[1] | 1 | /* Do not include ANY system headers here. The implementation is */
| 2 | /* somehow flawed - maybe something gets overlayed by definitions */
| 3 | /* in the system headers. Results will become incorrect. */
| 4 |
| 5 | #include "config_xor.h"
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 | #if !defined(HAVE_LONG_64) && !defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG_64)
| 9 |
| 10 | /* Tiger: A Fast New Hash Function
| 11 | *
| 12 | * Ross Anderson and Eli Biham
| 13 | *
| 14 | * From the homepage (http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~biham/Reports/Tiger/):
| 15 | *
| 16 | * Tiger has no usage restrictions nor patents. It can be used freely,
| 17 | * with the reference implementation, with other implementations or with
| 18 | * a modification to the reference implementation (as long as it still
| 19 | * implements Tiger). We only ask you to let us know about your
| 20 | * implementation and to cite the origin of Tiger and of the reference
| 21 | * implementation.
| 22 | *
| 23 | *
| 24 | * The authors' home pages can be found both in
| 25 | * http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~biham/ and in
| 26 | * http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rja14/.
| 27 | * The authors' email addresses are biham@cs.technion.ac.il
| 28 | * and rja14@cl.cam.ac.uk.
| 29 | */
| 30 |
| 31 |
| 32 | #if defined(HAVE_INT_32)
| 33 | typedef unsigned int sh_word32;
| 34 | #elif defined(HAVE_LONG_32)
| 35 | typedef unsigned long sh_word32;
| 36 | #elif defined(HAVE_SHORT_32)
| 37 | typedef unsigned short sh_word32;
| 38 | #else
| 39 | #error No 32 byte type found !
| 40 | #endif
| 41 |
| 42 | typedef unsigned char sh_byte;
| 43 |
| 44 | /* Big endian: */
| 45 | #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN
| 46 | #define BIG_ENDIAN
| 47 | #endif
| 48 |
| 49 | /* NOTE that this code is NOT FULLY OPTIMIZED for any */
| 50 | /* machine. Assembly code might be much faster on some */
| 51 | /* machines, especially if the code is compiled with */
| 52 | /* gcc. */
| 53 |
| 54 | /* The number of passes of the hash function. */
| 55 | /* Three passes are recommended. */
| 56 | /* Use four passes when you need extra security. */
| 57 | /* Must be at least three. */
| 58 | #define PASSES 3
| 59 |
| 60 | extern sh_word32 tiger_table[4*256][2];
| 61 |
| 62 | #define t1 (tiger_table)
| 63 | #define t2 (tiger_table+256)
| 64 | #define t3 (tiger_table+256*2)
| 65 | #define t4 (tiger_table+256*3)
| 66 |
| 67 | #define sh_sub64(s0, s1, p0, p1) \
| 68 | temps0 = (p0); \
| 69 | tcarry = s0 < temps0; \
| 70 | s0 -= temps0; \
| 71 | s1 -= (p1) + tcarry;
| 72 |
| 73 | #define sh_add64(s0, s1, p0, p1) \
| 74 | temps0 = (p0); \
| 75 | s0 += temps0; \
| 76 | tcarry = s0 < temps0; \
| 77 | s1 += (p1) + tcarry;
| 78 |
| 79 | #define sh_xor64(s0, s1, p0, p1) \
| 80 | s0 ^= (p0); \
| 81 | s1 ^= (p1);
| 82 |
| 83 | #define sh_mul5(s0, s1) \
| 84 | tempt0 = s0<<2; \
| 85 | tempt1 = (s1<<2)|(s0>>30); \
| 86 | sh_add64(s0, s1, tempt0, tempt1);
| 87 |
| 88 | #define sh_mul7(s0, s1) \
| 89 | tempt0 = s0<<3; \
| 90 | tempt1 = (s1<<3)|(s0>>29); \
| 91 | sh_sub64(tempt0, tempt1, s0, s1); \
| 92 | s0 = tempt0; \
| 93 | s1 = tempt1;
| 94 |
| 95 | #define sh_mul9(s0, s1) \
| 96 | tempt0 = s0<<3; \
| 97 | tempt1 = (s1<<3)|(s0>>29); \
| 98 | sh_add64(s0, s1, tempt0, tempt1);
| 99 |
| 100 | #define sh_save_abc \
| 101 | aa0 = a0; \
| 102 | aa1 = a1; \
| 103 | bb0 = b0; \
| 104 | bb1 = b1; \
| 105 | cc0 = c0; \
| 106 | cc1 = c1;
| 107 |
| 108 | #define sh_round(a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1,x0,x1,mul) \
| 109 | sh_xor64(c0, c1, x0, x1); \
| 110 | temp0 = t1[((c0)>>(0*8))&0xFF][0] ; \
| 111 | temp1 = t1[((c0)>>(0*8))&0xFF][1] ; \
| 112 | temp0 ^= t2[((c0)>>(2*8))&0xFF][0] ; \
| 113 | temp1 ^= t2[((c0)>>(2*8))&0xFF][1] ; \
| 114 | temp0 ^= t3[((c1)>>(0*8))&0xFF][0] ; \
| 115 | temp1 ^= t3[((c1)>>(0*8))&0xFF][1] ; \
| 116 | temp0 ^= t4[((c1)>>(2*8))&0xFF][0] ; \
| 117 | temp1 ^= t4[((c1)>>(2*8))&0xFF][1] ; \
| 118 | sh_sub64(a0, a1, temp0, temp1); \
| 119 | temp0 = t4[((c0)>>(1*8))&0xFF][0] ; \
| 120 | temp1 = t4[((c0)>>(1*8))&0xFF][1] ; \
| 121 | temp0 ^= t3[((c0)>>(3*8))&0xFF][0] ; \
| 122 | temp1 ^= t3[((c0)>>(3*8))&0xFF][1] ; \
| 123 | temp0 ^= t2[((c1)>>(1*8))&0xFF][0] ; \
| 124 | temp1 ^= t2[((c1)>>(1*8))&0xFF][1] ; \
| 125 | temp0 ^= t1[((c1)>>(3*8))&0xFF][0] ; \
| 126 | temp1 ^= t1[((c1)>>(3*8))&0xFF][1] ; \
| 127 | sh_add64(b0, b1, temp0, temp1); \
| 128 | if((mul)==5) \
| 129 | {sh_mul5(b0, b1);} \
| 130 | else \
| 131 | if((mul)==7) \
| 132 | {sh_mul7(b0, b1);} \
| 133 | else \
| 134 | {sh_mul9(b0, b1)};
| 135 |
| 136 | #define sh_pass(a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1,mul) \
| 137 | sh_round(a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1,x00,x01,mul); \
| 138 | sh_round(b0,b1,c0,c1,a0,a1,x10,x11,mul); \
| 139 | sh_round(c0,c1,a0,a1,b0,b1,x20,x21,mul); \
| 140 | sh_round(a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1,x30,x31,mul); \
| 141 | sh_round(b0,b1,c0,c1,a0,a1,x40,x41,mul); \
| 142 | sh_round(c0,c1,a0,a1,b0,b1,x50,x51,mul); \
| 143 | sh_round(a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1,x60,x61,mul); \
| 144 | sh_round(b0,b1,c0,c1,a0,a1,x70,x71,mul);
| 145 |
| 146 | #define sh_key_schedule \
| 147 | sh_sub64(x00, x01, x70^0xA5A5A5A5, x71^0xA5A5A5A5); \
| 148 | sh_xor64(x10, x11, x00, x01); \
| 149 | sh_add64(x20, x21, x10, x11); \
| 150 | sh_sub64(x30, x31, x20^((~x10)<<19), ~x21^(((x11)<<19)|((x10)>>13))); \
| 151 | sh_xor64(x40, x41, x30, x31); \
| 152 | sh_add64(x50, x51, x40, x41); \
| 153 | sh_sub64(x60, x61, ~x50^(((x40)>>23)|((x41)<<9)), x51^((~x41)>>23)); \
| 154 | sh_xor64(x70, x71, x60, x61); \
| 155 | sh_add64(x00, x01, x70, x71); \
| 156 | sh_sub64(x10, x11, x00^((~x70)<<19), ~x01^(((x71)<<19)|((x70)>>13))); \
| 157 | sh_xor64(x20, x21, x10, x11); \
| 158 | sh_add64(x30, x31, x20, x21); \
| 159 | sh_sub64(x40, x41, ~x30^(((x20)>>23)|((x21)<<9)), x31^((~x21)>>23)); \
| 160 | sh_xor64(x50, x51, x40, x41); \
| 161 | sh_add64(x60, x61, x50, x51); \
| 162 | sh_sub64(x70, x71, x60^0x89ABCDEF, x61^0x01234567);
| 163 |
| 164 | #define sh_feedforward \
| 165 | sh_xor64(a0, a1, aa0, aa1); \
| 166 | sh_sub64(b0, b1, bb0, bb1); \
| 167 | sh_add64(c0, c1, cc0, cc1);
| 168 |
| 169 | #ifdef UNROLL_COMPRESS
| 170 | #define sh_compress \
| 171 | sh_save_abc \
| 172 | sh_pass(a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1,5); \
| 173 | sh_key_schedule; \
| 174 | sh_pass(c0,c1,a0,a1,b0,b1,7); \
| 175 | sh_key_schedule; \
| 176 | sh_pass(b0,b1,c0,c1,a0,a1,9); \
| 177 | for(pass_no=3; pass_no<PASSES; pass_no++) { \
| 178 | sh_key_schedule \
| 179 | sh_pass(a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1,9); \
| 180 | tmpa=a0; a0=c0; c0=b0; b0=tmpa; \
| 181 | tmpa=a1; a1=c1; c1=b1; b1=tmpa;} \
| 182 | sh_feedforward
| 183 | #else
| 184 | #define sh_compress \
| 185 | sh_save_abc \
| 186 | for(pass_no=0; pass_no<PASSES; pass_no++) { \
| 187 | if(pass_no != 0) {sh_key_schedule} \
| 188 | sh_pass(a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1,(pass_no==0?5:pass_no==1?7:9)) \
| 189 | tmpa=a0; a0=c0; c0=b0; b0=tmpa; \
| 190 | tmpa=a1; a1=c1; c1=b1; b1=tmpa;} \
| 191 | sh_feedforward
| 192 | #endif
| 193 |
| 194 | #define tiger_compress_macro(str, state) \
| 195 | { \
| 196 | register sh_word32 a0, a1, b0, b1, c0, c1, tmpa; \
| 197 | sh_word32 aa0, aa1, bb0, bb1, cc0, cc1; \
| 198 | sh_word32 x00, x01, x10, x11, x20, x21, x30, x31, \
| 199 | x40, x41, x50, x51, x60, x61, x70, x71; \
| 200 | register sh_word32 temp0, temp1, tempt0, tempt1, temps0, tcarry; \
| 201 | int pass_no; \
| 202 | \
| 203 | a0 = state[0]; \
| 204 | a1 = state[1]; \
| 205 | b0 = state[2]; \
| 206 | b1 = state[3]; \
| 207 | c0 = state[4]; \
| 208 | c1 = state[5]; \
| 209 | \
| 210 | x00=str[0*2]; x01=str[0*2+1]; x10=str[1*2]; x11=str[1*2+1]; \
| 211 | x20=str[2*2]; x21=str[2*2+1]; x30=str[3*2]; x31=str[3*2+1]; \
| 212 | x40=str[4*2]; x41=str[4*2+1]; x50=str[5*2]; x51=str[5*2+1]; \
| 213 | x60=str[6*2]; x61=str[6*2+1]; x70=str[7*2]; x71=str[7*2+1]; \
| 214 | \
| 215 | sh_compress; \
| 216 | \
| 217 | state[0] = a0; \
| 218 | state[1] = a1; \
| 219 | state[2] = b0; \
| 220 | state[3] = b1; \
| 221 | state[4] = c0; \
| 222 | state[5] = c1; \
| 223 | }
| 224 |
| 225 | #ifdef UNROLL_COMPRESS
| 226 | /* The compress function is inlined */
| 227 | #define tiger_compress(str, state) \
| 228 | tiger_compress_macro(((sh_word32*)str), ((sh_word32*)state))
| 229 | #else
| 230 | /* The compress function is a function */
| 231 | void
| 232 | tiger_compress(sh_word32 *str, sh_word32 state[6])
| 233 | {
| 234 | tiger_compress_macro(((sh_word32*)str), ((sh_word32*)state));
| 235 | }
| 236 | #endif
| 237 |
| 238 | void
| 239 | tiger_t(sh_word32 *str, sh_word32 length, sh_word32 res[6])
| 240 | {
| 241 | register sh_word32 i;
| 242 | #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
| 243 | register sh_word32 j;
| 244 | sh_byte temp[64];
| 245 | #endif
| 246 |
| 247 | for(i=length; i>=64; i-=64)
| 248 | {
| 249 | #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
| 250 | for(j=0; j<64; j++)
| 251 | temp[j^3] = ((sh_byte*)str)[j];
| 252 | tiger_compress(((sh_word32*)temp), res);
| 253 | #else
| 254 | tiger_compress(str, res);
| 255 | #endif
| 256 | str += 16;
| 257 | }
| 258 | }
| 259 |
| 260 | void
| 261 | tiger(sh_word32 *str, sh_word32 length, sh_word32 res[6])
| 262 | {
| 263 | register sh_word32 i, j;
| 264 | sh_byte temp[64];
| 265 |
| 266 | for(i=length; i>=64; i-=64)
| 267 | {
| 268 | #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
| 269 | for(j=0; j<64; j++)
| 270 | temp[j^3] = ((sh_byte*)str)[j];
| 271 | tiger_compress(((sh_word32*)temp), res);
| 272 | #else
| 273 | tiger_compress(str, res);
| 274 | #endif
| 275 | str += 16;
| 276 | }
| 277 |
| 278 | #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
| 279 | for(j=0; j<i; j++)
| 280 | temp[j^3] = ((sh_byte*)str)[j];
| 281 |
| 282 | temp[j^3] = 0x01;
| 283 | j++;
| 284 | for(; j&7; j++)
| 285 | temp[j^3] = 0;
| 286 | #else
| 287 | for(j=0; j<i; j++)
| 288 | temp[j] = ((sh_byte*)str)[j];
| 289 |
| 290 | temp[j++] = 0x01;
| 291 | for(; j&7; j++)
| 292 | temp[j] = 0;
| 293 | #endif
| 294 | if(j>56)
| 295 | {
| 296 | for(; j<64; j++)
| 297 | temp[j] = 0;
| 298 | tiger_compress(((sh_word32*)temp), res);
| 299 | j=0;
| 300 | }
| 301 |
| 302 | for(; j<56; j++)
| 303 | temp[j] = 0;
| 304 | ((sh_word32*)(&(temp[56])))[0] = ((sh_word32)length)<<3;
| 305 | ((sh_word32*)(&(temp[56])))[1] = 0;
| 306 | tiger_compress(((sh_word32*)temp), res);
| 307 | }
| 308 |
| 309 | #else
| 310 | void dummy_1 (int a)
| 311 | {
| 312 | (void) a;
| 313 | return;
| 314 | }
| 315 | #endif
| 316 |
| 317 |
| 318 |
| 319 |
| 320 |
| 321 |
| 322 |
| 323 |
| 324 |