (check_cache->address, address, sl_strlen(address) + 1); memcpy(&(check_cache->sin), &sinr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); ++cached_addr; if (conn_cache) { if (conn_cache->next) check_cache->next = conn_cache->next; else check_cache->next = NULL; conn_cache->next = check_cache; } else { check_cache->next = NULL; conn_cache = check_cache; } } } if (fail != (-1)) { fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { fail = (-1); status = errno; sl_strlcpy(ecall, _("socket"), SH_MINIBUF); *errnum = status; sl_strlcpy(errmsg, sh_error_message (status), errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, _(", address "), errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, address, errsiz); } } if (fail != (-1)) { if ( retry_connect(FIL__, __LINE__, fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sinr, sizeof(sinr)) < 0) { status = errno; sl_strlcpy(ecall, _("connect"), SH_MINIBUF); *errnum = status; sl_strlcpy(errmsg, sh_error_message (status), errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, _(", address "), errsiz); sl_strlcat(errmsg, address, errsiz); close(fd); fail = (-1); } } retval = (fail < 0) ? (-1) : fd; SL_RETURN(retval, _("connect_port")); } int connect_port_2 (char * address1, char * address2, int port, char * ecall, int * errnum, char * errmsg, int errsiz) { int retval = (-1); SL_ENTER(_("connect_port_2")); errmsg[0] = '\0'; *errnum = 0; if (address1 != NULL && address1[0] != '\0') retval = connect_port (address1, port, ecall, errnum, errmsg, errsiz); if (retval < 0 && address2 != NULL && address2[0] != '\0') { /* can't use sh_error_handle here, as this would cause an infinite * loop if called from sh_unix_time */ TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), address2)); retval = connect_port (address2, port, ecall, errnum, errmsg, errsiz); } if ((retval < 0) && (address1 == NULL || address1[0] == '\0') && (address1 == NULL || address1[0] == '\0')) { sl_strlcpy(ecall, _("connect_port_2"), SH_MINIBUF); sl_strlcpy(errmsg, _("No server address known"), errsiz); } SL_RETURN(retval, _("connect_port_2")); /* return retval; */ } #if defined(HAVE_NTIME) || defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) static int sh_write_select(int type, int sockfd, char *buf, int nbytes, int * w_error, int timeout) { int countbytes, count; fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; int select_now; int num_sel; struct sigaction new_act; struct sigaction old_act; SL_ENTER(_("sh_write_select")); /* ignore SIGPIPE (instead get EPIPE if connection is closed) */ new_act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset( &new_act.sa_mask ); /* set an empty mask */ new_act.sa_flags = 0; /* init sa_flags */ sigaction (SIGPIPE, &new_act, &old_act); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(sockfd, &fds); countbytes = 0; tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; select_now = 0; *w_error = 0; while ( countbytes < nbytes ) { FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(sockfd, &fds); if (type == SH_DO_WRITE) { if ( (num_sel = select (sockfd+1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv)) == -1) { if (sig_raised == 1) { sig_raised = 2; continue; } if ( errno == EINTR) /* try again */ continue; *w_error = errno; TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), sh_error_message(*w_error))); sigaction (SIGPIPE, &old_act, NULL); SL_RETURN( countbytes, _("sh_write_select")); } } else { if ( (num_sel = select (sockfd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)) == -1) { if (sig_raised == 1) { sig_raised = 2; continue; } if ( errno == EINTR ) /* try again */ continue; *w_error = errno; TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), sh_error_message(*w_error))); sigaction (SIGPIPE, &old_act, NULL); SL_RETURN( countbytes, _("sh_write_select")); } } /* on Linux, timeout is modified to reflect the amount of * time not slept */ tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; /* let's not hang on forever */ if (num_sel == 0) { ++select_now; /* timeout */ if ( select_now > timeout ) /* 5 minutes */ { #ifdef ETIMEDOUT *w_error = ETIMEDOUT; #else *w_error = 0; #endif sigaction (SIGPIPE, &old_act, NULL); TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); SL_RETURN( countbytes, _("sh_write_select")); } } if ( FD_ISSET (sockfd, &fds) ) { if (type == SH_DO_WRITE) count = write (sockfd, buf, nbytes-countbytes); else count = read (sockfd, buf, nbytes-countbytes); if (count > 0) { countbytes += count; buf += count; /* move buffer pointer forward */ if (countbytes < nbytes) FD_SET( sockfd, &fds ); } else if (count < 0 && errno == EINTR) { FD_SET( sockfd, &fds ); } else if (count < 0) { *w_error = errno; sigaction (SIGPIPE, &old_act, NULL); TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); SL_RETURN( countbytes, _("sh_write_select")); } else /* count == 0 */ { *w_error = errno; sigaction (SIGPIPE, &old_act, NULL); TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); SL_RETURN( countbytes, _("sh_write_select")); } } } /* restore signal handler */ sigaction (SIGPIPE, &old_act, NULL); *w_error = 0; TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), countbytes)); SL_RETURN( countbytes, _("sh_write_select")); } #endif #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) unsigned long write_port (int sockfd, char *buf, unsigned long nbytes, int * w_error, int timeout) { unsigned long bytes; char errmsg[256]; SL_ENTER(_("write_port")); bytes = sh_write_select(SH_DO_WRITE, sockfd, buf, nbytes, w_error, timeout); if (*w_error != 0) { sl_strlcpy(errmsg, sh_error_message (*w_error), sizeof(errmsg)); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, *w_error, MSG_TCP_NETRP, errmsg, (long) sockfd, _("write_port")); } SL_RETURN( bytes, _("write_port")); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_NTIME) || defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) unsigned long read_port (int sockfd, char *buf, unsigned long nbytes, int * w_error, int timeout) { unsigned long bytes; char errmsg[256]; SL_ENTER(_("read_port")); bytes = sh_write_select(SH_DO_READ, sockfd, buf, nbytes, w_error, timeout); if (*w_error != 0) { sl_strlcpy(errmsg, sh_error_message (*w_error), sizeof(errmsg)); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, *w_error, MSG_TCP_NETRP, errmsg, (long) sockfd, _("read_port")); } SL_RETURN( bytes, _("read_port")); } #endif #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) int check_request_nerr (char * have, char * need) { SL_ENTER(_("check_request_nerr")); ASSERT_RET((have != NULL && need != NULL), _("have != NULL && need != NULL"), (-1)) if ( (have[0] == need[0]) && (have[1] == need[1]) && (have[2] == need[2]) && (have[3] == need[3])) SL_RETURN(0, _("check_request_nerr")); SL_RETURN((-1), _("check_request_nerr")); } #endif #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) int check_request (char * have, char * need) { char first[21], second[5]; int i; SL_ENTER(_("check_request")); i = check_request_nerr (have, need); if (i == 0) SL_RETURN(0, _("check_request")); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { second[i] = need[i]; sprintf(&first[i*4], _("%c%03o"), /* known to fit */ '\\', (unsigned char) have[i]); } first[20] = '\0'; second[4] = '\0'; sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_NETST, second, first); SL_RETURN((-1), _("check_request")); } #endif #if defined (SH_WITH_SERVER) int check_request_s (char * have, char * need, char * clt) { char first[21], second[5]; int i; SL_ENTER(_("check_request_s")); i = check_request_nerr (have, need); if (i == 0) SL_RETURN( (0), _("check_request_s")); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { second[i] = need[i]; sprintf(&first[i*4], _("%c%03o"), /* known to fit */ '\\', (unsigned char) have[i]); } first[20] = '\0'; second[4] = '\0'; sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_E_NETST1, second, first, clt); SL_RETURN( (-1), _("check_request_s")); } #endif #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_WITH_SERVER) void get_header (unsigned char * head, unsigned long * bytes, char * u) { SL_ENTER(_("get_header")); *bytes = (256 * (unsigned int)head[1] + (unsigned int)head[2]); if (u != NULL) { u[0] = head[3]; u[1] = head[4]; u[2] = head[5]; u[3] = head[6]; u[4] = '\0'; } SL_RET0(_("get_header")); } #endif #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT_2 #define TRANS_BYTES 65120 #else #define TRANS_BYTES 65280 #endif void put_header (unsigned char * head, int protocol, unsigned long * length, char * u) { /* static long transfer_limit = (8 * SH_BUFSIZE); V0.8 */ static unsigned long transfer_limit = TRANS_BYTES + 6 + KEY_LEN; SL_ENTER(_("put_header")); head[0] = protocol; ASSERT((*length < transfer_limit), _("*length < transfer_limit")) if (*length > transfer_limit) *length = transfer_limit; head[1] = (unsigned int)(*length/256); head[2] = (unsigned int)(*length-256 * head[1]); if (u == NULL) { head[3] = 0x01; head[4] = 0x01; head[5] = 0x01; head[6] = 0x01; } else { head[3] = u[0]; head[4] = u[1]; head[5] = u[2]; head[6] = u[3]; } SL_RET0(_("put_header")); } #endif /* ------------------------------------------ * * version 2 client/server protocol * * ------------------------------------------ * * header : flag size[2] * * payload: random_pad[8] protocol[4] size[4] payload[payload_size] padding * * full_size <= 8192; payload_size <= 8176 (511*16); msg_size <= 8128 (508*16) * (msg_size = payload_size - key_len = payload_size - 48) */ /* * only SH_V2_FULLSIZE is used, and only once */ #if 0 #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER #define SH_V2_FULLSIZE 240 #define SH_V2_PAYLOAD 224 #define SH_V2_MESSAGE 176 #else #define SH_V2_FULLSIZE 1024 #define SH_V2_PAYLOAD 1008 #define SH_V2_MESSAGE 960 #endif #endif #define SH_V2_FULLSIZE 1024 #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT #include "rijndael-api-fst.h" #endif void sh_tools_show_header (unsigned char * head, char sign) { #define SH_IS_ASCII(c) (((c) & ~0x7f) == 0) int msg_size = (256 * (unsigned int)head[1] + (unsigned int)head[2]); char code[32]; char * p = &code[0]; memset (code, ' ', 32); /* space */ if ((head[0] & SH_PROTO_SRP) != 0) { p[0]='S';p[1]='R';p[2]='P';} p += 4; if ((head[0] & SH_PROTO_MSG) != 0) { p[0]='M';p[1]='S';p[2]='G';} p += 4; if ((head[0] & SH_PROTO_BIG) != 0) { p[0]='B';p[1]='I';p[2]='G';} p += 4; if ((head[0] & SH_PROTO_END) != 0) { p[0]='E';p[1]='N';p[2]='D';} p += 4; if ((head[0] & SH_PROTO_ENC) != 0) { p[0]='E';p[1]='N';p[2]='C';} p += 4; if ((head[0] & SH_PROTO_EN2) != 0) { p[0]='E';p[1]='N';p[2]='2';} code[23] = '\0'; if (SH_IS_ASCII(head[3]) && isalpha(head[3]) && SH_IS_ASCII(head[4]) && isalpha(head[4]) && SH_IS_ASCII(head[5]) && isalpha(head[5]) && SH_IS_ASCII(head[6]) && isalpha(head[6])) { fprintf(stderr, "%c %3o %s %5d %c %c %c %c\n", sign, head[0], code, msg_size, head[3], head[4], head[5], head[6]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%c %3o %s %5d %2X %2X %2X %2X\n", sign, head[0], code, msg_size, head[3], head[4], head[5], head[6]); } return; } #ifdef SH_ENCRYPT /* * #define DEBUG_EN2 * * ingest version 1 7-byte header and payload, return version2 header/payload * last 4 bytes of outgoing header are set to dummy value */ char * sh_tools_makePack (unsigned char * header, char * payload, int payload_size, keyInstance * keyInstE) { UINT32 rpad[3]; unsigned char head[16]; double epad; int i_epad = 0; int i_blk = payload_size / 16; int i_blkmax = SH_V2_FULLSIZE / 16; int pads = 0; int full_size; char * full_ret; char * p; RIJ_BYTE inBlock[B_SIZ]; RIJ_BYTE outBlock[B_SIZ]; int j; cipherInstance cipherInst; int err_num; int blkfac; /* SL_REQUIRE (i_blk*16 == payload_size, _("payload_size % 16 != 0")); */ if ((i_blk * 16) != payload_size) ++i_blk; #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "SEND <%d> blocks <%d>\n", payload_size, i_blk); #endif /* random_pad */ rpad[1] = taus_get (&(skey->rng0[0]), &(skey->rng1[0]), &(skey->rng2[0])); memcpy (head, &rpad[1], 4); rpad[0] = taus_get (&(skey->rng0[0]), &(skey->rng1[0]), &(skey->rng2[0])); memcpy (&head[4], &rpad[0], 4); rpad[2] = taus_get (&(skey->rng0[0]), &(skey->rng1[0]), &(skey->rng2[0])); memcpy (&head[8], &rpad[2], 4); /* protocol */ /* memcpy (&head[8], &header[3], 4); */ /* size (payload) */ head[12] = header[1]; head[13] = header[2]; head[14] = '\0'; head[15] = '\0'; if (i_blk < i_blkmax) { pads = i_blkmax - i_blk; /* memcpy((char *) &rpad[2], &head[12], 4); */ epad = taus_get_double (&rpad); #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "PAD1 <%d> <%f>\n", pads, epad); #endif i_epad = (int) (pads * epad); #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "PAD2 <%d> <%d>\n", i_epad, (i_epad*16)); #endif } full_size = /* head */ 16 + /* payload */ (i_blk*16) + /* payload_size + */ /* pad */ (i_epad * 16); full_ret = SH_ALLOC(full_size); memcpy(full_ret, head, 16); if (payload != NULL) { memcpy(&full_ret[16], payload, payload_size); } if ((i_blk*16) > payload_size) { #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "SEN2 <%d>\n", (i_blk*16) - payload_size); #endif memset(&full_ret[16+payload_size], '\0', (i_blk*16) - payload_size); payload_size = i_blk * 16; } memset(&full_ret[16+payload_size], '\0', i_epad*16); #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "SEN3 <%d> <%d>\n", full_size, i_epad*16); #endif /* rewrite header */ header[1] = (unsigned int)(full_size/256); header[2] = (unsigned int)(full_size - (256 * header[1])); /* don't erase protocol from header memset(&header[3], '\0', 4); */ p = full_ret; blkfac = full_size / 16; err_num = cipherInit (&cipherInst, MODE_CBC, NULL); if (err_num < 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errorExplain(err_num), _("sh_tools_makePack: cipherInit")); } for (j = 0; j < blkfac; ++j) { memcpy(inBlock, p, B_SIZ); err_num = blockEncrypt(&cipherInst, keyInstE, inBlock, 128 * BNUM, outBlock); if (err_num < 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errorExplain(err_num), _("sh_tools_makePack: blockEncrypt")); } memcpy(p, outBlock, B_SIZ); p += B_SIZ; } return full_ret; } /* write a 7-byte header and return payload as expected by version 1 * last 4 bytes of incoming header are dummy */ char * sh_tools_revertPack (unsigned char * header, char * message, keyInstance * keyInstD, unsigned long message_size) { unsigned long msg_size; char * msg_ret; char * p; RIJ_BYTE inBlock[B_SIZ]; RIJ_BYTE outBlock[B_SIZ]; int j; cipherInstance cipherInst; int err_num; int blkfac; msg_size = (256 * (unsigned int)header[1] + (unsigned int)header[2]); #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "RECV <%lu>\n", msg_size); #endif if (msg_size > message_size) { msg_size = message_size; #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "RECV TRUNC1 <%lu>\n", msg_size); #endif } p = message; blkfac = msg_size / 16; err_num = cipherInit (&cipherInst, MODE_CBC, NULL); if (err_num < 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errorExplain(err_num), _("sh_tools_revertPack: cipherInit")); } for (j = 0; j < blkfac; ++j) { memcpy(inBlock, p, B_SIZ); err_num = blockDecrypt(&cipherInst, keyInstD, inBlock, 128 * BNUM, outBlock); if (err_num < 0) { sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, -1, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errorExplain(err_num), _("sh_tools_revertPack: blockDecrypt")); } memcpy(p, outBlock, B_SIZ); p += B_SIZ; } /* rewrite size in header */ header[1] = message[12]; header[2] = message[13]; msg_size = (256 * (unsigned int)header[1] + (unsigned int)header[2]); if (msg_size > (message_size-16)) { msg_size = message_size-16; header[1] = (unsigned int)(msg_size/256); header[2] = (unsigned int)(msg_size - (256 * header[1])); #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "RECV TRUNC2 <%lu>\n", msg_size); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "REC2 <%lu>\n", msg_size); #endif /* protocol */ /* memcpy(&header[3], &message[8], 4); */ /* payload */ msg_ret = SH_ALLOC(msg_size+1); if (msg_size > 0) { memcpy(msg_ret, &message[16], msg_size); } msg_ret[msg_size] = '\0'; #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "REC3 <%lu>\n", msg_size); #endif SH_FREE(message); return msg_ret; } #endif int sh_tools_hash_add(char * key, char * buf, int buflen) { char * theSig; SL_ENTER(_("sh_tools_hash_add")); theSig = sh_util_siggen (key, buf, buflen); sl_strlcat(buf, theSig, buflen + KEY_LEN + 1); SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_tools_hash_add")); } /* return 0 (== FALSE) if no match, else 1 (== TRUE) */ int sh_tools_hash_vfy(char * key, char * buf, int buflen) { char hash[KEY_LEN+1]; register int i; char * theSig; SL_ENTER(_("sh_tools_hash_vfy")); theSig = sh_util_siggen (key, buf, buflen); sl_strlcpy(hash, theSig, KEY_LEN+1); for (i = 0; i < KEY_LEN; ++i) { if (buf[buflen + i] != hash[i]) SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_tools_hash_vfy")); } SL_RETURN((1), _("sh_tools_hash_vfy")); } /* ------------------------------------------ */ #if defined (SH_WITH_SERVER) /* add a checksum to a buffer; put checksum in front */ char * hash_me (char * key, char * buf, int buflen) { char hash[KEY_LEN+1]; char * temp; register int i; int total = 0; char * theSig; SL_ENTER(_("hash_me")); #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "hash_me <%s> <%d>\n", (key == NULL) ? "NULL" : key, buflen); #endif /* key = H(NSRV,NCLT,SK) */ ASSERT_RET((key != NULL), _("key != NULL"), (NULL)); ASSERT_RET((buflen >= 0), _("buflen >= 0"), (NULL)); theSig = sh_util_siggen (key, buf, buflen); sl_strlcpy(hash, theSig, KEY_LEN+1); total = KEY_LEN + buflen; temp = SH_ALLOC (total); for (i = 0; i < KEY_LEN; ++i) temp[i] = hash[i]; for (i = 0; i < buflen; ++i) temp[i+KEY_LEN] = buf[i]; SL_RETURN(temp, _("hash_me")); } #endif #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) /* verify the checksum of a buffer; checksum comes first */ int hash_check(char * key, char * buf, int buflen) { char hash[KEY_LEN+1]; register int i; char * theSig; SL_ENTER(_("hash_check")); #ifdef DEBUG_EN2 fprintf(stderr, "hash_check <%s> <%d>\n", (key == NULL) ? "NULL" : key, buflen); #endif theSig = sh_util_siggen (key, &buf[KEY_LEN], buflen-KEY_LEN); sl_strlcpy(hash, theSig, KEY_LEN+1); for (i = 0; i < KEY_LEN; ++i) { if (buf[i] != hash[i]) SL_RETURN((-1), _("hash_check")); } SL_RETURN((0), _("hash_check")); } #endif #if defined (SH_WITH_SERVER) char * get_client_conf_file (char * peer, unsigned long * length) { char * ret; int size, status; struct stat buf; char * base; SL_ENTER(_("get_client_conf_file")); size = sl_strlen(DEFAULT_DATAROOT); base = SH_ALLOC(size + 1); sl_strlcpy(base, DEFAULT_DATAROOT, size + 1); size = sl_strlen(base) + sl_strlen(peer) + 5; ++size; ret = SH_ALLOC(size); sl_strlcpy(ret, base, size); sl_strlcat(ret, _("/rc."), size); sl_strlcat(ret, peer, size); status = retry_stat (FIL__, __LINE__, ret, &buf); if (status == 0) goto lab_end; else sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_WARN, FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_ACCESS, (long) sh.effective.uid, ret); sl_strlcpy(ret, base, size); sl_strlcat(ret, "/rc", size); status = retry_stat (FIL__, __LINE__, ret, &buf); if (status == 0) goto lab_end; else sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_ACCESS, (long) sh.effective.uid, ret); SH_FREE(base); *length=0; SL_RETURN(NULL, _("get_client_conf_file")); lab_end: if (buf.st_size > 0x7fffffff) { sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("File too large"), _("get_client_conf_file")); SH_FREE(base); SL_RETURN(NULL, _("get_client_conf_file")); } *length = (unsigned long) buf.st_size; SH_FREE(base); SL_RETURN(ret, _("get_client_conf_file")); } char * get_client_data_file (char * peer, unsigned long * length) { char * ret; int size, status; struct stat buf; char * base; SL_ENTER(_("get_client_data_file")); size = sl_strlen(DEFAULT_DATAROOT); base = SH_ALLOC(size + 1); sl_strlcpy(base, DEFAULT_DATAROOT, size + 1); size = sl_strlen(base) + sl_strlen(peer) + 7; ++size; ret = SH_ALLOC(size); sl_strlcpy(ret, base, size); sl_strlcat(ret, _("/file."), size); sl_strlcat(ret, peer, size); status = retry_stat (FIL__, __LINE__, ret, &buf); if (status == 0) goto lab1_end; else sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_WARN, FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_ACCESS, (long) sh.effective.uid, ret); sl_strlcpy(ret, base, size); sl_strlcat(ret, _("/file"), size); status = retry_stat (FIL__, __LINE__, ret, &buf); if (status == 0) goto lab1_end; else sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_WARN, FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_ACCESS, (long) sh.effective.uid, ret); *length = 0; SH_FREE(base); SL_RETURN(NULL, _("get_client_data_file")); lab1_end: if (buf.st_size > 0x7fffffff) { sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("File too large"), _("get_client_data_file")); SH_FREE(base); SL_RETURN(NULL, _("get_client_data_file")); } *length = (unsigned long) buf.st_size; SH_FREE(base); SL_RETURN(ret, _("get_client_data_file")); } #endif #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) || defined(SH_STEALTH) || defined(WITH_GPG) || defined(WITH_PGP) /* --------- secure temporary file ------------ */ SL_TICKET open_tmp () { SL_TICKET fd; UINT32 ticks; char * file; struct stat buf; int error; int status = BAD; char * my_tmp_dir; int len; SL_ENTER(_("open_tmp")); #if defined(SH_TMPDIR) len = sl_strlen(SH_TMPDIR) + 1; my_tmp_dir = SH_ALLOC(len); sl_strlcpy(my_tmp_dir, SH_TMPDIR, len); #else #if defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) len = sl_strlen(DEFAULT_LOGDIR) + 1; my_tmp_dir = SH_ALLOC(len); sl_strlcpy(my_tmp_dir, DEFAULT_LOGDIR, len); #else len = sl_strlen(sh.effective.home) + 1; my_tmp_dir = SH_ALLOC(len); sl_strlcpy(my_tmp_dir, sh.effective.home, len); #endif #endif if (0 != tf_trust_check (my_tmp_dir, SL_YESPRIV)) { dlog(1, FIL__, __LINE__, _("The directory for temporary files: %s is untrusted, i.e. an\nuntrusted user owns or can write to some directory in the path.\n"), my_tmp_dir); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EACCES, MSG_TRUST, (long) sh.effective.uid, my_tmp_dir); SH_FREE(my_tmp_dir); aud_exit (FIL__, __LINE__, EXIT_FAILURE); } do { /* create random filename in effective users home directory */ ticks = taus_get (&(skey->rng0[0]), &(skey->rng1[0]), &(skey->rng2[0])); if (my_tmp_dir[0] == '/' && my_tmp_dir[1] == '\0') file = sh_util_strconcat (my_tmp_dir, sh_tiger_hash( (char *) &ticks, TIGER_DATA, 4), NULL); else file = sh_util_strconcat (my_tmp_dir, "/", sh_tiger_hash( (char *) &ticks, TIGER_DATA, 4), NULL); /* check whether it already exists (paranoia) */ errno = 0; status = retry_lstat(FIL__, __LINE__, file, &buf); error = errno; if ( (status < 0) && (error == ENOENT) ) /* file does not exist */ status = GOOD; else if (status < 0) /* unexpected error condition */ { SH_FREE (file); SH_FREE(my_tmp_dir); TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), error)); SL_RETURN((-1), _("open_tmp")); } else /* file exists */ { status = BAD; TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); } if (status == GOOD) { if (0 == tf_trust_check (file, SL_YESPRIV)) status = GOOD; else { status = BAD; TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"))); } } if (status == BAD) SH_FREE (file); } while (status == BAD); fd = sl_open_safe_rdwr (file, SL_YESPRIV); if (SL_ISERROR(fd)) { sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ALL, FIL__, __LINE__, fd, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("Error opening temporary file"), _("open_tmp")); TPT(( 0, FIL__, __LINE__, _("msg=\n"), fd, file)); } SH_FREE (file); SH_FREE(my_tmp_dir); if (!SL_ISERROR(fd)) { sl_unlink(fd); } if (!SL_ISERROR(fd)) SL_RETURN((fd), _("open_tmp")); else SL_RETURN((-1), _("open_tmp")); } int close_tmp (SL_TICKET fd) { SL_ENTER(_("close_tmp")); if (SL_ISERROR(sl_close (fd))) SL_RETURN((-1), _("close_tmp")); SL_RETURN((0), _("close_tmp")); } int rewind_tmp (SL_TICKET fd) { SL_ENTER(_("rewind_tmp")); if (SL_ISERROR(sl_rewind (fd))) SL_RETURN((-1), _("rewind_tmp")); SL_RETURN((0), _("rewind_tmp")); } #endif