/* SAMHAIN file system integrity testing */ /* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Rainer Wichmann */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */ /* and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as */ /* published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config_xor.h" #include #include #include #include "samhain.h" #ifdef USE_SRP_PROTOCOL #if (defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_WITH_SERVER)) #include "sh_tiger.h" #include "sh_mem.h" #include "sh_utils.h" #include "sh_srp.h" #if !defined(HAVE_LIBGMP) || !defined(HAVE_GMP_H) #include "bignum.h" #else #include #define BIG_OK 0 #define bigerr_t int int big_errno = BIG_OK; #define bignum MP_INT inline int big_create (bignum * a) { mpz_init(a); return 0; } inline int big_zerop (bignum * a) { mpz_t b; int i; mpz_init_set_str(b, "0", 10); i = mpz_cmp(a, b); mpz_clear(b); if (i) return 0; else return 1; } inline int big_trunc (bignum * a, bignum * b, bignum * q, bignum *r) { mpz_tdiv_qr(q, r, a, b); return 0; } inline int big_exptmod (bignum * a, bignum * b, bignum * c, bignum *d) { mpz_powm(d, a, b, c); return 0; } char * get_str_internal = NULL; int siz_str_internal = 0; inline char * big_string (bignum * a, int base) { char * str = NULL; int size; int i; str = mpz_get_str (str, base, a); if (get_str_internal == NULL) { get_str_internal = malloc(512); /* only once */ if (get_str_internal) { siz_str_internal = 512; } else { if (str != NULL) free(str); return 0; } get_str_internal[0] = '\0'; } if (str != NULL) { size = strlen(str) + 1; if (size > siz_str_internal) get_str_internal = realloc (get_str_internal, size); if (get_str_internal == NULL) { free(str); return NULL; } siz_str_internal = size; sl_strlcpy (get_str_internal, str, siz_str_internal); for (i = 0; i < (size-1); ++i) if (get_str_internal[i] >= 'a' && get_str_internal[i] <= 'f' ) get_str_internal[i] = get_str_internal[i] - 'a' + 'A'; free (str); } return get_str_internal; } inline int big_add(bignum * a, bignum * b, bignum * c) { mpz_add(c, a, b); return 0; } inline int big_sub(bignum * a, bignum * b, bignum * c) { mpz_sub(c, a, b); return 0; } inline int big_mul(bignum * a, bignum * b, bignum * c) { mpz_mul(c, a, b); return 0; } inline int big_greaterp(bignum * a, bignum * b) { return mpz_cmp(a, b) > 0; } inline int big_set_big(bignum * a, bignum * b) { mpz_set(b, a); return 0; } inline int big_set_string(const char * str, int base, bignum * a) { mpz_set_str (a, str, base); return 0; } #define big_init_pkg() 0 #define big_release_pkg() #define big_destroy mpz_clear /* #if defined(HAVE_LIBGMP) */ #endif #undef FIL__ #define FIL__ _("sh_srp.c") typedef struct sh_srp_struc { char x[KEY_LEN+1]; bignum a; bignum p; bignum g; } sh_srp_t; static sh_srp_t sh_srp; void sh_srp_x (char * salt, char * password) { char *combi; size_t len; register int i; unsigned char * dez = NULL; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_x")); /* patch by Andreas Piesk */ if (password == NULL) dez = (unsigned char *) &(skey->pw[0]); else dez = (unsigned char *) password; for (i = 0; i < PW_LEN; ++i) { skey->vernam[i] = (char)(*dez); ++dez; } skey->vernam[PW_LEN] = '\0'; (void) sl_strlcpy (skey->vernam, sh_tiger_hash(skey->vernam, TIGER_DATA, PW_LEN), KEY_LEN); skey->vernam[KEY_LEN] = '\0'; len = sl_strlen(salt) + sl_strlen(skey->vernam) + 1; /* H(s,P) */ combi = SH_ALLOC(len); (void) sl_strlcpy (combi, salt, len); (void) sl_strlcat (combi, skey->vernam, len); (void) sl_strlcpy (sh_srp.x, sh_tiger_hash(combi, TIGER_DATA, (unsigned long) sl_strlen(combi)), KEY_LEN+1); SH_FREE (combi); SL_RET0(_("sh_srp_x")); } char * sh_srp_M (char * x1, char * x2, char * x3) { char *combi; size_t len; static char hash[KEY_LEN+1]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_M")); ASSERT_RET((x1 != NULL && x2 != NULL && x3 !=NULL), _("x1 != NULL && x2 != NULL && x3 !=NULL"), NULL); len = sl_strlen(x1) + sl_strlen(x2) + sl_strlen(x3) + 1; /* H(x1,x2,x3) */ combi = SH_ALLOC(len); (void) sl_strlcpy (combi, x1, len); (void) sl_strlcat (combi, x2, len); (void) sl_strlcat (combi, x3, len); (void) sl_strlcpy (hash, sh_tiger_hash(combi, TIGER_DATA, (unsigned long) (len-1)), KEY_LEN+1); SH_FREE (combi); SL_RETURN(hash, _("sh_srp_M")); } void sh_srp_exit() { SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_exit")); big_destroy(&sh_srp.g); big_destroy(&sh_srp.p); big_destroy(&sh_srp.a); big_release_pkg(); big_errno = BIG_OK; SL_RET0(_("sh_srp_exit")); } int sh_srp_init() { bigerr_t res; char modulus[80*4]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_init")); big_errno = BIG_OK; res = big_init_pkg(); if (res == BIG_OK) { res = big_create(&sh_srp.p); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&sh_srp.g); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&sh_srp.a); if (res == BIG_OK) { (void) sl_strlcpy(modulus, SRP_MODULUS_1024_1, sizeof(modulus)); (void) sl_strlcat(modulus, SRP_MODULUS_1024_2, sizeof(modulus)); (void) sl_strlcat(modulus, SRP_MODULUS_1024_3, sizeof(modulus)); (void) sl_strlcat(modulus, SRP_MODULUS_1024_4, sizeof(modulus)); } if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (modulus, 16, &sh_srp.p); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (SRP_GENERATOR_1024, 16, &sh_srp.g); if (res == BIG_OK) { SL_RETURN (0, _("sh_srp_init")); } else sh_srp_exit(); } SL_RETURN ((-1), _("sh_srp_init")); } int sh_srp_make_a () { UINT32 randl[6]; int i; int res; char hash[KEY_LEN+1]; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_make_a")); for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) randl[i] = (UINT32) taus_get (&(skey->rng0[0]), &(skey->rng1[0]), &(skey->rng2[0])); (void) sl_strlcpy (hash, sh_tiger_hash((char *)&randl[0], TIGER_DATA, (unsigned long) 6*sizeof(UINT32)), KEY_LEN+1); hash[KEY_LEN] = '\0'; res = big_set_string (hash, 16, &sh_srp.a); if (res == BIG_OK) { SL_RETURN((0), _("sh_srp_make_a")); } else { SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_srp_make_a")); } } /* return 0 if AB is NOT zero */ int sh_srp_check_zero (char * AB_str) { bignum AB, q, r; bigerr_t res; int val; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_check_zero")); ASSERT_RET((AB_str != NULL), _("AB_str != NULL"), (-1)); res = big_create(&AB); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&q); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&r); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (AB_str, 16, &AB); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_trunc(&AB, &sh_srp.p, &q, &r); /* is last one the remainder ? */ if (res != BIG_OK) val = (-1); else if (0 != big_zerop(&AB) ) val = (-1); /* 0 != (sign == 0) */ else val = 0; big_destroy(&AB); big_destroy(&q); big_destroy(&r); SL_RETURN((val), _("sh_srp_check_zero")); } #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) char * sh_srp_A () { bignum A; char *str; char *combi; size_t len; bigerr_t res; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_A")); res = big_create(&A); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_exptmod (&sh_srp.g, &sh_srp.a, &sh_srp.p, &A); if (res == BIG_OK) str = big_string (&A, 16); else str = NULL; if (str != NULL) { len = sl_strlen(str) + 1; combi = SH_ALLOC(len); (void) sl_strlcpy (combi, str, len); } else combi = NULL; big_destroy(&A); SL_RETURN(combi, _("sh_srp_A")); } /* #ifdef SH_WITH_CLIENT */ #endif #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER char * sh_srp_B (char * verifier) { bignum B, v, t, dummy; char *str; char *combi; long len; bigerr_t res; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_B")); ASSERT_RET((verifier != NULL), _("verifier != NULL"), (NULL)); res = big_create(&dummy); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&t); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&v); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&B); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_exptmod (&sh_srp.g, &sh_srp.a, &sh_srp.p, &t); if (res == BIG_OK) big_set_string (verifier, 16, &v); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_add (&t, &v, &dummy); if (res == BIG_OK) { if ( big_greaterp(&dummy, &sh_srp.p) ) res = big_sub(&dummy, &sh_srp.p, &B); else res = big_set_big(&dummy, &B); } if (res == BIG_OK) str = big_string (&B, 16); else str = NULL; if (str != NULL) { len = sl_strlen(str) + 1; combi = SH_ALLOC(len); sl_strlcpy (combi, str, len); /* fprintf(stderr, "OK2a %ld %s\n", len, combi); */ } else combi = NULL; big_destroy(&B); big_destroy(&v); big_destroy(&t); big_destroy(&dummy); SL_RETURN(combi, _("sh_srp_B")); } /* #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER */ #endif #if defined(SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined(SH_WITH_SERVER) char * sh_srp_S_c (char * u_str, char * B_str) { bignum u, B, x, t, base, z1, z2; char *str; char *combi; size_t len; bigerr_t res; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_S_c")); ASSERT_RET((u_str != NULL && B_str != NULL), _("u_str != NULL && B_str != NULL"), (NULL)); big_errno = BIG_OK; res = big_create(&z2); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&z1); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&base); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&t); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&x); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&B); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&u); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (B_str, 16, &B); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (sh_srp.x, 16, &x); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (u_str, 16, &u); /* the base (B - g^x) */ if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_exptmod (&sh_srp.g, &x, &sh_srp.p, &t); if (res == BIG_OK) { if ( big_greaterp(&B, &t) != 0) { res = big_sub(&B, &t, &base); } else { res = big_add(&B, &sh_srp.p, &z2); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_sub(&z2, &t, &base); } } /* the exponent (a + ux) */ if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_mul (&u, &x, &t); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_trunc(&t, &sh_srp.p, &z1, &z2); /* is last one the remainder ? */ if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_add(&sh_srp.a, &z2, &z1); if (res == BIG_OK) { if ( big_greaterp(&z1, &sh_srp.p) != 0) res = big_sub(&z1, &sh_srp.p, &z2); else res = big_set_big(&z1, &z2); } if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_exptmod (&base, &z2, &sh_srp.p, &t); if (res == BIG_OK) str = big_string (&t, 16); else str = NULL; if (str != NULL) { len = sl_strlen(str) + 1; combi = SH_ALLOC(len); (void) sl_strlcpy (combi, str, len); } else combi = NULL; big_destroy(&z1); big_destroy(&z2); big_destroy(&base); big_destroy(&t); big_destroy(&x); big_destroy(&B); big_destroy(&u); SL_RETURN(combi, _("sh_srp_S_c")); } /* #ifdef SH_WITH_CLIENT */ #endif #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER char * sh_srp_S_s (char * u_str, char * A_str, char * v_str) { bignum u, A, v, t, base, z1, z2; char *str; char *combi; size_t len; bigerr_t res; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_S_s")); ASSERT_RET((u_str != NULL && A_str != NULL && v_str != NULL), _("u_str != NULL && A_str != NULL && v_str != NULL"), (NULL)); big_errno = BIG_OK; res = big_create(&z2); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&z1); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&base); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&t); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&v); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&A); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&u); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (A_str, 16, &A); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (v_str, 16, &v); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (u_str, 16, &u); /* the base (Av^u) */ if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_exptmod (&v, &u, &sh_srp.p, &t); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_mul (&A, &t, &z1); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_trunc(&z1, &sh_srp.p, &z2, &base); /* is last the remainder ? */ if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_exptmod (&base, &sh_srp.a, &sh_srp.p, &t); if (res == BIG_OK) str = big_string (&t, 16); else str = NULL; if (str != NULL) { len = sl_strlen(str) + 1; combi = SH_ALLOC(len); (void) sl_strlcpy (combi, str, len); } else combi = NULL; big_destroy(&z1); big_destroy(&z2); big_destroy(&base); big_destroy(&t); big_destroy(&v); big_destroy(&A); big_destroy(&u); SL_RETURN(combi, _("sh_srp_S_s")); } /* #ifdef SH_WITH_SERVER */ #endif char * sh_srp_verifier (void) { bignum x, v; char *combi; char *str; size_t len; bigerr_t res; SL_ENTER(_("sh_srp_verifier")); res = big_create(&x); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_create(&v); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_set_string (sh_srp.x, 16, &x); if (res == BIG_OK) res = big_exptmod (&sh_srp.g, &x, &sh_srp.p, &v); if (res == BIG_OK) str = big_string (&v, 16); else str = NULL; if (str != NULL) { len = sl_strlen(str) + 1; combi = SH_ALLOC(len); (void) sl_strlcpy (combi, str, len); } else combi = NULL; big_destroy(&x); big_destroy(&v); SL_RETURN(combi, _("sh_srp_verifier")); } /* #if (defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_WITH_SERVER)) */ #endif /* #ifdef USE_SRP_PROTOCOL */ #endif