Documentation for sh_mounts, the samhain "Mounts" module. --------------------------------------------------------- sh_mounts implements functionality we had in a policy-checking Perl script we have here at eircom; basically, all it does is ensure that certain mounts are there (for example, /, /tmp, /var, /usr, /home) and that certain options are specified on those mounts (for example noexec,nosuid on /tmp). All quite simple. It wouldn't be too hard to extend this module somewhat, to report any NFS mounts found, for example, or to test that _only_ the mounts specified are mounted on the machine. Here's a bit for the manual: Checking mounted filesystem policies ------------------------------------ samhain can be compiled to check if certain filesystems are mounted, and if they are mounted with the appropriate options. This module currently supports Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD. The configuration of the module is done in the Mounts section of the configuration file: -------->8--------- [Mounts] # # Activate (0 is off). # MountCheckActive=1 # # Interval between checks. # MountCheckInterval=7200 # # Logging severities. We have two checks: to see if a mount is there, and to # see if it is mounted with the correct options. # SeverityMountMissing=warn SeverityOptionMissing=warn # # Mounts to check for, followed by lists of options to check on them. # checkmount=/ checkmount=/var checkmount=/usr checkmount=/tmp noexec,nosuid,nodev checkmount=/home noexec,nosuid,nodev -------->8--------- The module is enabled as part of the compilation of samhain by specifying --enable-mounts-check This module by the Computer Incident Response Team