/* * File: sh_userfiles.c * Desc: A module for Samhain; adds files in user directories to the check list * Auth: Jerry Connolly */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */ /* and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as */ /* published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config_xor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "samhain.h" #include "sh_modules.h" #include "sh_userfiles.h" #include "sh_utils.h" #include "sh_schedule.h" #include "sh_error.h" #include "sh_hash.h" #include "sh_files.h" #ifdef SH_USE_USERFILES #define FIL__ _("sh_userfiles.c") /* We won't want to build this into yule */ #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_STANDALONE) static int ShUserfilesActive = S_TRUE; struct userfileslist { char filename[PATH_MAX]; int level; struct userfileslist *next; }; struct userhomeslist { char *pw_dir; struct userhomeslist *next; }; struct useruidlist { unsigned long lower; unsigned long upper; struct useruidlist *next; }; static struct userfileslist *userFiles = NULL; static struct userhomeslist *userHomes = NULL; static struct useruidlist *userUids = NULL; static void sh_userfiles_free_fileslist(struct userfileslist *head); static void sh_userfiles_free_homeslist(struct userhomeslist *head); static void sh_userfiles_free_uidslist (struct useruidlist *head); sh_rconf sh_userfiles_table[] = { { N_("userfilesname"), sh_userfiles_add_file, }, { N_("userfilesactive"), sh_userfiles_set_active, }, { N_("userfilescheckuids"), sh_userfiles_set_uid, }, { NULL, NULL } }; static int sh_userfiles_check_uid (unsigned long uid) { struct useruidlist * uids = userUids; /* default is to include all */ if (userUids == NULL) return 1; while (uids) { if ((uids->upper != 0) && (uid >= uids->lower) && (uid <= uids->upper)) return 1; if ((uids->upper == 0) && (uid == uids->lower)) return 1; uids = uids->next; } return 0; } int sh_userfiles_set_uid (char * str) { char * end; char * p = str; unsigned long lower; unsigned long upper = 0; struct useruidlist * uids; while ((p != NULL) && (*p != '\0')) { lower = strtoul(p, &end, 10); if ( (lower == ULONG_MAX) || (end == p)) return -1; p = end; if (*p == '-') { ++p; if (*p == '\0') { upper = ULONG_MAX; p = NULL; } else { upper = strtoul(p, &end, 10); if ( (upper == ULONG_MAX) || (end == p)) return -1; p = end; if ( (*p != ',') && (*p != '\0')) return -1; if (*p != '\0') ++p; } } else if (*p == '\0') { upper = 0; p = NULL; } else if ((*p == ',') || (*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t')) { upper = 0; ++p; } else { upper = strtoul(p, &end, 10); if ( (upper == ULONG_MAX) || (end == p)) return -1; p = end; if ( (*p != ',') && (*p != ' ') && (*p != '\t') && (*p != '\0') ) return -1; if (*p != '\0') ++p; } uids = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(struct useruidlist)); uids->lower = lower; uids->upper = upper; uids->next = userUids; userUids = uids; /* fprintf(stderr, "range %lu %lu\n", lower, upper); */ } return 0; } /* Add 'c' to the list of files (userFiles) relative to any given HOME * directory that should be checked. */ int sh_userfiles_add_file(char *c) { struct userfileslist *new; char *s, *orig; char *user_filename; int default_level = SH_LEVEL_NOIGNORE; char *separator = " "; SL_ENTER(_("sh_userfiles_add_file")); if( c == NULL ) SL_RETURN(-1, _("sh_userfiles_add_file") ); s = sh_util_strdup(c); /* Maybe c is needed elsewhere */ orig = s; user_filename = sh_util_strsep(&s, separator); if( user_filename == NULL || strlen(user_filename) > PATH_MAX ) SL_RETURN(-1, _("sh_userfiles_add_file") ); new = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(struct userfileslist)); (void) sl_strlcpy(new->filename, user_filename, PATH_MAX); new->next = userFiles; userFiles = new; /* order is important here, since 'log' would match on 'glog' * So, compare longest strings first */ if( s == NULL ) /* The default */ new->level = default_level; else if ( strstr(s, "attributes")!= NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTES; else if ( strstr(s, "allignore") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_ALLIGNORE; else if ( strstr(s, "noignore") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_NOIGNORE; else if ( strstr(s, "logfiles") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_LOGFILES; else if ( strstr(s, "readonly") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_READONLY; else if ( strstr(s, "loggrow") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_LOGGROW; else if ( strstr(s, "user0") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_USER0; else if ( strstr(s, "user1") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_USER1; else if ( strstr(s, "user2") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_USER2; else if ( strstr(s, "user3") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_USER3; else if ( strstr(s, "user4") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_USER4; else if ( strstr(s, "prelink") != NULL ) new->level = SH_LEVEL_PRELINK; else /* The default */ new->level = default_level; SH_FREE(orig); SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_userfiles_add_file") ); } /* Decide if we're active. 1 means yes, all else means no */ int sh_userfiles_set_active(char *c) { int value; SL_ENTER(_("sh_userfiles_set_active")); value = sh_util_flagval(c, &ShUserfilesActive); /* if( value == 1 ) { ShUserfilesActive = S_TRUE; } else { ShUserfilesActive = S_FALSE; } */ SL_RETURN((value), _("sh_userfiles_set_active")); } /* Build the list of users, then use this to construct the filenames to * be checked. */ int sh_userfiles_init(void) { struct passwd *cur_user; struct userhomeslist *end; struct userhomeslist *new; struct userhomeslist *homes; SL_ENTER(_("sh_userfiles_init")); /* We need to free anything allocated by the configuration functions if * we find that the module is to be left inactive - otherwise _reconf() * won't quite work. */ if( ShUserfilesActive == S_FALSE ) { sh_userfiles_free_homeslist(userHomes); sh_userfiles_free_fileslist(userFiles); userHomes = NULL; userFiles = NULL; SL_RETURN(-1, _("sh_userfiles_init")); } /* We build a list in here because the samhain internals want to use * getpwent() too */ /*@-unrecog@*/ setpwent(); /*@+unrecog@*/ while( ( cur_user = /*@-unrecog@*/getpwent()/*@+unrecog@*/ ) != NULL ) { int found = 0; if (0 == sh_userfiles_check_uid( (unsigned long) cur_user->pw_uid)) continue; for( end = userHomes; end != NULL; end = end->next ) { if( sl_strcmp( end->pw_dir, cur_user->pw_dir) == 0 ) { found = 1; /* Found a match, so flag it and stop searching */ break; } } if( found == 0 ) { /* Didn't find it, so add to the front of the list */ new = SH_ALLOC(sizeof(struct userhomeslist) ); new->next = userHomes; new->pw_dir = sh_util_strdup(cur_user->pw_dir); userHomes = new; } } for (homes = userHomes; homes != NULL; homes = homes->next ) { struct userfileslist *file_ptr; char filepath[PATH_MAX]; for (file_ptr = userFiles; file_ptr != NULL; file_ptr = file_ptr->next) { (void) sl_strncpy(filepath, homes->pw_dir, PATH_MAX); (void) sl_strncat(filepath, "/", PATH_MAX); (void) sl_strncat(filepath, file_ptr->filename, PATH_MAX); switch(file_ptr->level) { case SH_LEVEL_READONLY: (void) sh_files_pushfile_ro(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_LOGFILES: (void) sh_files_pushfile_log(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_LOGGROW: (void) sh_files_pushfile_glog(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_NOIGNORE: (void) sh_files_pushfile_noig(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_ALLIGNORE: (void) sh_files_pushfile_allig(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_ATTRIBUTES: (void) sh_files_pushfile_attr(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_USER0: (void) sh_files_pushfile_user0(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_USER1: (void) sh_files_pushfile_user1(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_USER2: (void) sh_files_pushfile_user2(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_USER3: (void) sh_files_pushfile_user3(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_USER4: (void) sh_files_pushfile_user4(filepath); break; case SH_LEVEL_PRELINK: (void) sh_files_pushfile_prelink(filepath); break; default: /* Should not reach here */ break; } } } SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_userfiles_init")); } /* This is pretty much NULL; we don't do anything in our checking routine, * so we never need to run it. Just use tcurrent to avoid compiler warnings. */ int sh_userfiles_timer(time_t tcurrent) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_userfiles_timer")); tcurrent = 0; SL_RETURN((int)tcurrent, _("sh_userfiles_timer")); } int sh_userfiles_check(void) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_userfiles_check")); SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_userfiles_check")); } /* Free our lists and the associated memory */ int sh_userfiles_cleanup(void) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_userfiles_cleanup")); sh_userfiles_free_homeslist(userHomes); sh_userfiles_free_fileslist(userFiles); sh_userfiles_free_uidslist (userUids); SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_userfiles_cleanup")); } /* As with sh_userfiles_cleanup, but in preparation for re-reading the * configuration files */ int sh_userfiles_reconf(void) { SL_ENTER(_("sh_userfiles_reconf")); sh_userfiles_free_homeslist(userHomes); sh_userfiles_free_fileslist(userFiles); sh_userfiles_free_uidslist (userUids); userHomes = NULL; userFiles = NULL; SL_RETURN(0, _("sh_userfiles_reconf")); } /* Recurse to the end of the list and then free the data as we return * back up towards the start, making sure to free any strdupped strings */ static void sh_userfiles_free_homeslist(struct userhomeslist *head) { if( head != NULL ) { sh_userfiles_free_homeslist(head->next); SH_FREE(head->pw_dir); SH_FREE(head); } } /* Recurse to the end of the list and then free the data as we return * back up towards the start */ static void sh_userfiles_free_fileslist(struct userfileslist *head) { if( head != NULL ) { sh_userfiles_free_fileslist(head->next); SH_FREE(head); } } /* Recurse to the end of the list and then free the data as we return * back up towards the start */ static void sh_userfiles_free_uidslist(struct useruidlist *head) { if( head != NULL ) { sh_userfiles_free_uidslist(head->next); SH_FREE(head); } } /* #if defined (SH_WITH_CLIENT) || defined (SH_STANDALONE) */ #endif /* #ifdef SH_USE_USERFILES */ #endif