#include "config_xor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_LOGFILE_MONITOR #undef FIL__ #define FIL__ _("sh_log_check.c") /* Debian/Ubuntu: libpcre3-dev */ #ifdef HAVE_PCRE_PCRE_H #include #else #include #endif #include "samhain.h" #include "sh_pthread.h" #include "sh_utils.h" #include "sh_string.h" #include "sh_log_check.h" #include "sh_log_evalrule.h" /* List of supported logfile types, format is * { "TYPE_CODE", Reader_Callback_Function, Parser_Callback_function } * If Reader_Callback_Function is NULL, the default (line-oriented * text file) reader is used. */ struct sh_logfile_type sh_logtypes_def[] = { { "SYSLOG", NULL, sh_parse_syslog, NULL }, { "SAMBA", sh_read_samba, sh_parse_samba, NULL }, { "APACHE", NULL, sh_parse_apache, sh_eval_fileinfo_apache }, #if defined(HAVE_SYS_ACCT_H) { "PACCT", sh_read_pacct, sh_parse_pacct, NULL }, #endif }; /* -------------------------- Internal Stuff -------------------------- */ struct logfile_record { dev_t device_id; ino_t inode; fpos_t offset; /* FIXME include filename hash */ }; const char * save_dir = NULL; static void * sh_dummy_path = NULL; static char * build_path (struct sh_logfile * record) { size_t plen; int retval; char * path = NULL; sh_dummy_path = (void *)&path; if (!save_dir) { save_dir = sh_util_strdup(DEFAULT_PIDDIR); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); retval = tf_trust_check (save_dir, SL_YESPRIV); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); if (retval != 0) { return(NULL); } } plen = strlen(save_dir); if (SL_TRUE == sl_ok_adds(plen, 129)) { plen += 129; /* 64 + 64 + 1 */ path = SH_ALLOC(plen); (void) sl_snprintf(path, plen, "%s/%lu_%lu", save_dir, (unsigned long) record->device_id, (unsigned long) record->inode); } return path; } static void save_pos (struct sh_logfile * record) { char * path; FILE * fd; struct logfile_record save_rec; path = build_path(record); if (path) { fd = fopen(path, "wb"); if (fd) { save_rec.device_id = record->device_id; save_rec.inode = record->inode; memcpy(&(save_rec.offset), &(record->offset), sizeof(fpos_t)); if (1 != fwrite(&save_rec, sizeof(struct logfile_record), 1, fd)) { (void) sl_fclose(FIL__, __LINE__, fd); (void) remove(path); } else { (void) sl_fclose(FIL__, __LINE__, fd); } } SH_FREE(path); } return; } static int read_pos (struct sh_logfile * record) { int retval = 0; char * path; FILE * fd; struct logfile_record save_rec; path = build_path(record); if (path) { fd = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fd) { if (1 == fread(&save_rec, sizeof(struct logfile_record), 1, fd)) { if (save_rec.device_id == record->device_id && save_rec.inode == record->inode) { memcpy(&(record->offset),&(save_rec.offset),sizeof(fpos_t)); retval = 1; } } (void) sl_fclose(FIL__, __LINE__, fd); } SH_FREE(path); } return retval; } /*@null@*/ static struct sh_logfile * sh_watched_logs = NULL; int sh_add_watch (const char * str) { char * filename; unsigned int i; unsigned int defsize; struct sh_logfile_type * log_type = NULL; struct sh_logfile * thisfile; struct stat buf; unsigned int nfields = 3; /* logtype:path[:regex] */ size_t lengths[3]; char * new = sh_util_strdup(str); char ** splits = split_array(new, &nfields, ':', lengths); if (nfields < 2 || (lengths[0] == 0 || lengths[0] >= SH_MAX_LCODE_SIZE || lengths[1] == 0)) { sh_string * msg = sh_string_new(0); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, _("Format error: ")); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, str); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_string_str(msg), _("sh_add_watch")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_string_destroy(&msg); SH_FREE(new); return -2; } defsize = (unsigned int) (sizeof(sh_logtypes_def)/sizeof(struct sh_logfile_type)); for (i = 0; i < defsize; ++i) { if (0 == strcmp(splits[0], sh_logtypes_def[i].code)) { log_type = &(sh_logtypes_def[i]); break; } } if (log_type == NULL) { sh_string * msg = sh_string_new(0); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, _("Unsupported log type: ")); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, splits[0]); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_string_str(msg), _("sh_add_watch")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_string_destroy(&msg); SH_FREE(new); return -3; } if (splits[1][0] != '/') { sh_string * msg = sh_string_new(0); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, _("Logfile path not absolute: ")); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, splits[1]); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_string_str(msg), _("sh_add_watch")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_string_destroy(&msg); SH_FREE(new); return -4; } filename = /*@i@*/sh_util_strdup(splits[1]); thisfile = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(struct sh_logfile)); thisfile->filename = filename; thisfile->flags = SH_LOGFILE_REWIND; thisfile->inode = 0; thisfile->device_id = 0; thisfile->fp = NULL; if (log_type->get_record) thisfile->get_record = log_type->get_record; else thisfile->get_record = sh_default_reader; thisfile->parse_record = log_type->parse_record; /* An optional regex for parsing the file. The result * 'fileinfo' should contain info about host/time position. */ if (log_type->eval_fileinfo) { if (nfields == 3 && lengths[2] > 0) { thisfile->fileinfo = log_type->eval_fileinfo(splits[2]); if (thisfile->fileinfo == NULL) { sh_string * msg = sh_string_new(0); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, _("Logfile format description not recognized: ")); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, splits[2]); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_string_str(msg), _("sh_add_watch")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_string_destroy(&msg); SH_FREE(filename); SH_FREE(thisfile); SH_FREE(new); return -1; } } else { sh_string * msg = sh_string_new(0); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, _("Logfile format description missing: ")); sh_string_add_from_char(msg, splits[1]); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle(SH_ERR_ERR, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_E_SUBGEN, sh_string_str(msg), _("sh_add_watch")); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_string_destroy(&msg); SH_FREE(filename); SH_FREE(thisfile); SH_FREE(new); return -1; } } else { thisfile->fileinfo = NULL; } thisfile->next = sh_watched_logs; /* Try reading saved offset. On success clear rewind flag. */ if (0 == stat(thisfile->filename, &buf)) { thisfile->inode = buf.st_ino; thisfile->device_id = buf.st_dev; if (0 != read_pos(thisfile)) { thisfile->flags &= ~SH_LOGFILE_REWIND; } } sh_watched_logs = thisfile; SH_FREE(new); return 0; } void sh_dump_watches() { struct sh_logfile * thisfile; while (sh_watched_logs) { thisfile = sh_watched_logs; sh_watched_logs = thisfile->next; save_pos(thisfile); if (thisfile->fp) sl_fclose(FIL__, __LINE__, thisfile->fp); if (thisfile->filename) SH_FREE(thisfile->filename); SH_FREE(thisfile); } return; } /* This variable is not used anywhere. It only exist * to assign &new to them, which keeps gcc from * putting it into a register, and avoids the 'clobbered * by longjmp' warning. And no, 'volatile' proved insufficient. */ static void * sh_dummy_thisfile = NULL; void sh_check_watches() { static size_t count = 0; struct sh_logrecord * logrecord; struct sh_logfile * thisfile = sh_watched_logs; sh_string * record = sh_string_new(0); char * tmp; /* Take the address to keep gcc from putting them into registers. * Avoids the 'clobbered by longjmp' warning. */ sh_dummy_thisfile = (void*) &thisfile; while (thisfile) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); tmp = sh_util_safe_name (thisfile->filename); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_LOGMON_CHKS, tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); for (;;) { record = thisfile->get_record(record, thisfile); if (record) { logrecord = thisfile->parse_record(record, thisfile->fileinfo); ++count; if (logrecord) { logrecord->filename = thisfile->filename; /* Don't report if 'init', just set file pointer */ if (sh.flag.checkSum != SH_CHECK_INIT) { sh_eval_process_msg(logrecord); } if (logrecord->message) sh_string_destroy(&(logrecord->message)); if (logrecord->host) sh_string_destroy(&(logrecord->host)); if (logrecord->timestr) sh_string_destroy(&(logrecord->timestr)); SH_FREE(logrecord); } } else { record = sh_string_new(0); break; } } SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); tmp = sh_util_safe_name (thisfile->filename); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_LOGMON_CHKE, tmp, (unsigned long)count); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); thisfile = thisfile->next; } sh_string_destroy(&record); return; } /******************************************************** * Search rotated logfile */ #include #include #include char * sh_rotated_log_search(const char * path, struct stat * buf) { size_t size; int i; char * searchpath; struct stat sbuf; DIR * dp; char * dname; char * bname; dname = sh_util_dirname(path); bname = sh_util_basename(path); size = strlen(dname) + strlen(bname) + 4; searchpath = SH_ALLOC(size); for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { snprintf(searchpath, size, "%s/%s.%1d", dname, bname, i); if (0 == stat(searchpath, &sbuf) && sbuf.st_ino == buf->st_ino) { SH_FREE(dname); SH_FREE(bname); return searchpath; } } SH_FREE(searchpath); if (NULL != (dp = opendir(dname))) { struct dirent * de; while (NULL != (de = readdir(dp))) { if (0 == strcmp(de->d_name, ".") || 0 == strcmp(de->d_name, "..")) continue; size = strlen(dname) + strlen(de->d_name) + 2; searchpath = SH_ALLOC(size); snprintf(searchpath, size, "%s/%s", dname, de->d_name); if (0 == stat(searchpath, &sbuf) && sbuf.st_ino == buf->st_ino) { SH_FREE(dname); SH_FREE(bname); closedir(dp); return searchpath; } SH_FREE(searchpath); } closedir(dp); } SH_FREE(dname); SH_FREE(bname); return NULL; } /* Open file, position at stored offset */ int sh_open_for_reader (struct sh_logfile * logfile) { struct stat buf; sh_string * filename; /* check whether file exists, get inode to check for * logfile rotation */ if (0 != retry_stat(FIL__, __LINE__, logfile->filename, &buf)) { char * tmp; SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); tmp = sh_util_safe_name (logfile->filename); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_LOGMON_MISS, tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); memset (&(logfile->offset), '\0', sizeof(fpos_t)); logfile->flags |= SH_LOGFILE_REWIND; return 0; } filename = sh_string_new(0); (void) sh_string_set_from_char (filename, logfile->filename); /* detect and handle logfile rotation */ if (logfile->inode != buf.st_ino && logfile->inode != 0) { /* Case 1) We have dealt with the moved file already. * Clear the moved flag, set the rewind flag, * fix logfile->inode. */ if ((logfile->flags & SH_LOGFILE_MOVED) != 0) { /* done with rotated file, start with current file */ memset (&(logfile->offset), '\0', sizeof(fpos_t)); logfile->flags |= SH_LOGFILE_REWIND; logfile->flags &= ~SH_LOGFILE_MOVED; logfile->inode = buf.st_ino; logfile->device_id = buf.st_dev; } /* Case 2) Searching for rotated file. * If found: set the moved flag, fix path for fopen. * If not found: set the rewind flag, fix logfile->inode. */ else { char *oldfile = sh_rotated_log_search(logfile->filename, &buf); if (NULL != oldfile) { (void) sh_string_set_from_char (filename, oldfile); SH_FREE(oldfile); logfile->flags |= SH_LOGFILE_MOVED; } else { memset (&(logfile->offset), '\0', sizeof(fpos_t)); logfile->flags |= SH_LOGFILE_REWIND; logfile->inode = buf.st_ino; logfile->device_id = buf.st_dev; } } } /* open file */ logfile->fp = fopen(filename->str, "r"); if (!logfile->fp) { char * tmp; SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); tmp = sh_util_safe_name (logfile->filename); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_LOGMON_EOPEN, tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_string_destroy(&filename); return 0; } sh_string_destroy(&filename); if ((logfile->flags & SH_LOGFILE_REWIND) != 0) { rewind(logfile->fp); fgetpos(logfile->fp, &(logfile->offset)); logfile->flags &= ~SH_LOGFILE_REWIND; } else { /* file too short */ if (0 != fsetpos(logfile->fp, &(logfile->offset))) { rewind(logfile->fp); fgetpos(logfile->fp, &(logfile->offset)); } } return 1; } /****************************************************** * Default reader for ascii text files */ sh_string * sh_default_reader (sh_string * s, struct sh_logfile * logfile) { int status; char * tmp; start_read: if (logfile->fp) { /* Result cannot be larger than 8192, thus cast is ok */ status = (int) sh_string_read(s, logfile->fp, 8192); if (status <= 0) { fgetpos(logfile->fp, &(logfile->offset)); sl_fclose(FIL__, __LINE__, logfile->fp); logfile->fp = NULL; sh_string_destroy(&s); if (status == 0) { return NULL; } SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); tmp = sh_util_safe_name (logfile->filename); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_LOGMON_EREAD, tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); return NULL; } return s; } if (0 != sh_open_for_reader(logfile)) goto start_read; return NULL; } /****************************************************** * Reader for continued text files */ sh_string * sh_cont_reader (sh_string * s, struct sh_logfile * logfile, char*cont) { int status; char * tmp; sh_string * str; int remain = 8192; int count = 0; if (!sh_string_truncate(s, 0)) return NULL; start_read: if (logfile->fp) { str = sh_string_new(0); /* Result cannot be larger than 8192, thus cast is ok */ status = (int) sh_string_read(str, logfile->fp, 8192); if (status > 0) { do { s = sh_string_add (s, str); count += status; remain -= status; if (remain <= 0) { return s; } status = (int) sh_string_read_cont(str, logfile->fp, count, cont); if (status == 0) { return s; } } while (status > 0); } if (status <= 0) { fgetpos(logfile->fp, &(logfile->offset)); sl_fclose(FIL__, __LINE__, logfile->fp); logfile->fp = NULL; sh_string_destroy(&s); if (status == 0) { return NULL; } SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); tmp = sh_util_safe_name (logfile->filename); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_LOGMON_EREAD, tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); return NULL; } return s; } if (0 != sh_open_for_reader(logfile)) goto start_read; return NULL; } /****************************************************** * Reader for binary files */ sh_string * sh_binary_reader (void * s, size_t size, struct sh_logfile * logfile) { size_t status; start_read: if (logfile->fp) { status = fread(s, size, 1, logfile->fp); if (status != 1) { if (ferror(logfile->fp)) { char * tmp; SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); tmp = sh_util_safe_name (logfile->filename); sh_error_handle((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, errno, MSG_LOGMON_EREAD, tmp); SH_FREE(tmp); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); } fgetpos(logfile->fp, &(logfile->offset)); sl_fclose(FIL__, __LINE__, logfile->fp); logfile->fp = NULL; memset(s, '\0', size); return NULL; } return s; } if (0 != sh_open_for_reader(logfile)) goto start_read; return NULL; } /********************************************************** * * Utilities * **********************************************************/ time_t conv_timestamp (struct tm * btime, struct tm * old_tm, time_t * old_time) { time_t timestamp; long offtime; /* timestamp - mktime is slooow, thus cache result */ if (btime->tm_isdst == old_tm->tm_isdst && btime->tm_year == old_tm->tm_year && btime->tm_mon == old_tm->tm_mon && btime->tm_mday == old_tm->tm_mday) { offtime = (btime->tm_hour - old_tm->tm_hour) * 3600 + (btime->tm_min - old_tm->tm_min) * 60 + (btime->tm_sec - old_tm->tm_sec); *old_time += offtime; memcpy(old_tm, btime, sizeof(struct tm)); timestamp = *old_time; } else { timestamp = mktime(btime); *old_time = timestamp; memcpy(old_tm, btime, sizeof(struct tm)); } return timestamp; } /********************************************************* * * MODULE STUFF * *********************************************************/ #include "sh_modules.h" SH_MUTEX_STATIC(mutex_logmon_check, PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER); static int ShLogmonActive = S_FALSE; #define SH_LOGMON_INTERVAL 10 static time_t sh_logmon_interval = SH_LOGMON_INTERVAL; int sh_log_check_init (struct mod_type * arg) { #if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) (void) arg; #endif if (ShLogmonActive == S_FALSE) return SH_MOD_FAILED; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD if (arg != NULL && arg->initval < 0 && (sh.flag.isdaemon == S_TRUE || sh.flag.loop == S_TRUE)) { if (0 == sh_pthread_create(sh_threaded_module_run, (void *)arg)) return SH_MOD_THREAD; else return SH_MOD_FAILED; } #endif if (sh_watched_logs != NULL) return 0; return -1; } int sh_log_check_timer(time_t tcurrent) { static time_t lastcheck = 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_log_check_timer")); if ((time_t) (tcurrent - lastcheck) >= sh_logmon_interval) { lastcheck = tcurrent; SL_RETURN((-1), _("sh_log_check_timer")); } SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_log_check_timer")); } int sh_log_check_check(void) { int status = 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_log_check_check")); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_logmon_check); status = 0; if( ShLogmonActive != S_FALSE ) { sh_check_watches(); } SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_logmon_check); SL_RETURN(status, _("sh_log_check_check")); } int sh_log_check_reconf(void) { int status = 0; SL_ENTER(_("sh_log_check_check")); SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_logmon_check); ShLogmonActive = S_FALSE; sh_logmon_interval = SH_LOGMON_INTERVAL; sh_dump_watches(); sh_eval_cleanup(); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_logmon_check); SL_RETURN(status, _("sh_log_check_check")); } int sh_log_check_cleanup(void) { return sh_log_check_reconf(); } /********************* OPTIONS **********************/ static int sh_logmon_set_active (const char *str); static int sh_logmon_set_interval(const char *str); static int sh_logmon_add_watch (const char * str); static int sh_logmon_add_group (const char * str); static int sh_logmon_end_group (const char * str); static int sh_logmon_add_host (const char * str); static int sh_logmon_end_host (const char * str); static int sh_logmon_add_queue (const char * str); static int sh_logmon_add_rule (const char * str); extern int sh_set_hidepid(const char *s); sh_rconf sh_log_check_table[] = { { N_("logmonactive"), sh_logmon_set_active, }, { N_("logmoninterval"), sh_logmon_set_interval, }, { N_("logmonwatch"), sh_logmon_add_watch, }, { N_("logmonqueue"), sh_logmon_add_queue, }, { N_("logmongroup"), sh_logmon_add_group, }, { N_("logmonendgroup"), sh_logmon_end_group, }, { N_("logmonhost"), sh_logmon_add_host, }, { N_("logmonendhost"), sh_logmon_end_host, }, { N_("logmonrule"), sh_logmon_add_rule, }, { N_("logmonhidepid"), sh_set_hidepid, }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* Decide if we're active. */ static int sh_logmon_set_active(const char *str) { int value; SL_ENTER(_("sh_logmon_set_active")); value = sh_util_flagval(str, &ShLogmonActive); SL_RETURN((value), _("sh_logmon_set_active")); } static int sh_logmon_set_interval (const char * c) { int retval = 0; long val; SL_ENTER(_("sh_logmon_set_interval")); val = strtol (c, (char **)NULL, 10); if (val <= 0) { SH_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); sh_error_handle ((-1), FIL__, __LINE__, EINVAL, MSG_EINVALS, _("log monitoring interval"), c); SH_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex_thread_nolog); retval = -1; } sh_logmon_interval = (time_t) val; SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_logmon_set_interval")); } /* Add a watch on a logfile. * Format: TYPE : Filename [: File_Format] */ static int sh_logmon_add_watch (const char * str) { return sh_add_watch(str); } /* Add a host. * Format: Name_Regex */ static int sh_logmon_add_host (const char * str) { return sh_eval_hadd(str); } /* End a host. * Format: Name */ static int sh_logmon_end_host (const char * str) { (void) str; return sh_eval_hend(NULL); } /* Add a group of rules. * Groups can be under hosts, but not vice versa. * Format: Name : Prefix_Regex */ static int sh_logmon_add_group (const char * str) { return sh_eval_gadd(str); } /* End a group of rules. * Format: Name */ static int sh_logmon_end_group (const char * str) { (void) str; return sh_eval_gend(NULL); } /* Define a reporting queue. * Format: Label : [Interval] : TYPE : Severity * TYPE must be 'report' or 'sum' * Interval is ignored for TYPE='report' */ static int sh_logmon_add_queue (const char * str) { return sh_eval_qadd(str); } /* Define a check rule. * Format: Queue_Label : Regex * TYPE must be 'report' or 'sum' */ static int sh_logmon_add_rule (const char * str) { return sh_eval_radd(str); } #if 0 /* >>>>>>>>>>> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< */ int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { int status, i; FILE * fp; sh_string * s = NULL; static char template[] = "/tmp/xtest.XXXXXX"; /* pacct */ status = sh_add_watch("PACCT:/var/log/account/pacct"); sh_check_watches(); sh_dump_watches(); exit(0); /* apache log */ sh_eval_gadd("four_o_four:404"); sh_eval_qadd("test:1:sum:7"); sh_eval_radd("test:^(\\d+.\\d+.\\d+.\\d+).*"); sh_eval_gend(NULL); sh_eval_radd("trash:.*"); status = sh_add_watch("APACHE:/var/log/apache2/access.log:combined"); sh_check_watches(); sh_dump_watches(); exit(0); /* logfile */ sh_set_hidepid(1); sh_eval_hadd("hslxmsrv1"); sh_eval_gadd("postfix:postfix"); sh_eval_qadd("test::report:7"); sh_eval_radd("test:postfix/smtpd: disconnect from localhost.*"); sh_eval_radd("trash:postfix/smtpd: disconnect.*"); sh_eval_hadd("hspc05"); sh_eval_gadd("cron:CRON"); sh_eval_qadd("test:1:sum:7"); sh_eval_radd("test:CRON: PAM adding faulty module: (/lib/security/.*.so)"); sh_eval_radd("trash:.*"); status = sh_add_watch("SYSLOG:/var/log/messages"); sh_check_watches(); sh_dump_watches(); exit(0); printf("%d types\n", (int) (sizeof(sh_logtypes_def)/sizeof(struct sh_logfile_type))); /* test sh_add_watch */ status = sh_add_watch(""); printf("%2d: zero length, expect -1\n", status); status = sh_add_watch(NULL); printf("%2d: NULL, expect -2\n", status); status = sh_add_watch("0123456789012345:/var/log/messages"); printf("%2d: long, expect -2\n", status); status = sh_add_watch("012345678901234:/var/log/messages"); printf("%2d: exact length, expect -3\n", status); status = sh_add_watch("01234567890123:56789"); printf("%2d: short length, expect -3\n", status); status = sh_add_watch("SYSLOG:var/log/messages"); printf("%2d: short badpath, expect -4\n", status); status = sh_add_watch("SYSLOG:/var/log/messages"); /* status = sh_add_watch("SYSLOG:/var/log/dpkg.log.1"); */ printf("%2d: short path ok, expect 0\n", status); /* test sh_string_read */ s = sh_string_new(); status = /*@i@*/mkstemp(template); if (status < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error in mkstemp!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fp = fdopen(status, "r+"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "error in fdopen!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); /* 0 */ for (i = 0; i < 118; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); /* 1 */ for (i = 0; i < 119; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); /* 2 */ for (i = 0; i < 120; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); /* 3 */ for (i = 0; i < 121; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); /* 4 */ for (i = 0; i < 238; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); for (i = 0; i < 239; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); for (i = 0; i < 240; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); for (i = 0; i < 241; ++i) { fputc ('a', fp); } fputc ('\n', fp); rewind(fp); for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { status = (int) sh_string_read(s, fp, 120); printf("%d: status = %d, len = %d, size = %d\n", i, status, (int)s->len, (int)s->siz); if (status == -2) (void) sh_string_read(s, fp, 240); else printf("%s\n", s->str); } rewind(fp); (void) sh_string_truncate(s, 0); for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { status = (int) sh_string_read(s, fp, 240); printf("%d: status = %d, len = %d, size = %d\n", i, status, (int)s->len, (int)s->siz); if (status == -2) (void) sh_string_read(s, fp, 240); else { for (status = 0; status < (int)s->len; ++status) { if (s->str[status] != 'a') { break; } } printf("%d %s\n", status, s->str); } } sl_fclose(FIL__, __LINE__, fp); remove(template); return 0; } #endif /* #ifdef USE_LOGFILE_MONITOR */ #endif