# # From pkgsrc-wip, Author: Brian Seklecki # [Misc] RedefUser0=+INO, +SIZ, +RDEV, +CHK, -MOD, -MTM, -ATM, -CTM, -GRP, -USR # The new Samhain behavior is to check the checksum up the last-known size of # the file, but *yes*, the inode will change when it becomes rotated and the size # will get reset to a lesser value (in which case the check should know to passively # fail) RedefGrowingLogFiles=-INO, -SIZ, +CHK, -MTM, -ATM, -CTM # # --------- / -------------- # [ReadOnly] dir = 99/ # This covers the contents of / including: /boot, /bin, /sbin, /lib, /libexec, # /rescue, /root, /altroot, /usr, /var, /stand, /mnt, /tmp, /proc, /kern (Even # though /usr and /var will recieve overrides) [Attributes] file = /proc file = /kern [IgnoreAll] dir=-1/proc dir=-1/kern # # --------- /tmp ----------- # [Attributes] file=/tmp [IgnoreAll] dir=-1/tmp # # --------- /root -------------- # # Per section of the manual, Rule #5, there are lock file written here # that changes the mtime/ctime of the dir, so we want to watch perms/ownership, # ignore ctime/mtime/size, etc., but still watch the critical files inside. # Note: in theory, /root should never change if you use sudo(8) w/o "-H" [ReadOnly] dir=/root/.gnupg [Attributes] file=/root/.gnupg file=/root/.gnupg/random_seed # # --------- /dev ----------- # [Attributes] dir = 99/dev # User0 will be for /dev/tty* and other devices where Owner/Group/Mode can # change but the Inode/Size/Device/Checksum should not change. [User0] file=/dev/tty* file=/dev/pty* # # --------- /etc ----------- # [ReadOnly] ## ## for these files, only access time is ignored ## dir = 99/etc # If you're running dhclient(8), resolv.conf will get re-written at renewal # time so pray that he dhcpd(8) on your network doesn't get owned. # Crytpo-signed DHCP traffic would be too much to ask from ISC, but maybe # not from the OpenBSD hack [Attributes] file=/etc/dhclient.conf # If you run CUPS, /etc/printcap gets re-written if you have # "Browsing On" and "Printcap /etc/printcap" in cupsd.conf(5) [Attributes] file=/etc/printcap # # --------- /usr ----------- # # note about the following two: this reduced the size # of the database greatly # # --------- /usr/pkgsrc ----------- # # Leave this uncommented if you CVS update your pkgsrc # periodically/automatically. If you do not, comment it # out and you should be informed about any unauthorized # modifications to pkgsrc (which is an attack vector) [IgnoreAll] dir=-1/usr/pkgsrc # # --------- /usr/src ----------- # # Leave this uncommented if you CVS update your src # periodically/automatically. If you do not, comment it # out and you should be informed about any unauthorized # modifications to src (which is an attack vector) [IgnoreAll] dir=-1/usr/src # # --------- /usr/home (/home) ----------- # # /home may be a symlink to /usr/home on a stock system, but most admins cane # that shit. [Attributes] could be replaced here by [ReadOnly] if we wanted to # know about new users being added (on systems where there are no new users) [Attributes] file = /home [IgnoreAll] dir = -1/home # # --------- /usr/compat/linux/etc ----------- # # You're basically compromising your system by enabling Linux emulation anyway [Attributes] file = /usr/compat/linux/etc file = /usr/compat/linux/etc/ld.so.cache # # --------- /usr/compat/linux/proc ----------- # # Uncomment if you have Linux Emulation/Compat Installed/Setup/Mounted [Attributes] file=/emul/linux/proc [IgnoreAll] dir=-1/emul/linux/proc # # --------- /var/run ----------- # # New PID files may come, and PID files may go (as services on a system change), # but then probably a database rebuild will occur. But at the time of the # database init, we should consider everything in here subject to change # (checksum, times, size) during a daemon restart, but everything else stays # the same. # If you have periodic scripts that HUP daemons, the PID should be unachanged. # However, force-restarts will be a new PID, so consider this [Attributes] dir=99/var/run [Misc] # Ignore sudo(8) TTY/PTY "Tickets" if you use sudo IgnoreMissing = /var/run/sudo/[[:alnum:]]{1,9}/(p|t)ty.*$ IgnoreAdded = /var/run/sudo/[[:alnum:]]{1,9}/(p|t)ty.*$ # # --------- /var/(spool|queue|etc.) ----------- # [Attributes] file=/var/cron/tabs file=/var/spool/mqueue file=/var/spool/clientmqueue file=/var/mail file=/var/tmp # # --------- /var/at ----------- # # As deep as /var/at/ will be watched by 99/ [Attributes] file=/var/at/spool file=/var/at/jobs # # --------- /var/db ----------- # # Some files are written directly into /var/db [Attributes] file=/var/db [Attributes] # Updatedb per /etc/periodic.d/weekly/310.locate (FreeBSD) or /etc/weekly (NetBSD) file=/var/db/locate.database [Misc] # this file comes and goes with portaudit(1)/portversion(1)/pkg_version(1) # Other is ISC DHCLIENT related IgnoreAdded=/var/db/(pkgdb.fixme|dhclient.leases.*) IgnoreMissing=/var/db/(pkgdb.fixme|dhclient.leases.*) # # --------- /var/db/mysql ----------- # # The same for MySQL, except it's probably owned by the time you get done # installing it. [Attributes] file=/var/db/mysql [IgnoreAll] dir=-1/var/db/mysql #################################################################### # The next three entries depend on your security paranoia policy about # SRC and PORTSs trees, etc. Remember, Ports is the only default attack # vector against FreeBSD machines. #################################################################### # # --------- /var/db/pkg ----------- # # This database directory gets updated if a cvsup(8)/cvs(8)/sup(8) update # occurs to a Pkgsrc source tree and then "pkgdb(8) -fu" is run. [Attributes] file=/var/db/pkg [IgnoreAll] dir=-1/var/db/pkg # # --------- /var/db/entropy ----------- # [Attributes] file=/var/db/entropy [IgnoreAll] dir=-1/var/db/entropy # # --------- /var/msgs ----------- # [Attributes] dir=-1/var/msgs # # --------- /var/backups ----------- # # /etc/daily /etc/security write old revisions of system # critical files into here daily [Attributes] dir=-1/var/backups # # --------- /var/log ----------- # # Keep this section in sync with: # * /etc/newsyslog.conf # * /etc/syslogd.conf OR: # * /usr/pkg/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf # For these files, changes in signature, timestamps, and increase in size # are ignored, however: # Per discussion on the forum, this behavior change is needed due to the behavior # of newsyslog(8) rotation method File sizes will get smaller, inodes will change # as they rotate. # NOTES ON LOG ROTATION BEHAVIOR: # See comments about modifications to [GrowingLogFiles] to ignore INODE changes # As newsyslog(8)/newsyslog.conf(5) has the default behavior of: # - First move logfile.log to logfile.log.0 # - then bzip2 -v9 logfile.log.0 # - then touch(1) logfile.log # - then HUP if applicable & reopen the new file (new inode) # - Therefore, Ignore Singature, Size (if grow), and Inode changes # But also, there's [IgnoreMissing] regexp to account for log file pruing from # the filesystem, and [IgnoreAdded] for the first Nth rotations of the logfile # per newsyslog.conf(5) # NetBSD defaults [Misc] IgnoreAdded = /var/log/(cron|xferlog|messages|maillog|secure|pflog|sendmail\.st|kerberos\.log|authlog|aculog|wtmp|wtmpx)\.[0-9](\.bz2|\.gz)?$ IgnoreMissing= /var/log/(cron|xferlog|messages|maillog|secure|pflog|sendmail\.st|kerberos\.log|authlog|aculog|wtmp|wtmpx)\.[0-9](\.bz2|\.gz)?$ # Local services you may need to account for IgnoreAdded = /var/log/(snmpd\.log|postgresq\.log|samhain\.log|httpd-error\.log|httpd-access\.log|httpd-ssl_request\.log)\.[0-9](\.bz2|\.gz)?$ IgnoreMissing = /var/log/(snmpd\.log|postgresq\.log|samhain\.log|httpd-error\.log|httpd-access\.log|httpd-ssl_request\.log)\.[0-9](\.bz2|\.gz)?$ [Attributes] dir=99/var/log # NetBSD Stock Defaults [GrowingLogFiles] File = /var/log/aculog File = /var/log/authlog File = /var/log/cron File = /var/log/kerberos.log File = /var/log/lpd-errs File = /var/log/maillog File = /var/log/messages File = /var/log/secure File = /var/log/wtmp File = /var/log/wtmpx File = /var/log/xferlog File = /var/log/pflog [Attributes] # A binary-type logfile (Screw sendmail!) File = /var/log/sendmail.st # NetBSD gzip(1)'s by default but newsyslog.conf(5) has bzip2 support [Attributes] File = /var/log/*.[0-9].gz #File = /var/log/*.[0-9].bz2 # # --------- makewhatis(8) ----------- # # Account for updated whatis(8) database given manpath.conf(5)/man.conf(5) #and manpath(1) [Attributes] file=/usr/pkg/man/whatis.db file=/usr/pkg/man file=/usr/share/man/whatis.db file=/usr/share/man ############################################## ######## END FILE SECTION #################### ############################################## [EventSeverity] SeverityReadOnly=crit SeverityLogFiles=crit SeverityGrowingLogs=crit SeverityIgnoreNone=crit SeverityAttributes=crit SeverityUser0=crit SeverityUser1=crit ## We have a file in IgnoreAll that might or might not be present. ## Setting the severity to 'info' prevents messages about deleted/new file. ## # SeverityIgnoreAll=crit SeverityIgnoreAll=info ## Files : file access problems SeverityFiles=info ## Dirs : directory access problems SeverityDirs=info ## Names : suspect (non-printable) characters in a pathname SeverityNames=crit [Log] ## Values: debug, info, notice, warn, mark, err, crit, alert, none. ## 'mark' is used for timestamps. ## ## Use 'none' to SWITCH OFF a log facility ## ## By default, everything equal to and above the threshold is logged. ## The specifiers '*', '!', and '=' are interpreted as ## 'all', 'all but', and 'only', respectively (like syslogd(8) does, ## at least on Linux). Examples: ## MailSeverity=* ## MailSeverity=!warn ## MailSeverity==crit ## E-mail ## MailSeverity=warn ## Console ## PrintSeverity=notice ## Logfile ## LogSeverity=info ## Syslog ## # Syslog logging is redundant at this time # #SyslogSeverity=notice ## Remote server (yule) ## # ExportSeverity=none ## External script or program ## # ExternalSeverity = none ## Logging to a database ## # DatabaseSeverity = none ## Logging to a Prelude-IDS ## # PreludeSeverity = crit ##################################################### # # Optional modules # ##################################################### #[SuidCheck] ## ## --- Check the filesystem for SUID/SGID binaries ## ## Switch on # #SuidCheckActive = yes ## Interval for check (seconds) # #SuidCheckInterval = 5400 ## Alternative: crontab-like schedule # #SuidCheckSchedule = NULL ## Directory to exclude # # SuidCheckExclude = NULL ## Limit on files per second (0 == no limit) # # SuidCheckFps = 0 ## Alternative: yield after every file # # SuidCheckYield = no ## Severity of a detection # # SeveritySuidCheck = crit ## Quarantine SUID/SGID files if found # # SuidCheckQuarantineFiles = yes ## Method for Quarantining files: # 0 - Delete the file. # 1 - Remove SUID/SGID permissions from file. # 2 - Move SUID/SGID file to quarantine dir. # # SuidCheckQuarantineMethod = 0 ## For method 1 and 3, really delete instead of truncating # # SuidCheckQuarantineDelete = yes #[Mounts] #MountCheckActive=1 #MountCheckInterval=7200 #SeverityMountMissing=crit #SeverityOptionMissing=crit # #checkmount=/ #checkmount=/dev #checkmount=/usr #checkmount=/var #checkmount=/var/log #checkmount=/opt #checkmount=/export #checkmount=/tmp #[Kernel] ## ## --- Check for loadable kernel module rootkits (Linux/FreeBSD only) ## ## Switch on/off # #KernelCheckActive = True ## Check interval (seconds); btw., the check is VERY fast # #KernelCheckInterval = 300 ## Severity # #SeverityKernel = crit #[Utmp] ## ## --- Logging of login/logout events ## ## Switch on/off # #LoginCheckActive = True ## Severity for logins, multiple logins, logouts # #SeverityLogin=info #SeverityLoginMulti=crit #SeverityLogout=info ## Interval for login/logout checks # #LoginCheckInterval = 300 # [Database] ## ## --- Logging to a relational database ## ## Database name # # SetDBName = samhain ## Database table # # SetDBTable = log ## Database user # # SetDBUser = samhain ## Database password # # SetDBPassword = (default: none) ## Database host # # SetDBHost = localhost ## Log the server timestamp for received messages # # SetDBServerTstamp = True ## Use a persistent connection # # UsePersistent = True # [External] ## ## Interface to call external scripts/programs for logging ## ## The absolute path to the command ## - Each invocation of this directive will end the definition of the ## preceding command, and start the definition of ## an additional, new command # # OpenCommand = (no default) ## Type (log or srv) ## - log for log messages, srv for messages received by the server # # SetType = log ## The command (full command line) to execute # # SetCommandLine = (no default) ## The environment (KEY=value; repeat for more) # # SetEnviron = TZ=(your timezone) ## The TIGERpkg checksum (optional) # # SetChecksum = (no default) ## User who runs the command # # SetCredentials = (default: samhain process uid) ## Words not allowed in message # # SetFilterNot = (none) ## Words required (ALL of them) # # SetFilterAnd = (none) ## Words required (at least one) # # SetFilterOr = (none) ## Deadtime between consecutive calls # # SetDeadtime = 0 ## Add default environment (HOME, PATH, SHELL) # # SetDefault = no ##################################################### # # Miscellaneous configuration options # ##################################################### [Misc] ## whether to become a daemon process ## (this is not honoured on database initialisation) # # Daemon = no Daemon = yes # whether to test signature of files (init/check/none) # - if 'none', then we have to decide this on the command line - # # ChecksumTest = none ChecksumTest=check # Set nice level (-19 to 19, see 'man nice'), # and I/O limit (kilobytes per second; 0 == off) # to reduce load on host. # SetNiceLevel = 19 # SetIOLimit = 0 ## The version string to embed in file signature databases # # VersionString = NULL ## Interval between time stamp messages # # SetLoopTime = 60 SetLoopTime = 7200 ## Interval between file checks # # SetFileCheckTime = 600 SetFileCheckTime = 43200 ## Alternative: crontab-like schedule # # FileCheckScheduleOne = NULL ## Alternative: crontab-like schedule(2) # # FileCheckScheduleTwo = NULL ## Report only once on modified files ## Setting this to 'FALSE' will generate a report for any policy ## violation (old and new ones) each time the daemon checks the file system. # ReportOnlyOnce = True ## Report in full detail # ReportFullDetail = True ## Report file timestamps in local time rather than GMT # UseLocalTime = Yes ## The console device (can also be a file or named pipe) ## - There are two console devices. Accordingly, you can use ## this directive a second time to set the second console device. ## If you have not defined the second device at compile time, ## and you don't want to use it, then: ## setting it to /dev/null is less effective than just leaving ## it alone (setting to /dev/null will waste time by opening ## /dev/null and writing to it) # # SetConsole = /dev/console ## Activate the SysV IPC message queue # # MessageQueueActive = False ## If false, skip reverse lookup when connecting to a host known ## by name rather than IP address (i.e. trust the DNS) # SetReverseLookup = True ## --- E-Mail --- # Only highest-level (alert) reports will be mailed immediately, # others will be queued. Here you can define, when the queue will # be flushed (Note: the queue is automatically flushed after # completing a file check). # # SetMailTime = 86400 ## Maximum number of mails to queue # # SetMailNum = 10 ## Recipient (max. 8) # #SetMailAddress=infosec@noc.myorg.tld ## Mail relay (IP address) # SetMailRelay = ## Custom subject format # MailSubject = Synchrotone Samhain: %S SetMailSender = samhain@synchrotone.pgh.pub.collaborativefusion.com ## --- end E-Mail --- ## Path to the executable. If set, will be checksummed after startup ## and before exit. # SamhainPath = /usr/pkg/sbin/samhain ## The IP address of the log server # # SetLogServer = (default: compiled-in) ## The IP address of the time server # # SetTimeServer = (default: compiled-in) ## Trusted Users (comma delimited list of user names) # # TrustedUser = (no default; this adds to the compiled-in list) ## Path to the file signature database # SetDatabasePath = /usr/pkg/var/samhain/samhain.db ## Path to the log file # # SetLogfilePath = (default: compiled-in) ## Path to the PID file # # SetLockPath = (default: compiled-in) ## The digest/checksum/hash algorithm (default: TIGER192; others: MD5, SHA1) # # DigestAlgo = TIGER192 ## Custom format for message header. ## CAREFUL if you use XML logfile format. ## ## %S severity ## %T timestamp ## %C class ## ## %F source file ## %L source line # # MessageHeader="%S %T " ## Don't log path to config/database file on startup # # HideSetup = False ## The syslog facility, if you log to syslog # # SyslogFacility = LOG_AUTHPRIV SyslogFacility=LOG_LOCAL2 ## The message authentication method ## - If you change this, you *must* change it ## on client *and* server # # MACType = HMAC-TIGER ## The Prelude-IDS profile to use for reporting ## default value is "samhain" # # PreludeProfile = samhain ## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'info' severity # # PreludeMapToInfo = ## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'low' severity # # PreludeMapToLow = debug info ## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'medium' severity # # PreludeMapToMedium = notice warn err ## Map these samhain severities to impact severity 'high' severity # # PreludeMapToHigh = crit alert # everything below is ignored [EOF] ##################################################################### # This would be the proper syntax for parts that should only be # included for certain hosts. # You may enclose anything in a @HOSTNAME/@end bracket, as long as the # result still has the proper syntax for the config file. # You may have any number of @HOSTNAME/@end brackets. # HOSTNAME should be the fully qualified 'official' name # (e.g. 'nixon.watergate.com', not 'nixon'), no aliases. # No IP number - except if samhain cannot determine the # fully qualified hostname. # # @HOSTNAME # file=/foo/bar # @end # # These are two examples for conditional inclusion/exclusion # of a machine based on the output from 'uname -srm' # $Linux:2.*.7:i666 # file=/foo/bar3 # $end # # !$Linux:2.*.7:i686 # file=/foo/bar2 # $end # #####################################################################