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Writing modules for samhain

This document should help anyone who is sitting down to write a module for the samhain host intrusion detection system. We give an overview of samhain's structure from the point of view of the module author, and describe some of the samhain utility and interface functions available. Lastly, we explain how to integrate your module into the samhain autoconf build tools.


Samhain is a rather useful file integrity and host intrusion detection system. It is written entirely in C, and much care has been given to making it robust and secure. Additionally, it has been written with extensibility in mind, and so interfaces for adding user-contributed modules have been provided. A module author can easily extend the configuration file syntax and have his checking code run on a regular basis as one of samhain's internal checks.


You'll need to know how to read and write C. You'll need the latest source for samhain. You'll need to have read all of samhain's other documentation. Finally, if you want to make your module build as part of the samhain tree (you do), you'll need GNU's autoconf package.

An overview of samhain's execution

Here's what happens when samhain starts:

You'll note that in the text above I refer to a couple of module functions - mod_init(), mod_check(), etc. These are function pointers that act as hooks for attaching modules to samhain. Next we'll describe how they are used.

Samhain's module interface

Here we'll describe the interface samhain provides to module authors.

The module list

In sh_modules.h, the following structure is defined:

typedef struct mod_type
  /* The name of the module                                    */
  char * name;      

  /* Set by samhain to 1 on successful initialization, else 0  */
  int    initval; 

  /* The initialization function. Return 0 on success.         */
  int (* mod_init)    (void);  
  /* The timer function. Return 0 if NOT time to check.        */
  int (* mod_timer)   (unsigned long tcurrent); 

  /* The check function. Return 0 on success.                  */
  int (* mod_check)   (void); 

  /* The cleanup function. Return 0 on success.                */
  int (* mod_cleanup) (void);

  /* The preparation for reconfiguration. Return 0 on success. */
  int (* mod_reconf) (void);

  /* Section header in config file                             */
  char * conf_section; 

  /* A table of key/handler_function for config file entries   */
  sh_rconf * conf_table; 

} sh_mtype;

This is the structure used to hook modules into samhain. There is a list of these structures (modList), defined in sh_modules.c, containing pointers to the functions to be used for each module compiled into samhain. For example,

sh_mtype modList[] = {
#ifdef SH_USE_UTMP


is the beginning of that table. The author of the sh_utmp module has initialised the structure with the name of the module (note that N_() is just a macro used to delimit strings here), a 0 to signify that the module has not yet been initialised, and then pointers to _init(), _timer(), _check(), _cleanup() and _reconf() functions for the module. Finally, the last two structure elements are for configuration file parsing: the first is the section heading in the configuration file for this module, and the second is a table of type

typedef struct rconf
  char * the_opt;
  int (*func)(char * opt);
} sh_rconf;

(also defined in sh_modules.h). This structure is for storing options for this module to be found in the configuration file, as well as the functions that will be used to parse them when found. In the sh_utmp example above, we can see that this table has been set to sh_utmp_table - this is a reference to a list of the Utmp module's configuration options declared in sh_utmp.h. It should be clear now that one of the changes you will need to make to samhain's source files is to include your header file in sh_modules.c and add a modList entry like the above.

For a description of when during samhain's execution these various module hooks are called, see the overview above. It would likely be helpful to you now to read through the source for one of the modules provided with samhain and see the above actually implemented. You should also be able to use one of these modules as a template for your own.

The message catalogue

Most module authors will want to log messages in their own specified format; samhain stores all of its message formats in a "messages catalogue" found in sh_cat.h and sh_cat.c. For example, for the sh_suidchk module we find the following entries in sh_cat.h, as part of an enum:


Correspondingly in sh_cat.c we find

  { MSG_SUID_POLICY, SH_ERR_SEVERE,  RUN,   N_("msg=\"POLICY SUIDCHK  %s\" path=\"%s\"") },
  { MSG_SUID_FOUND,  SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Found suid/sgid file\" path=\"%s\"") },
  { MSG_SUID_STAT,   SH_ERR_ERR,     ERR,   N_("msg=\"stat: %s\" path=\"%s\"") },
  { MSG_SUID_SUMMARY,SH_ERR_INFO,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Checked for SUID programs: %ld files, %ld seconds\"") },

as part of the table msg_cat[] of type cat_entry:

typedef struct foo_cat_entry {
  unsigned long id;
  unsigned long priority;
  unsigned long class;
  char *        format;
} cat_entry;

The first member of this structure is the message type's ID, as defined in the enum in sh_cat.h. The second is the default priority of such messages, defined as in the samhain documentation. The third is the class of the message, again defined as in the samhain documentation. Finally we have the message format itself, which is a printf() style format string.

This catalogue is used by the logging functions in samhain; you will need to add your own message types and formats to sh_cat.h and sh_cat.c. Note that because samhain can be compiled for XML style logging, you will actually need to make two entries in sh_cat.c for each message; see the file itself for details.

Note that there is a generic message format with the ID 'MSG_E_SUBGEN' and the default priority 'SH_ERR_ERR'. If you are using this message format, then you can log (a) a string, and (b) the name of the subroutine.

This completes our description of samhain's module interface.

Samhain's utility functions

Here we'll describe the main utility functions available to samhain module authors.

String wrapping macros

Constant strings should be wrapped in the _(string) macro. Initialisation strings that cannot be replaced with a function should be wrapped in a N_(string) macro, and the variable thus initialized should be wrapped in a _(var) macro whereever used. This is important for the 'stealth' functionality of samhain.

Logging messages

#include "sh_error.h"

void sh_error_handle(int severity, char * file, long line, long status,
                     unsigned long msg_id, ...)

This is samhain's logging/reporting function, so the name is a little misleading - errors are not the only thing we should handle with this. The first four arguments are simple enough: severity is the logging severity, defined in the enum ShErrLevel from sh_error.h; file and line are the current file and line - usually you'll be using FIL__ and __LINE__ for these; status is not very important - for module authors it'll do to always pass 0 to this. The final named argument is msg_id, which should be one of the message IDs defined in sh_cat.h; these correspond to message format strings in printf() format, which will be interpolated with the following arguments to form the log message.

The '__LINE__' macro is provided by the C preprocessor. The FIL__ macro should be #defined to '_("sourcefile_name")' (see 'String wrapping macros' above).

Example of use:

#define FIL__ _("sh_mounts.c")

sh_error_handle(ShMountsSevMnt, FIL__, __LINE__, 0, MSG_MNT_MNTMISS,

See cat.c for the definition of MSG_MNT_MNTMISS:

{ MSG_MNT_MNTMISS, SH_ERR_WARN,    RUN,   N_("msg=\"Mount missing\" path=\"%s\"")},

So we print this out at severity ShMountsSevMnt, which in this case is a configured value read from the samhain configuration file (see sh_mounts.c). If we wanted to print it at the default severity (SH_ERR_WARN), we could pass -1 as the severity.

Checking files for modification

#include "sh_files.h"

int  sh_files_pushdir_?? (char * dirName);
int  sh_files_pushfile_?? (char * fileName);

These functions push directories and files onto the stack of those to check for the specified policy (see the samhain documentation for further information):
sh_files_pushdir_user0 pushes the directory at USER0
... _user1USER1
... _attrATTR
... _logLOGFILE
... _noigIGNORE NONE
... _alligIGNORE ALL
So if you're writing a module that adds particular files to check, like the sh_userfiles module for example, these are the functions to use.

Managing memory

#include "sh_mem.h"

#define SH_FREE(a)  ...
#define SH_ALLOC(a) ...

These are the macros to use when you're allocating/freeing memory in samhain. They do all the error checking/reporting you need, so when you get memory from SH_ALLOC you can just get to using it right away.

Parsing strings

#include "sh_utils.h"

char * sh_util_strdup    (const char * str);
char * sh_util_strsep    (char **str, const char *delim);
char * sh_util_strconcat (const char * arg1, ...);

int sh_util_flagval(char * c, int * fval);
int sh_util_isnum (char *str);

#include "slib.h"

int sl_strlcpy (char * dst, const char * src, size_t siz);
int sl_strlcat (char * dst, const char * src, size_t siz);
int sl_snprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *format, ... );

These functions are the samhain internal functions for string handling. The first three act like their C library counterparts, except using samhain's memory management functions and error checking. sh_util_flagval converts the passed string into a truth value - the value is stored in fval as 1 or 0 - and returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. sh_util_isnum just checks if the passed string is all numeric.

The functions sl_strlcpy and sl_strlcat work similar to the C library strncpy/strncat functions, except that the destination string is always null terminated, and the third argument must be the full length of the destination buffer, not the remaining space. On success, the return value is 0.

The function sl_snprintf provides either the system snprintf, or a replacement, if the system has no or a buggy snprintf.

Tracing execution

#include "slib.h"

#define SL_ENTER(s) ...
#define SL_RETURN(retval, s) ...

These macros are for tracing execution through samhain functions. You should use SL_ENTER with the name of the function for each function entered, and SL_RETURN with the return value and the name of the function for each exit if you want to maintain compatibility with the rest of samhain.

Executing external programs (popen)

#include "sh_extern.h"

sh_tas_t task;
/* Prepare task */
sh_ext_tas_command(&task, char * command);
sh_ext_tas_add_argv(&task, char * val);
sh_ext_tas_add_envv (&task, char * environment_variable, char * value);

int sh_ext_popen(&task);
int sh_ext_pclose(&task);

To prepare a task to run, use 'sh_ext_tas_init' to initialise the task structure. With 'sh_ext_tas_command' the command (absolute path) is set, with 'sh_ext_tas_add_argv' command line options are added. Environment variables can be set with 'sh_ext_tas_add_envv'.

To open for read, set " = 'r';", to open for write use " = 'w';".

To run the task with privileges dropped to another UID, set "task.privileged = 0;" and task.run_user_uid, task.run_user_gid to the desired UID/GID.

To verify the checksum of the called executable, set task.checksum[KEY_LEN+1] to the TIGER192 checksum of the executable.

After successful execution of sh_ext_popen (return status 0), task.pipe is the stream opened for read or write, and task.pipeFD its associated file descriptor.

Inserting arbitrary data into the baseline database

#include "sh_hash.c"

void sh_hash_push2db (char * key, unsigned long val1, 
		      unsigned long val2, unsigned long val3,
		      unsigned char * str, int size);

char * sh_hash_db2pop (char * key, unsigned long * val1, 
		       unsigned long * val2, unsigned long * val3,
		       int * size);

The baseline database has a fixed record format. To enter data, these need to be prepared in the required format. To retrieve the data, the 'filepath' is used as key (if your data is not a file, you would provide a dummy pathname as key). For convenience, the two functions noted below are provided.

When checking files, samhain will walk the database to find files that are in the database, but have been deleted from the disk. If you enter non-file data, you need to mark it as such by using a key that starts with a 'K'.

#include "sh_hash.c"

void sh_hash_push2db (char * key, unsigned long val1, 
		      unsigned long val2, unsigned long val3,
		      unsigned char * str, int size);

char * sh_hash_db2pop (char * key, unsigned long * val1, 
		       unsigned long * val2, unsigned long * val3,
		       int * size);

To insert data, use 'sh_hash_push2db'. You can insert up to three long integers (val1, val2, val3) and/or a binary string of length size (max. (PATH_MAX-1)/2). As noted above, you need to supply a key (stored as the 'filepath', which should start with the character 'K'). To retrieve data, you can use 'sh_hash_db2pop'. The return value is either NULL (if no string was stored under this key), or the stored string (length returned in 'size').

A string to store may consist of any characters, including NULLs, and need not be NULL terminated. The returned string is always NULL terminated (the terminating NULL is not included in 'size'), and should be freed with SH_FREE() if not required anymore.

If the key is not found in the database, size is set to -1.

Incorporating modules into the samhain build

This is a somewhat secondary but important part of writing a module for samhain: how to incorporate it into the samhain configuration and build process. This just involves hacking the autoconf and makefile setup to include your module. We'll present this file-by-file.

You need to add a few bits to this file. First, add your header, source and object filenames to the HEADERS, SOURCES and OBJECTS variables. Then add your header to the dependencies for sh_modules.o and ./sh_modules.o. Finally add dependency lines for your module object file sh_whatever.o and ./sh_whatever.o, modelling them on the other module object dependency lines.


The will be generated from this file by 'autoheader'. You just need to add a line like

that will be defined by the ./configure code if the user specifies the module as enabled.


This file is used by 'autoconf' to help generate ./configure. You need to add your module's ./configure option to the SH_ENABLE_OPTS variable; for example, to add the option --enable-mounts-check, we added the string 'mounts-check' to this variable.

This is the other file used by 'autoconf' to generate ./configure. You need to add an AC_ARG_ENABLE call to this file, along the lines of those for other modules. For example, we added
        [  --enable-mounts-check        check mount options on filesystems [[no]
        if test "x${enable_mounts_check}" = xyes; then
for the sh_mounts module. This causes the #undef from acconfig.h above to be defined when ./configure is run with the --enable-mounts-check argument.

This is all that you need. Once you've done the above, you'll need to run 'autoheader' and 'autoconfig' to generate and the ./configure script. Then your module will build as part of the samhain source.


Armed with the above information, any proficient C programmer should be able to adapt and extend samhain to do whatever it is they need. We hope that this document has been reasonably clear, easy to follow and useful; please feel free to update it for clarity, accuracy and completeness and resubmit it to the samhain project.

This document was written by the Computer Incident Response Team. Updated with CSS by Rainer Wichmann.