Using SAMHAIN on Win2K ---------------------- samhain builds and runs on Win2K (and maybe other M$ products) with the (free, GPL) Cygwin environment. Fabio Paracchini writes: (UPDATE: note that some configure options have changed since this has been written. Check the manual and/or run './configure --help' for available options.) The configuration I'm testing now is a server on OpenBSD 2.8 and a client on W2K, using the latest Cygwin. I was able to compile the client on a W2K Cygwin development machine using those configuration flags: --enable-static --enable-network --with-tmp-dir=/tmp --with-data-file=REQ_FROM_SERVER/samhain.db --with-config-file=REQ_FROM_SERVER/etc/samhainrc --with-logserver=x.x.x.x --with-lock-file=/cygdrive/c/samhain.lck --with-log-file=/cygdrive/c/samhain.log I was able to successfully compile and sign the executable, upload to the production server with the cygwin1.dll in the same directory and run both samhain -t init and samhain -t check. If you need a stealthy configuration you could change lock & log file to something more obscure, only pay attention that in Cygwin if you need to access drive C: you have to prefix your path with /cygdrive/c. The configuration is kept on the server where Yule runs; I registered the client and I'm in the process of tuning the exceptions for the files modified by Windows.