This directory contains miscellaneous useful scripts, mostly contributed by various users. Additions and/or improvements are welcome. prepare chroot environment for the log server --------- Usage: Tested on Debian Linux. Your mileage may vary. After running the script, review /etc/passwd to replace passwords with a *, and to fix the path to the home directory of the yule user. If using a signed configuration file, you need a working copy of GnuPG inside the chroot jail. This script will probably fail on systems other than Linux, mainly because of the mknod commands to create devices in the chroot jail. NO WARRANTY !!! --------------- Perform various tasks useful if you are using signed configuration and database files. Run ' -h' for usage instaructions. ------------------- If you are using the --with-kcheck option on Linux, after a kernel update you need to change some option (addresses of kernel functions) in the samhainrc configuration file. The correct new addresses must be looked up in the file This script will do this automatically. Run ' -h' for usage instructions. You may need to change the location of the samhainrc file by editing the line 'cfgfile="/etc/samhainrc"' at the beginning of the script. ---------------- Nagios plugin for samhain. Will execute samhain and report results in the way expected by nagios. Drop this into your nagios/libexec/ directory. samhain.logrotator: logrotate script ------------------ This is a logrotate script (contributed by Simon Bailey) --------- Concatenate samhain file signature databases and write the resulting database file to stdout. Does not work on signed or otherwise modified file signature databases. samhain.{cgi|dtd|xsl}: display XML logfile in XML capable browser --------------------- (works with Mozilla 1.2, possibly Mozilla 1.0, IE 6) Usage: 1. review samhain.cgi (see remarks in file) 2. drop samhain.cgi, samhain.dtd, samhain.xsl in some directory on your webserver 3. use .htaccess to protect access to that directory 4. point your browser at samhain.cgi You may need to rename samhain.cgi to samhain.php if you use mod_php. Also, you will certainly need to edit the path to the logfile in samhain.cgi. CAVEAT: There is no built-in access restriction (use .htaccess to password-protect the directory). The XSL stylesheet is based on a contribution by Olivier Salaun. samhain.spec: RPM spec file for building a vanilla single-host RPM ------------ Contributed by Andre Oliveira da Costa This is a spec file to produce a vanilla single-host samhain RPM (no fancy options, standard directory layout :). Accepted parameters for 'rpmbuild': --with gpg - enables gpg support --with tests - make tests before building redhat_i386.client.spec: RPM spec file for building a RedHat client RPM ------------ Contributed by Philipp Stadler Does not install documentation or local config file. samhain-scripts/ Administrative scripts by ---------------- Simon Bailey and Michael Redinger You may need to adjust some of the variables in the top lines of these scripts. Move old entries from mysql log table to a backup table samhain-admin: Interactive script to (1) clear log entries in SQL database, (2) re-initialize file database of remote client, or (3) add a new host. This script requires that you are using samhains deploy system (i.e. the script et al.). Re-initialize will stop the daemon on the remote host, create a temp dir for the database, run samhain -t init, copy the database to the server, and clear the mysql log for this host. samhain.clearhost: Helper script for samhain-admin.