to 2.8.0 and higher: samhain supports IPv6 now, which means that the size of the 'ip' column in the database must be increased from VARCHAR(16) to VARCHAR(46). BE SURE TO MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE THIS! -- mysql: alter table samhain.log modify ip VARCHAR(46); -- postgresql: alter table samhain.log alter column ip type varchar(46); -- oracle: alter table samhain.log modify ip VARCHAR2(46); to 2.4.4 and higher: it is possible now to store the full content of small files in the baseline database. To support this feature with logging to an RDBMS, the DB schema for Oracle needs to be adjusted by converting the link_old, link_new columns from VARCHAR2 to CLOB: -- Oracle: ALTER TABLE samhain.log ADD tmp_name CLOB; UPDATE samhain.log SET tmp_name=link_old; ALTER TABLE samhain.log DROP COLUMN link_old; ALTER TABLE samhain.log RENAME COLUMN tmp_name to link_old; ALTER TABLE samhain.log ADD tmp_name CLOB; UPDATE samhain.log SET tmp_name=link_new; ALTER TABLE samhain.log DROP COLUMN link_new; ALTER TABLE samhain.log RENAME COLUMN tmp_name to link_new; -- Samhain server (yule): if you are logging to the RDBMS via the server (yule), as recommended, you need to also upgrade the server, because earlier versions had a too restrictive limit on the maximum length of an SQL query. to 2.3.3 and higher: a bug has been fixed that resulted in an additional slash at the beginning of the linked path of symlinks in the root directory (symlinks in other directories were not affected) -- this may cause spurious warnings about modified links, if you check against a database created with an earlier version of samhain from lower to 2.3.x: the database scheme has changed slightly. To upgrade, use the following SQL commands in the command-line client of your database: -- MySQL: ALTER TABLE samhain.log ADD COLUMN acl_old BLOB; ALTER TABLE samhain.log ADD COLUMN acl_new BLOB; -- PostgreSQL: ALTER TABLE samhain.log ADD COLUMN acl_old TEXT; ALTER TABLE samhain.log ADD COLUMN acl_new TEXT; -- Oracle: ALTER TABLE samhain.log ADD acl_old VARCHAR2(4000); ALTER TABLE samhain.log ADD acl_new VARCHAR2(4000); DROP TRIGGER trigger_on_log; since 2.2.0: server-to-server relay is possible -- this implies that problems will arise if your server is misconfigured to connect to itself (SetExportSeverity is explicitely set to a threshold different from 'none', and the logserver is set to localhost). The server may deadlock in this case. since 2.1.0: update and daemon mode can be combined -- this implies that '-t update' will start a daemon process if running as daemon is the default specified in the config file. use '--foreground' to avoid starting a daemon process from 1.7.x to 1.8.x: client/server encryption protocol has been enhanced -- 1.7.x clients can connect to a 1.8.x server -- 1.8.x clients can only connect to a 1.7.x server, if they are built with --enable-encrypt=1 from 1.6.x to 1.7.x: things to watch out for -- the log server drops root privileges after startup; it needs a logfile directory with write access for the unprivileged user now -- the PID file does not double as lock for the log file anymore; the log file has its own lock now (same path, with .lock appended) -- by default, the HTML status page of the server is in the log directory now; this allows to make the data directory read-only for the server