/* SAMHAIN file system integrity testing */ /* Copyright (C) 2010 Rainer Wichmann */ /* */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */ /* and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as */ /* published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /*************************************************************************** * * This file provides a module for samhain to check the MS Windows registry. * */ #include "config_xor.h" #ifdef USE_REGISTRY_CHECK #include #include #include #define FIL__ _("sh_registry.c") /* We don't want to build this into yule */ #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_STANDALONE) #include #include #include "samhain.h" #include "sh_pthread.h" #include "sh_utils.h" #include "sh_unix.h" #include "sh_modules.h" #include "sh_hash.h" #include "sh_tiger.h" static int check_key (char * name, int isSingle); static int sh_reg_set_active (const char *s); static int sh_reg_set_interval (const char * c); static int sh_reg_set_severity (const char *s); static int sh_reg_add_key (const char *s); static int sh_reg_add_hierarchy (const char *s); static int sh_reg_add_stop (const char *s); static int sh_reg_add_ign (const char *s); static int sh_reg_ign_time (const char *s); #define STOP_FALSE 0 #define STOP_CHECK 1 #define STOP_IGN 2 sh_rconf sh_reg_check_table[] = { { N_("severitychange"), sh_reg_set_severity, }, { N_("registrycheckactive"), sh_reg_set_active, }, { N_("registrycheckinterval"), sh_reg_set_interval, }, { N_("ignoretimestamponly"), sh_reg_ign_time, }, { N_("singlekey"), sh_reg_add_key, }, { N_("hierarchy"), sh_reg_add_hierarchy, }, { N_("stopatkey"), sh_reg_add_stop, }, { N_("ignorekey"), sh_reg_add_ign, }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* Runtime configuration */ #define SH_REGISTRY_INTERVAL 300 static int ShRegCheckActive = S_FALSE; static time_t sh_reg_check_interval = SH_REGISTRY_INTERVAL; static int sh_reg_check_severity = SH_ERR_SEVERE; static int ShRegIgnTime = S_FALSE; struct regkeylist { char * name; int stop; int single; #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H regex_t preg; #endif struct regkeylist *next; }; static struct regkeylist * keylist = NULL; static int sh_reg_set_active(const char *s) { int value; SL_ENTER(_("sh_reg_set_active")); value = sh_util_flagval(s, &ShRegCheckActive); SL_RETURN((value), _("sh_reg_set_active")); } static int sh_reg_ign_time(const char *s) { int value; SL_ENTER(_("sh_reg_ign_time")); value = sh_util_flagval(s, &ShRegIgnTime); SL_RETURN((value), _("sh_reg_ign_time")); } static int sh_reg_set_interval (const char * c) { int retval = 0; long val; SL_ENTER(_("sh_reg_set_interval")); val = strtol (c, (char **)NULL, 10); if (val <= 0) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_EINVALS, _("registry check interval"), c); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); retval = -1; } sh_reg_check_interval = (time_t) val; SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_reg_set_interval")); } static int sh_reg_set_severity (const char *s) { char tmp[32]; tmp[0] = '='; tmp[1] = '\0'; sl_strlcat (tmp, s, 32); return sh_error_set_level (tmp, &sh_reg_check_severity); } static int sh_reg_add_key_int (const char *s, int isSingle, int isStop) { struct regkeylist * newkey; size_t len = sl_strlen(s); if (len > 0) { newkey = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(struct regkeylist)); newkey->single = isSingle; newkey->stop = isStop; newkey->name = NULL; if (STOP_FALSE == isStop) { newkey->name = SH_ALLOC(len + 1); sl_strlcpy(newkey->name, s, len+1); } else { #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H int status = regcomp(&(newkey->preg), s, REG_NOSUB|REG_EXTENDED); if (status != 0) { char errbuf[512]; char *p; regerror(status, &(newkey->preg), errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); sl_strlcat(errbuf, ": ", sizeof(errbuf)); p = sh_util_safe_name_keepspace(s); sl_strlcat(errbuf, p, sizeof(errbuf)); SH_FREE(p); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, status, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errbuf, _("sh_reg_add_key_int")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(newkey); return -1; } #else newkey->name = SH_ALLOC(len + 1); sl_strlcpy(newkey->name, s, len+1); #endif } newkey->next = keylist; keylist = newkey; return 0; } return -1; } static int sh_reg_add_key (const char *s) { return sh_reg_add_key_int (s, S_TRUE, STOP_FALSE); } static int sh_reg_add_hierarchy (const char *s) { return sh_reg_add_key_int (s, S_FALSE, STOP_FALSE); } static int sh_reg_add_stop (const char *s) { return sh_reg_add_key_int (s, S_FALSE, STOP_CHECK); } static int sh_reg_add_ign (const char *s) { return sh_reg_add_key_int (s, S_FALSE, STOP_IGN); } /* Module functions */ int sh_reg_check_init(struct mod_type * arg) { #ifndef HAVE_PTHREAD (void) arg; #endif if (ShRegCheckActive == S_FALSE) return SH_MOD_FAILED; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD if (arg != NULL && arg->initval < 0 && (sh.flag.isdaemon == S_TRUE || sh.flag.loop == S_TRUE)) { if (0 == sh_pthread_create(sh_threaded_module_run, (void *)arg)) return SH_MOD_THREAD; else return SH_MOD_FAILED; } else if (arg != NULL && arg->initval == SH_MOD_THREAD && (sh.flag.isdaemon == S_TRUE || sh.flag.loop == S_TRUE)) { return SH_MOD_THREAD; } #endif return 0; } int sh_reg_check_timer(time_t tcurrent) { static time_t lastcheck = 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_reg_check_timer")); if ((time_t) (tcurrent - lastcheck) >= sh_reg_check_interval) { lastcheck = tcurrent; SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_reg_check_timer")); } SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_reg_check_timer")); } #define SH_REGFORM_NEW 1 #define SH_REGFORM_OLD 2 static char * format_changes(int flag, char * buf, size_t len, time_t time_old, unsigned long size_old, unsigned long keys_old, unsigned long values_old, char * hash_old, time_t time_new, unsigned long size_new, unsigned long keys_new, unsigned long values_new, char * hash_new) { char timestr1[32]; char timestr2[32]; char timestr3[32]; char buf_old[512] = ""; char buf_new[512] = ""; if ((0 != (flag & SH_REGFORM_NEW)) && (NULL != hash_new)) { (void) sh_unix_gmttime (time_new, timestr1, sizeof(timestr1)); (void) sh_unix_gmttime (keys_new, timestr2, sizeof(timestr2)); (void) sh_unix_gmttime (values_new, timestr3, sizeof(timestr3)); #ifdef SH_USE_XML sl_snprintf(buf_new, sizeof(buf_new), "size_new=\"%lu\" mtime_new=\"%s\" ctime_new=\"%s\" atime_new=\"%s\" chksum_new=\"%s\"", size_new, timestr1, timestr2, timestr3, hash_new); #else sl_snprintf(buf_new, sizeof(buf_new), "size_new=<%lu>, mtime_new=<%s>, ctime_new=<%s>, atime_new=<%s>, chksum_new=<%s>", size_new, timestr1, timestr2, timestr3, hash_new); #endif } if ((0 != (flag & SH_REGFORM_OLD)) && (NULL != hash_old)) { (void) sh_unix_gmttime (time_old, timestr1, sizeof(timestr1)); (void) sh_unix_gmttime (keys_old, timestr2, sizeof(timestr2)); (void) sh_unix_gmttime (values_old, timestr3, sizeof(timestr3)); #ifdef SH_USE_XML sl_snprintf(buf_old, sizeof(buf_old), " size_old=\"%lu\" mtime_old=\"%s\" ctime_old=\"%s\" atime_old=\"%s\" chksum_old=\"%s\"", size_old, timestr1, timestr2, timestr3, hash_old); #else sl_snprintf(buf_old, sizeof(buf_old), " size_old=<%lu>, mtime_old=<%s>, ctime_old=<%s>, atime_old=<%s>, chksum_old=<%s>", size_old, timestr1, timestr2, timestr3, hash_old); #endif } sl_strlcpy(buf, buf_new, len); sl_strlcat(buf, buf_old, len); return buf; } static void report_missing_entry(const char * path) { char * infobuf = SH_ALLOC(1024); char * errbuf = SH_ALLOC(1024); char * tmp = sh_util_safe_name (path); char timestr[32]; struct store2db save; memset(&save, '\0', sizeof(struct store2db)); sh_hash_db2pop (path, &save); (void) sh_unix_gmttime (save.val1, timestr, sizeof(timestr)); sl_snprintf(infobuf, 1024, _("mtime=%s size=%lu subkeys=%lu values=%lu"), timestr, (unsigned long) save.val0, (unsigned long) save.val2, (unsigned long) save.val3); (void) format_changes (SH_REGFORM_OLD, errbuf, 1024, save.val1, save.val0, save.val2, save.val3, save.checksum, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(sh_reg_check_severity, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_REG_MISS, infobuf, tmp, errbuf); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_FREE(errbuf); SH_FREE(infobuf); return; } int sh_reg_check_run(void) { struct regkeylist *this = keylist; if (this) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_INFO, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, _("Checking the registry"), _("sh_reg_check_run")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); while (this) { if (STOP_FALSE == this->stop) { /* * -- Check key -- */ check_key (this->name, this->single); } this = this->next; } } sh_hash_unvisited_custom ('H', report_missing_entry); return 0; } int sh_reg_check_reconf(void) { struct regkeylist *this; while (keylist) { this = keylist; keylist = keylist->next; if (this->name) SH_FREE(this->name); #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H if (STOP_FALSE != this->stop) regfree(&(this->preg)); #endif SH_FREE(this); } sh_reg_check_interval = SH_REGISTRY_INTERVAL; return 0; } int sh_reg_check_cleanup(void) { sh_reg_check_reconf(); return 0; } /* >>>>>>>>>>>> Main check function <<<<<<<<<<<< */ #include #define MAX_KEY_LENGTH (2*256) #define MAX_VALUE_NAME (2*16384) CHAR achValue[MAX_VALUE_NAME]; unsigned long nKeys = 0; unsigned long nVals = 0; static int CheckThisSubkey (HKEY key, char * subkey, char * path, int isSingle, int view); static time_t convertTime(FILETIME * ft) { time_t result; /* Shift high part up by 2^32 */ UINT64 date = ((UINT64)ft->dwHighDateTime) << 32; /* Add low part */ date |= (UINT64)ft->dwLowDateTime; /* Subtract difference between Jan 1, 1601 and Jan 1, 1970 */ date -= ((UINT64)116444736) * ((UINT64)100) * ((UINT64)10000000); /* Divide by number of 100-nanosecond intervals per second */ date /= ((UINT64)10000000); /* Convert to a time_t */ result = (time_t) date; return result; } #if !defined(KEY_WOW64_64KEY) #define KEY_WOW64_64KEY 0x0100; #endif #if !defined(KEY_WOW64_32KEY) #define KEY_WOW64_32KEY 0x0200; #endif #define SH_KEY_NULL _("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") int QueryKey(HKEY hKey, char * path, size_t pathlen, int isSingle) { CHAR achKey[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; /* buffer for subkey name */ DWORD cbName; /* size of name string */ /* CHAR achClass[MAX_PATH] = ""; *//* buffer for class name */ /* DWORD cchClassName = MAX_PATH/2;*//* size of class string */ DWORD cSubKeys=0; /* number of subkeys */ DWORD cbMaxSubKey; /* longest subkey size */ DWORD cchMaxClass; /* longest class string */ DWORD cValues; /* number of values for key */ DWORD cchMaxValue; /* longest value name */ DWORD cbMaxValueData; /* longest value data */ DWORD cbSecurityDescriptor; /* size of security descriptor */ FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; /* last write time */ DWORD lpType; /* type of data stored in value */ BYTE lpData[256]; /* buffer for data in value */ DWORD lpcbData; /* size of lpData buffer */ DWORD i, retCode; DWORD cchValue = MAX_VALUE_NAME/2; char hashbuf[KEYBUF_SIZE]; unsigned long totalSize = 0; time_t fTime = 0; char * tPath = NULL; int doUpdate = S_FALSE; retCode = RegQueryInfoKey( hKey, /* key handle */ NULL /* achClass */, /* buffer for class name */ NULL /* &cchClassName */,/* size of class string */ NULL, /* reserved */ &cSubKeys, /* number of subkeys */ &cbMaxSubKey, /* longest subkey size */ &cchMaxClass, /* longest class string */ &cValues, /* number of values for this key */ &cchMaxValue, /* longest value name */ &cbMaxValueData, /* longest value data */ &cbSecurityDescriptor, /* security descriptor */ &ftLastWriteTime); /* last write time */ if (retCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return -1; } ++nKeys; fTime = convertTime (&ftLastWriteTime); /* Enumerate the subkeys, until RegEnumKeyEx fails. */ if (cSubKeys) { /* * printf( "\nNumber of subkeys: %lu\n", (unsigned long) cSubKeys); */ for (i=0; i (PATH_MAX-1)) { char hashbuf2[KEYBUF_SIZE]; char * p = strchr(path, '\\'); if (p) { char *q = p; ++p; tPath = SH_ALLOC(256 + KEYBUF_SIZE); *q = '\0'; sl_strlcpy(tPath, path, 256); /* truncates */ *q = '\\'; sl_strlcat(tPath, "\\", 257); (void) sh_tiger_hash(p, TIGER_DATA, sl_strlen(p), hashbuf2, sizeof(hashbuf2)); sl_strlcat(tPath, hashbuf2, 256 + KEYBUF_SIZE); } } if (sh.flag.checkSum == SH_CHECK_CHECK || sh.flag.update == S_TRUE) { struct store2db save; memset(&save, '\0', sizeof(struct store2db)); if (tPath) { sh_hash_db2pop (tPath, &save); } else { sh_hash_db2pop (path, &save); } if (save.size == -1) { /* Not in database */ char * infobuf = SH_ALLOC(1024); char * errbuf = SH_ALLOC(1024); char * tmp = sh_util_safe_name ((tPath == NULL) ? path : tPath); char timestr[32]; (void) sh_unix_gmttime (fTime, timestr, sizeof(timestr)); sl_snprintf(infobuf, 1024, _("mtime=%s size=%lu subkeys=%lu values=%lu"), timestr, (unsigned long) totalSize, (unsigned long) cSubKeys, (unsigned long) cValues); (void) format_changes (SH_REGFORM_NEW, errbuf, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, fTime, totalSize, cSubKeys, cValues, hashbuf); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(sh_reg_check_severity, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_REG_NEW, infobuf, tmp, errbuf); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_FREE(errbuf); SH_FREE(infobuf); doUpdate = S_TRUE; } else if (save.val0 != totalSize || save.val2 != cSubKeys || save.val3 != cValues || 0 != strcmp(save.checksum, hashbuf) || ( (((time_t) save.val1) != fTime) && (ShRegIgnTime == S_FALSE)) ) { /* Change detected */ char * infobuf = SH_ALLOC(1024); char * errbuf = SH_ALLOC(1024); char * tmp = sh_util_safe_name ((tPath == NULL) ? path : tPath); char timestr_new[32]; (void) sh_unix_gmttime (fTime, timestr_new, sizeof(timestr_new)); sl_snprintf(infobuf, 1024, _("mtime=%s size %lu->%lu subkeys %lu->%lu values %lu->%lu checksum %s"), timestr_new, (unsigned long) save.val0, (unsigned long) totalSize, (unsigned long) save.val2, (unsigned long) cSubKeys, (unsigned long) save.val3, (unsigned long) cValues, (0 == strcmp(save.checksum, hashbuf)) ? _("good") : _("bad")); (void) format_changes (SH_REGFORM_OLD|SH_REGFORM_NEW, errbuf, 1024, save.val1, save.val0, save.val2, save.val3, save.checksum, fTime, totalSize, cSubKeys, cValues, hashbuf); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(sh_reg_check_severity, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_REG_CHANGE, infobuf, tmp, errbuf); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_FREE(errbuf); SH_FREE(infobuf); doUpdate = S_TRUE; } } if ( sh.flag.checkSum == SH_CHECK_INIT || doUpdate == S_TRUE /* change detected */ ) { struct store2db save; memset(&save, '\0', sizeof(struct store2db)); save.val0 = totalSize; save.val1 = fTime; save.val2 = cSubKeys; save.val3 = cValues; sl_strlcpy(save.checksum, hashbuf, KEY_LEN+1); if (tPath) { sh_hash_push2db (tPath, &save); } else { sh_hash_push2db (path, &save); } } /* Without this, freshly updated entries would get deleted * as 'not seen'. */ if (sh.flag.checkSum != SH_CHECK_INIT) { if (tPath) sh_hash_set_visited (tPath); else sh_hash_set_visited (path); } if (tPath) { SH_FREE(tPath); } return 0; } static int check_for_stop (char * name) { struct regkeylist *this = keylist; while (this) { if (STOP_FALSE != this->stop) { #ifdef HAVE_REGEX_H if (0 == regexec(&(this->preg), name, 0, NULL, 0)) return this->stop; #else if (0 == strcmp(this->name, name)) return this->stop; #endif } this = this->next; } return STOP_FALSE; } int CheckThisSubkey (HKEY key, char * subkey, char * path, int isSingle, int view) { HKEY hTestKey; LONG qError; char * newpath; size_t len; int retval = -1; if (!subkey) return 0; len = strlen(path) + 1 + strlen(subkey) + 1; newpath = SH_ALLOC(len); snprintf(newpath, len, "%s\\%s", path, subkey); /* Check for stop condition, if not single key. * Set flag to isSingle = S_TRUE if we should stop here. */ if (S_TRUE != isSingle) { int isStop = check_for_stop(newpath); if (STOP_CHECK == isStop) { isSingle = S_TRUE; } else if (STOP_IGN == isStop) { SH_FREE(newpath); return 0; } } len = strlen(path) + 1 + strlen(subkey) + 1; newpath = SH_ALLOC(len); snprintf(newpath, len, "%s\\%s", path, subkey); qError = RegOpenKeyEx( key, subkey, 0, (KEY_READ | view), &hTestKey); if (qError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { QueryKey(hTestKey, newpath, len-1, isSingle); RegCloseKey(hTestKey); retval = 0; } else { /* Error message */ LPVOID lpMsgBuf; char * tmp = sh_util_safe_name (newpath); size_t tlen = sl_strlen(tmp); if (S_TRUE == sl_ok_adds(64, tlen)) { char * errbuf; size_t elen; tlen += 64; elen = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, qError, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); if (elen > 0 && S_TRUE == sl_ok_adds(elen, tlen)) { tlen += elen; errbuf = SH_ALLOC(elen + tlen); sl_snprintf(errbuf, 64+tlen, _("Failed to open key %s: %s"), tmp, lpMsgBuf); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errbuf, _("CheckThisSubkey")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(errbuf); } } sh_reg_add_ign (newpath); SH_FREE(tmp); } SH_FREE(newpath); return retval; } int check_key (char * key, int isSingle) { HKEY topKey; char * subkey = NULL; char path[20] = ""; int pos = 0; if (0 == strncmp(key, _("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"), 17)) { topKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; pos = 17; strncpy(path, _("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"), sizeof(path)); } else if (0 == strncmp(key, _("HKEY_CURRENT_USER"), 17)) { topKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; pos = 17; strncpy(path, _("HKEY_CURRENT_USER"), sizeof(path)); } else if (0 == strncmp(key, _("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"), 18)) { topKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; pos = 18; strncpy(path, _("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"), sizeof(path)); } else if (0 == strncmp(key, _("HKEY_USERS"), 10)) { topKey = HKEY_USERS; pos = 10; strncpy(path, _("HKEY_USERS"), sizeof(path)); } if (pos > 0) { if (key[pos] == '\\') { ++pos; subkey = &key[pos]; } } else { /* We bail out here if the topKey is undefined */ char * tmp = sh_util_safe_name_keepspace(key); size_t tlen = sl_strlen(tmp); if (S_TRUE == sl_ok_adds(64, tlen)) { char * errbuf = SH_ALLOC(64 + tlen); sl_snprintf(errbuf, 64+tlen, _("Invalid key %s"), tmp); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, errbuf, _("check_key")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); SH_FREE(errbuf); } SH_FREE(tmp); return -1; } /************************ if (ShCheckBothViews) { CheckThisSubkey (topKey, subkey, path, isSingle, KEY_WOW64_32KEY); return CheckThisSubkey (topKey, subkey, path, isSingle, KEY_WOW64_64KEY); } *************************/ /* Returns 0 if !subkey */ /* cppcheck-suppress uninitvar */ return CheckThisSubkey (topKey, subkey, path, isSingle, 0); } /* #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_STANDALONE) */ #endif /* #ifdef USE_REGISTRY_CHECK */ #endif